Birthday Boy

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Jenna's P.O.V

It was December 1st, the day of Tyler's birthday. He was still sleeping while I was making him breakfast and looking after Lisa. I gave up the idea of the surprise birthday party since he's been working too much lately so I changed my mind and asked him if he's ok with just our families and friends. Josh said he'll also bring some of their old friends.

I slowly walked in the room, sat on our bed and started kissing my birthday boy. He was still sleepy but smiled instantly.

"Happy birthday babe!" I said pulling him into a big hug." I love you so much." I handed him the gift I had bought him. It was a new pen and a big notebook. He started writing songs again so I found that to be the perfect gift.

"Thanks Jenna, this is so awsome! Love you too." he kissed me back.
"Look who else wants to congratulate you." I smiled giving him Lisa.
"She's growing up so fast." He said cuddling with her.
"I made you some breakfast, and after that I thought we could go outside. I mean it's cold but we can still go for a walk or something."
"Sure babe, let me just get dressed first."

After we ate our breakfast, we put our warmest jackets on and started walking. Winters in Ohio were always cold so we decided to stop by Tyler's favorite coffee shop for a hot chocolate.

"So, did you come up with something new? I mean music wise?" I carefully asked as we were waiting for our orders.

"I have a few things in mind, not sure what I want to do with them yet though."
"Well, I'm sure it's going to be amazing. The other stuff I heard was great so I bet this will be too."
"Thank you Jenna, that means a lot."

When we got back to the house Lisa was tired from the fresh air so I let her have a short nap so she could be up when the guests arrive. Tyler helped me with the food and decorations and then went to his piano and started playing something.

"That sounds nice."
"Yeah I just came up with it." He said from the other room.

I left what I was doing and went to sit next to him. He always tried teaching me how to play but I guess I wasn't talented or persistent enough. Tyler on the other hand was a natural. He started playing when he was a teenager and didn't stop since. Music will always be one of the most important parts of life.

 Music will always be one of the most important parts of life

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We heard a door bell and went to see who it was.
"Happy birthday bro!" Josh hugged Tyler as he gave him the box with the gift.
"Thanks man, glad you came."
"Hi Jenna, how are you?" Josh asked.
"Good, come in, do you want anything to drink?" I asked Josh as he went to the living room.
"Coke will be just fine, thanks."

After a while more people started arriving, me, Tatum and Maddy being the main "waitresses".
Tyler, being the proud dad he is, greeted Lisa with our friends who still haven't met her.
"She's so cute oh my god." Tyler's friend said not taking his eyes off of Lisa.
"I know right." Tyler smiled.

It was time for the cake, Tyler praised my cooking skills like always. This reminded me of when we first started dating, him being amazed with everything I do. I found that so adorable and attractive at the same time.

"Guys, sorry to cut the party short, but I have an important announcement to make." Josh said while everyone was still eating.
"What's up?" Tyler asked clueless.
Josh then whispered something to him which made Tyler smile like a dork and say "oh my god" out loud.
"So, we just got an e-mail saying we're nominated for this years Grammy Awards!"
"Wow, congrats!" Everybody started hugging the boys.
"I'm so damn proud of you." I cupped Tyler's face and pulled him in for a long kiss. I was so happy because the Grammy's was always their dream and they've really earned it with their last record.

"Cheers guys!" We all raised our glasses and had a toast for the big news and the Tyler's birthday. It was such a beautiful evening filled with laughs and happiness.

Around 11 people started leaving, only mine, Tyler's mom & Tatum stayed to help me clean everything up. "Bye, goodnight and thanks for helping me." I said as they were leaving. Lisa was already asleep, better said Tyler sang her to sleep. There was nothing she enjoyed more than her dad singing to her. Seeing what a great dad Tyler is always made my heart filled with joy.

I took a quick shower and then joined Tyler in our bedroom. He was writing something in the notebook I'd bought him. He seemed very concentrated so I just laid there and read my book.

"Finally!" He said after a few more minutes of silence.
"What's up?"
"Remember how I told you about that upcoming movie and how they needed a song for it and asked us to write it? Well, I've just finished it. That's the melody I played this afternoon on the piano and the lyrics came together pretty fast."
"That's great news Ty, well done."
"I'm gonna go to the studio tomorrow and show it to Josh, he'll probably love it."
"Of course he will."
He seemed tired so I turned the lights off and let him rest. We soon fell asleep but Lisa's crying woke us up not so long after.

"I'll go." Tyler said.
"No it's fine Ty, you just sleep, you have work tomorrow."
"She's just nervous that's all, I'm gonna go check on her and you stay here. Ok?"
"Thanks, you're an amazing dad you know that?" I said as he was taking Lisa from her crib by our bed.
"And you're a great mom as well." He smiled and I soon fell asleep, tired from such an exciting and eventful day.

A bit of a fill up chapter, hope you enjoy it :)
Love you,

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