Always By Your Side

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Jenna's P.O.V

"Hey beautiful, time to wake up." I heard a familiar voice as I started waking up. "Here, I made you some breakfast." Tyler said while putting a tray of food next to me.
"Thanks babe. When are we going to see your family?" I asked.
"In about an hour if that's ok with you."
"Yeah, it's ok. I have a doctors appointment at 4pm."
"Oh...I'm coming with you since Josh and I don't have anything planned for today."
"Alright, we'll go together then."
I felt better having Tyler with me since I was still kind of scared about the whole thing. We also agreed not to tell our families until we know more.

"Tyler! Jenna!" Tyler's mom said surprised as she opened the door for us." I didn't know you were coming earlier. How was the trip?" She asked.
"Good. How are you?" I asked. We started talking and were joined by Tyler's siblings.
"How was Australia?" They asked, while Tyler and I showed them our photos from the trip.
His mom made lunch and since it was a sunny day we ended up sitting in their backyard.
After we finished eating, I reminded Tyler we should get going If we want to be at the doctors on time.
"The lunch was amazing, thanks mom, but we have to go now." Tyler hugged her and we both said bye to his family. "Also, If you want to come to our place, I heard Jenna's making dinner tomorrow." He said looking at me with a dorky smile.
"Of course you're all welcomed to come." I smiled back.
We got into the car making our way to the doctor's office.
As soon as we got there Tyler started saying I shouldn't be worried because it's probably nothing.
"Jenna Joseph." The nurse called my name and I went in. Tyler stayed in the waiting room.
"We're going to do some basic analysis Jenna, no need to be scared." My doctor said. I nodded and she sent me to a different room where they did a blood test, measured my pulse etc.
After I finished, I went to look for Tyler and we headed back home. "They'll have the results in about two days." I informed Tyler as he started asking me what did they say.
He was very quiet on our way home and I knew he was anxious about this whole situation. Not saying anything, I just hugged him. We got home and had a Skype call with Zack and Tatum who said they were coming home in 5 days.
"Can't wait to see you! We miss you so much!" Tatum said.
We ended up talking for a while. Tyler then suggested going to Taco Bell for dinner. I agreed since I knew it was his favorite. After we ordered, he asked "Are you alright Jen?"
"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry so much, it's probably nothing."
"I really hope so." He said. "Wanna watch some movie when we get back home?"
"Sure." I replied.
It started getting cold so Tyler gave me his jacket. We walked home with our hands intertwined.

As soon as we got home, Tyler turned the TV on and looked for a movie. I went to text my parents and then joined him on our couch.
"Come here Jen" Tyler called when he finally found a movie he liked.
I curled up next to him, he kissed me and I held his hand. After a while, he fell asleep and I turned the TV off. He was so adorable so I stayed awake a little while more just to watch him sleep.

"We got the results, you can come over to pick them up today." I recieved a message from my doctor the next day. Tyler inssisted we go together and I agreed. When we got there, I found myself even more nervous than the other day. Tyler must've noticed because he was by my side the entire time. After a few minutes of waiting they called my name and we both went in.
"We have the results Mrs. Josephs and you're perfectly healthy."
Tyler and I sat back in our in our chairs relieved.
"Still...there's one more thing I'd like to tell you."
"What?" Tyler asked concerned.
"I'm very glad to tell you you're a month pregant. Congrats you two." The doctor said.
"Really?" Tyler smiled looking at me.
"We're gonna be parents" I said hugging him. Words couldn't explain the amount of joy we felt at that moment.
"I love you so much Jenna." Tyler said while kissing me.
"I love you too babe, I'm so happy." I replied with a huge smile.
Still hugging we walked out of the hospital and went to the nearest beach. We decided to make a big family dinner as soon as Zack and Tatum get home, and tell everyone.

There were few people on the beach and the sunset was almost gone but the sky was still beautiful. At that moment, I realized how happy I was. We kissed, hugged and enjoyed the fact that we're gonna have a baby in a few months.

 We kissed, hugged and enjoyed the fact that we're gonna have a baby in a few months

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"We should come up with baby names." Tyler suddenly said.
"We don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet." I giggled. I loved seeing him so happy and excited.
"I'm going to make a list of names if it's a girl and you if it's a boy. OK?"
"Deal." I smiled.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter frens :)
Stay alive |-/
Love you 💓
- Anita

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