Before The Storm

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Jenna's P.O.V

7 months had passed since I found out I was pregnant, each moment being precious in its own way. Just the fact that we're gonna be parents in a short period of time made me smile like a dork.

Today Tyler had to go to the studio, him and Josh being half way done with writing the new record. I was quite happy with what I heard so far. Tyler's songwriting never failed to impress me. Both Tyler and I had agreed that he's going to be at home for at least a year since the baby was born. I already knew he's going to be an amazing dad. 

Tatum said she'll stop by our house to visit me later this afternoon since Tyler was busy the whole day. As I was preparing myself a cup of coffee, I looked at the photograph we had framed and put in our living room. It was the photo of Tatum, Zack, Tyler and me in Australia. I remembered how great touring with Tyler was, how much fun we had together, how I got to know so many of their fans and explore new places. All of that isn't going to be possible when we have a kid. Of course we'll still see each other but it's never going to be the same. The thought of that made me sad and happy at the same time. 

When Tatum came we prepared a cake together, both of us equally obsessed with cooking. I loved having her around, we were like best friends. We made a mess in the kitchen and started to clean everything up when Tyler got home.

"Hey babe, what's up?" he smiled looking at Tatum and me. 
"Weren't you supposed to come at like 8 pm? It's only half past six now. Is everything ok?" 
"Yes, just Josh forgot he had to meet up with someone so I decided to go home since we almost finished everything we had planned for today. How's my favorite person?" he said kissing me and pulling me into a tight hug.
"I'm great, Tatum kept me entertained." I laughed, Tyler saying hi to Tatum and heading to the bathroom. 

"Did you come up with some new ideas?" Tatum asked looking at Tyler.
"Actually yes, and it's pretty good." he said smiling. "Hey Jen, would you mind if I have a few fans come to our house for like a secret session. I'm almost done with this record and can't wait for them to hear it, so I thought having a few of them come here for like an afternoon and play them some of our new songs. If that's OK with you?"
"How many people did you have in mind?" I asked
"Not more than 20. Just a small gathering."
"Great idea." I smiled.
"So you don't mind? I wanted to have them come to the studio but then realized it's too small."
"Of course I don't mind Ty. "
"Thanks babe, you're the best."

A couple of weeks had gone by and it was time for fans to come to our house. I had prepared snacks, while Josh and Tyler were rehearsing new songs non stop. They wanted to make it perfect and I was so proud of them for being so good to their fans.

People had slowly started to arrive, mostly teenage girls, excited to finally meet their idols. Since we had a big living room we decided it's best to have the session there because Tyler's piano was also there.

"OK guys, first of all thank you so much for coming." Tyler spoke to his fans. "We are very excited about this new record, so much that we couldn't wait for you to hear it, though it's going to be out sometime next year."

As the boys started playing their songs, the fans cheered them and the atmosphere was really amazing. Tyler and Josh excited about playing songs for the first time, fans beyond excited about hearing them. It was a really great thing to witness. After they had finished, some fans asked for pictures, autographs etc.

When everybody left, Tyler and Josh started packing their equipment.
"This was awsome, thanks for letting us do this Jen."
"No problem, glad you made some of your fans so happy. They're all really nice."
"They are the best." Josh smiled. "They promised not to tell anyone about the new songs, they know we trust them and having that kind of relationship with fans is a truly great thing."

"I'm gonna go outside for a walk, wanna join me?" Tyler asked me after Josh had left.
"Sure, let me just grab my jacket."

The air was fresh, a chilly October night ahead of us. We walked to the nearest park, a peaceful and quiet environment near our house. Living in Ohio was amazing, as much as we travelled I always loved being home. 

"How'd you like the new songs?" Tyler asked.
"Loved them. You guys have really outdone yourselves with this record. I'm so proud of you."
"Aw, thank you Jen."
"Any plans for tomorrow?" 
"No, just being with you." He smiled while hugging me.

It became a bit windy so we decided to head back home. On our way we stopped by the grocery store since Tyler couldn't survive a day without Red Bull as much as I told him it's not healthy at all.
"Do you need anything?" he asked me as he was paying for what he had bought.
"No, thanks, I'm fine."

It started to rain when we reached our door step, small raindrops covering the grass around us. We were both tired, so we went to bed in no time. 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. My parents want us to come to their house tomorrow." I spoke to Tyler not sure If he heard me or If he was already asleep.
"Sure thing babe. We can go to the cinema afterwards if you want." He said in a sleepy voice.
"That would be great. Goodnight Ty." I whispered pulling myself closer to him and turning the lights off.
I fell asleep thinking about how great tomorrow's gonna be and how much fun we were going to have, spending the whole day together. It's funny how one night can change everything.

Hey frens :) Hope you like this chapter. Thanks for still reading this, I'll start updating more often since my exams are over🙌
Love ya |-/

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