The Grammys

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2 months later
Tyler's P.O.V

"And the Grammy goes to....twenty øne piløts!"
I swear that moment lasted forever. I was so anxious before we came but all that disappeared when they called our band's name. This was one of those surreal moments you know that you'll never forget. I was so overwhelmed and happy, I kissed Jenna and went with Josh to receive our Grammy.
Everyone clapped and cheered for us while Josh and I just looked at each other, smiling, proud of each other and how far we've come.

After we finished all the interviews and photographers, we went backstage to change and then went to get some drinks.
"I'm so damn proud of you two!" Jenna kissed me, then hugged Josh.
"Couldn't have done it without our families and friends supporting us" Josh smiled.

We kept on walking until we reached the bar we wanted to hang out at. The waiter gave us the list of drinks, everyone decided what they'll have and then we carried on talking about all kinds of things. Besides me, Jenna and Josh, almost all of Josh's and mine siblings joined us along with our parents and few friends.

"Where do you want to go now guys?" I asked after an hour of drinking. "Let's go somewhere else."
"I'm in." Jenna said. Josh said he promised to see some of his other friends and our parents were exhausted so it was just Jenna and me. At first we didn't want to go alone but I was really up for something fun, and since Tatum and Zack were babysitting Lisa, after a very long time, Jenna and I were on our own.

"So, what shall we do first?" I looked at Jenna, searching for my car keys.
"Can we go to eat something?"
"Taco Bell?"
"Fine, I don't mind. After all, you're the winner tonight." She kissed me.
The city lights were making this winter night drive even more magical. I looked over my shoulder, Jenna looking out the window. She was relaxed and happy. I loved being with her alone because it made me realize just how insanely happy I am.
"It's so weird being without Lisa." Jenna said.
"I know, but we need to have some time to ourselves in order to be good parents."
"That's true. I love being with you but I still miss our little girl."
"Me too, but I'm sure Tatum and Zack are taking good care of her."

We arrived to Taco Bell after a while, then ordered food and drinks. People were passing by, most of them not paying attention to us. Eventually, some girls asked for a photo which I was more than happy to take with them. I always appreciate our fans and their support, therefore I was aware that nothing would be possible without them.

"Where to go now? It's already past 11pm. Maybe we should be going back."
"I have an idea which I think you're gonna love ." I smiled and went to our car.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll find out soon." I said smiling and looking at Jenna's confused face.

After 20 minutes of driving, I took the first exit of the highway and on to a side road.
"We're here." I said pulling off by a wooden fence. It started to snow a little bit so I told Jenna to put on her coat.

"I still don't have a clue as to where we're going." Jenna said.
"It's nearby. Come on." I said taking her hand and starting to walk in the direction of the football field. The very same field where we first met. It was in the suburbia of the town so I thought it would be romantic to spend some time there just enjoying the calmness of it.
"Here we are."
"Oh my god Tyler! It's our field, I can't believe you thought of this. Thank you." She hugged me.
"You're welcome honey."

It was cold but it stopped snowing. We were looking at the clear night sky filled with stars.
The silence was amazing, you could only hear some night birds but not many since it was winter.
We stayed there for an hour, admiring the nature, walking around and cuddling. Then Jenna said she was getting cold so we went to our car.

"This was such a great idea, I can't thank you enough babe." She said.
"It's ok." I smiled and kissed her.

We started our drive home and she fell asleep. When we got home I took her out of the car and into the house, bridal style and put her in our bed. She was still in her clothes but looked so peaceful so I felt bad waking her up. I went to take a shower and then put on my sleeping clothes. I was exhausted but happy at the same time. I still couldn't believe everything that happened today. The Grammy's was such a surreal experience and I was so grateful for every moment that lead up to it. Still with my head buzzing from all the things that happened today I somehow managed to relax and fall asleep.

In the morning, Tatum brought Lisa since she was with her and Zack at their house. We all had breakfast together. Lisa was happy to see Jenna and me again so we spent the entire day playing with her, until she eventually fell asleep in Jenna's arms.

Next chapter will probably be longer but I still hope you like this :)

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