Sparks Fly

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3 months later
Jenna's P.O.V

The alarm clock going off at 8am in the morning woke me up from sleep. Tyler had already gone to work in the studio. He was going to pick me up in an hour for a doctor's appointement, more of a usual check up really. I was almost 5 months pregnant already. Tyler has been a huge support to me all these months and he continues to treat me like a queen, always asking me how I'm feeling, if I need anything... He's so excited about the whole baby thing that he wants for us to go to a baby store and look for a crib after we finish at the doctor. Today we find out if it's a girl or a boy. Tyler wishes for a girl while to me it doesn't actually matter as long as it's healthy.

I get up, take a shower, text my mom while making breakfast and check my e-mail. It's almost autumn so it's quite chilly outside though it's a sunny day.
My phone rings while I put on my usual daily make-up. It's Tyler saying he'll be here in 10 minutes. I put on my jacket and decide to wait for him outside.
"Lets go babe!" Tyler says when he arrives in his car. "How did you sleep, lovely?"
"Very good, you?"
"Short but also good." He replies.
"How was work? Did you come up with any new ideas?"
"No...I'm actually having some kind of a writers block. I just don't feel so inspired lately. I don't know what's going on to be honest."
"Don't forse yourself to write and don't worry about it so much. I'm sure it's just a temporary thing." I said stroking his cheek.

When we arrived at the hospital I started listening to some music while Tyler sat next to me reading newspapers. In a few minutes we went in. After a few moments the doctor came in and said it's time for the ultrasound scan.
Tyler held my hand the whole time although I was in no pain at all.
"I'm happy to tell you it's a girl and everything seems fine. Congratulations you two." The doctor smiled.
I kissed Tyler and said "Looks like you get to pick the name after all."
"I already thought about a few." He smiled.

As soon as we were done, we went to that store Tyler wanted to buy the baby stuff in. The store was so big you didn't know where to look first.
"Wow..this is huge." Tyler spoke after looking around for a while. "Where shall we start?"
"Well, let's go to see that crib first."
Besides the crib we ended up buying a bunch of baby clothes and toys.
Tyler took the bags to the car and the staff from the store said they were going to deliver us a crib in a few days.
"I think we deserved a lunch. What do you think Jen?"
I nodded and we went to a new restaurant that opened just a few weeks ago. It was in the more expensive part of the town but Tyler didn't seem to mind. They had a big garden full of all sorts of flowers and Tyler inssisted to take a photo of me with a few butterflies that were there as well. No matter how many photos he already had of me, he always loved taking the camera and finding the perfect spot for the picture. He was still in love like when we first started dating.

 He was still in love like when we first started dating

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Tyler's P.O.V

She always looked so beautiful that I couldn't help taking a picture her. I was so happy we were going to have a baby girl so I started suggesting names to Jenna while having lunch.
"What about Mia?" I asked looking at Jenna carefully.
"I don't actually like it that much. Any other ideas?"
"I love that name so much. Lisa Joseph. I love it. It's beautiful." She kissed me, pleased that we finally found a name we both like.

On the drive home, Jenna sang along to 'Tear In My Hear',enjoying the song dedicated to her. I was smiling the whole time, grateful to have her by my side. It was almost dark but the sky was still a bit blue with a few clouds. The air was cold and crispy, street lights flickering as we were going home.
"You tired babe?" I asked.
"A little bit." She replied with a smile.
"We're almost there. I'm gonna make you a hot chocolate when we come home."
"You're always so kind and good to me, thanks Ty."
"Anything for you babe. Can you believe we're gonna be parents in like....3 months?!"
"I know right. It's going to take us a while to get used to the idea it's no loger just the two of us. I'm a little scared but mostly excited."
"We'll be alright. Don't worry, love."

Jenna's P.O.V.

When we arrived, Tyler went to the kitchen while I put on my PJ's.
I went behind him, grabbed his waist, kissed his neck smelling the scent of his cologne. I kept on kissing him, he turned around smiling and putting him arms around me and then under my shirt.
"What about the hot chocolate?" He asked a little bit confused.
"Just leave it." I said taking him by the hand into our bedroom. His kisses were gentle yet wild. I felt his warmth on my body, pulling myself closer to him. He took his shirt off and the next thing I knew he was on top of me, our looks meeting each other in the calmness of the cold night. I ran my hands through his short hair and saw sparks in his eyes. He put his hands on my back, passionately kissing me. In that moment we were one and it felt like heaven.

The morning sun woke us up, and the first thing I saw was Tyler smiling at me. I leaned forward, kissing him on the neck and intertwining our hands.
"Going to the studio later?" I asked.
"I don't think so. It's weekend and besides I prefer staying at home today. With you." He smiled.
"Ok, should I make us some breakfast then?"
"Nah, let's go back to sleep, it's still early." He said hugging me and covering us with another blanket.
I smiled, cuddling him and drifting off back to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter frens❤
Love you,

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