Making Plans

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2 months later

Jenna's P.O.V

"Jenna, come here for a second. I want to show you something."
"What's up?" I asked as I sat next to Tyler. He was looking at houses that were for sale.
"How do you like this one? It has a park and a kindergarten nearby."
"I like it but do we really need a new house? I thought you weren't serious when you said you wanted us to move."
"Yeah, I wasn't at first but I really love this house and I think it would be really great for us. If you want, we can go look at it tomorrow and then we'll decide."
"Alright, we'll go tomorrow just because I see how excited you are."
"Thanks babe." He smiled and continued to work on his computer. I was happy to see this new house mostly beacause the neighbourhood was way better than our current one.

I was putting the photos from our Paris trip in an album when the doorbell rang. It was Josh saying he has to talk to us about somehing important.

"Tyler, Josh is here." I called him.
"Hey man, what's up?"
"I just wanted to invite you to my place for dinner tomorrow night. I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Kate."
"Woah buddy, seems like you're getting serious with her. Of course we'll come." Tyler said.
"Thank you. Well, she's so kind and smart and generally a nice person."
"Thats great news! I'm so happy for you." I said. "Oh and thank you again for taking care of Lisa while we were away. You really helped us out."
"It's nothing, but I'm glad I could help." He smiled.
We talked for a bit more until Josh had to leave.

The next morning Tyler and I headed to see the new house. Tyler's mom was staying with Lisa and we promised to be back soon.
"Also, if we are going to move here we're still gonna be close to our parents houses and they'll be able to visit us all the time." Tyler looked at me.
"Yes, I know that." I said as we pulled over at the driveway.
"Hey, If you don't want us to do this we don't have to. I just think it's gonna be better for the future, that's all."
"I agree, let's go in and see it."

We stepped out of the car into a big lawn in front of the house. It was a quiet neighbourhood because it was still new and not many people lived there yet. A woman introduced herself to us, she was a real estate agent, happy to show us around.

Tyler's P.O.V

The house was big, had lots of windows so it was very bright, and Jenna immediaetly loved it.
"Wow, it's really beautiful. But isn't it a bit much for us?"
"I think it's fine, don't stress about it that much. So, should we buy it?" I asked.

She was still looking around and considering everything. I loved watching her think, she looked so cute when she was focused.
"Let's do it, I like it and you obviously do, the neighbourhood seems nice, it has three bedrooms so we'll have plenty of space when we have guests..."
I interrupted her by giving her a big kiss and wrapping my arms around her, happy that she had finally made a decision.
"Thank you. So much." I smiled.
We hugged and then told the lady we're going to buy it. After signing some papers we headed back home.

Jenna went to make lunch and I took Lisa for a walk. I started thinking about moving in the new house, how great it's going to be but felt kind of sad leaving our neighbourhood behind. It's where I made the most beautiful memories with Jenna and that part of my life is always going to be something I'll never forget. Quiet afternoons with Jenna, family dinners, bringing Lisa from the hospital, long autumn walks... It all came back to me. Still, I was excited to make new memories.

It was time for us to get ready for the dinner at Josh's house, we were also taking Lisa with us.
"Are you ready?" I asked from the living room, already impatient.
"Just a second, I forgot something."
"Come on, were going to be late."
"Alright, lets go." Jenna said walking downstairs.
"Wait, I want to take a picure of you and Lisa. Here, take her." I said and went to take my camera. They both looked so beautiful, therefore I couldn't resist capturing it.
"Now we can go."

"So, what do you think she's like?" Jenna asked while I was driving.
"Who? Josh's new girlfriend? I suppose she's nice, why?"
"Oh no reason. I really hope they stay together so we can go on double dates again. God, I miss Debby so much."
"I know, but there was nothing we could do about it. Let's just be happy for him, ok?"
"Got it." She said and we continued driving.

"Hey, so glad you came. Come on in." Josh welcomed us. "Kate, honey, Jenna and Tyler are here."
"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Kate." A tall, brown eyed girl with long dark hair introduced herself to us.
"Hi, so nice to finally meet you. Josh has told us so much about you." I said.
"Only good things, I hope." She smiled. "Of course." Jenna added.
"Is this your daughter?" Kate asked looking at Lisa who was still sleepy from her nap and was resting in Jenna's arms.
"Yup that's our little princess. Almost a year old." I said.
"She's so cute, you must be lucky."

We had some drinks in the garden and then talked some more before dinner was ready.
"So, you're still in college?" Jenna asked.
"Yes, final year of psychology and then I'm going to work at a high school for a while."
"That's great, hope things work out for you."
"I also play guitar in my free time."
"Amazing, no wonder Josh likes you."

I was helping Josh set the table and said how great Kate seems and that I think he should hold on to her.
"Also, Jenna and her are practically best friends already."
"Yeah, it seems they get along." Josh smiled looking at Jenna and Kate laughing and talking.

After dinner we said our goodbyes, and slowly drove home, trying not to wake up Lisa, who was already asleep.
"So, I guess it's been an exciting day. You ready to start packing in a few weeks?" I looked at Jenna.
"Definetly, we just need to tell our parents that we're actually moving. It still feels a bit weird saying that out loud, but I'm happy we're doing it."
"Me too, and you know what they say; "Home is where your heart is", and you're home to me so I don't really care wherever I go as long as I'm with you."

First of all: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 1K+ HAGSSGSY IM SO HAPPY AHHH :) Thanks to everyone who reads, votes and comments on this story, you guys are the best and i love you all sm💖
I hope you like this chapter, the next one is gonna be the last, i already have some ideas so be patient and i hope i'll update soon.
Stay alive, not just today, but tomorrow as well |-/

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