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Jenna's P.O.V

When I woke up I felt so tired but the doctors said that's normal after the surgery. The first thing I asked for is to see Lisa, our daughter. When they gave her to me I felt so alive and happy, it was an indescribable feeling of joy. Nothing I felt before this could compare. The love I felt for Tyler was different, it wasn't as intense. And, Lisa was perfect. She had dark brown hair and though her eyes were still bright blue I hoped she'll have Tyler's eyes.

"Jenna!" Tyler said almost running into the room. He hugged me, holding me tight, then kissing me on the forehead. I missed having him by my side but I was also happy he's here now. I knew how anxious and scared he must've been. We just stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying each others presence. I cupped his face and gave him a kiss which resulted in him smiling like a dork in love he was.

"Hey, babe." I gave him a weak smile still exhausted from everything. "Look at our little princess." I said giving him our baby. He held her gently in his arms, the look of love I'd never seen in his eyes before.
"She's so beautiful." He stated not taking her eyes off of our daughter. "Hi little one. We love you so much. How are you?" he looked at me.
"Kind of tired but good. The doctors said that we'll be able to go home in about 5 days. They already did all the analysis and stuff to both of us and everything seems fine. She's small but perfect."
"That's great news! Your parents called and mine too, they'll come to visit us later. Do you need anything?"
"Some clean clothes would be nice" I smiled and intertwined our hands.

Tyler went home to take our clothes and some other stuff we needed for the baby. Meanwhile, Lisa was peacefully sleeping next to me. Tyler came in after about an hour saying our families will come in about half an hour.
"They are all so excited to see you two. They've all been so worried, like me... I feel so bad for not being here with you."
"It's ok babe, it was a surgery and you couldn't actually help since I was unconscious the whole time."
"Yes but I still feel bad for not being there... Anyway, look what I brought." He said pulling out an ukulele from his backpack.
"Should I play something for you?"
"Sure, I'd love that."
Tyler started quietly singing a song from their last album, called 'We don't believe what's on TV' and Lisa seemed to enjoy it since she was smiling the entire time. I admired Tyler's soft voice, the sound of it calming me down.

Soon, our families arrived bringing us food, clothes and other gifts. They filled the room with laughter and joy, saying how perfect Lisa was. Even Josh came. When the visit was over, Tyler brought us some food, since the hospital food sucked as usual.
"I can't wait to take you home." Tyler said.
"Me too. By the way, we still need to buy some stuff for the nursery."
"Got it, I can do that. You just focus on resting. I still can't believe we're parents." He looked at Lisa.

Tyler's P.O.V

I was beyond happy to finally meet our daughter, experience being a dad. I knew that's a hard task when you have a job like mine, travelling for the most part of the year. That's why I decided to continue writing a record but take a break from touring for a while. Jenna and Lisa are now the most important thing in my life and I don't want to miss out on being a dad. Both of them deserve that from me. I watched them sleep, peaceful and happy. I snuck out of the room to go get some fresh air. It was October 26th, making Lisa's birthday one day earlier. All I could think about was her.

I got a bunch of messages saying congarts, some even from old friends reaching out. I replied to most of them, grateful they still remember me. Later, I went to thank the doctors who delivered Lisa once again.

"Where have you been?" Jenna asked waking up.
"Outside. How's our baby?"
"Amazing, she's such a strong beautiful girl."
"Like her mom." I smiled. "I'm going to sleep here to keep you company."
"They only have a couch here so it ought to be uncomfortable. It would be better If you went home and got some sleep. Red Bull can't help you that much."
"Nope, I'm staying." I said pecking her cheek.
"As you wish."

It was almost night time, making the entire hospital more quiet. I went to the parking lot, taking a pillow I brought from home. I headed to Jenna's room, ready to spent the night beside her and Lisa.

Hey frens, a bit shorter chapter this time, hope you like it anyway.
Love you💗
Stay alive |-/

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