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Jenna's P.O.V

A sharp pain in my stomach woke me up at around 4am in the morning. At first I thought it would go away but I didn't. I had to wake Tyler up.
"Ty, wake up...please." I whispered still feeling bad about waking him up.
"What's wrong? You ok?"
"I don't feel well, my stomach hurts and I'm kind of dizzy. I don't know what's happening."
"I'm taking you to the hospital, let me just go to the bathroom. We're leaving in 5 min."
"Maybe it's nothing..." I said knowing that wasn't the case.
"I don't want to risk it." He said. "It's better to see what's up."

We got in the car, cold wind blowing all around us, I started to feel even worse than I did 15 minutes ago. I was trying to get my mind off of the pain and the fear, so I started looking out the window, watching the street lights flicker, the empty highway made it so easy to get lost in your thoughts. I saw how worried Tyler was, so I gently touched his cheek, trying to calm him down but his eyes were still fixed on the road ahead of us.

"We're here." Tyler said as he parked the car at the hospital driveway. He helped me get out. My feet hurt and I felt so tired.
"Tyler, I'm scared, what if something happens to the baby?"
"Nothing's going to happen Jen, don't worry, I'm here." I felt a bit better hearing Tyler say those words.
We rushed through the hospital doors, there weren't many people, mostly regular patients, kids and a few elderly people.

Ever since I was a kid I hated hospitals. One time I broke my arm and they had to put me a cast, I remember crying the entire time, the doctors and my parents trying to calm me down but it didn't work. I always felt sad, uncomfortable and scared whenever I was in a hospital, my fears always getting the better of me. Tonight was one of those times.

"Hello, can I speak to a doctor please?" Tyler asked the nurse as he held my hand. "My wife is feeling dizzy and complains about the pain in her stomach, she's almost 8 months pregnant."
"Is she bleeding?" The nurse asked us.
"No!" Tyler exclaimed.
"Did she faint?"
"No, she just needs to see a doctor because she isn't feeling well and she's pregnant." Tyler almost shouted, already annoyed I wasn't getting the help I needed.
"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to wait. It seems that this isn't an emergency, and she looks very young and healthy."
"What, so young people can't get sick?"
"Please calm down. We'll attend her as soon as we can." The nurse said and then left to see other patients.

"Calm down babe, I can wait. It's ok." I said trying to calm Tyler down. These things pissed him off.
"No, it's not ok, Jen, these people only care for you if you're 85 and dying." He said letting go of my hand and walking around the waiting room. I could hear the tension is his voice. "Come here Jen, you need to rest." Tyler said motioning for me to sit next to him. I didn't want to complain about the pain but I didn't even have to because Tyler kept asking how I was feeling. So we just sat there, my head resting on his shoulders, our hands intertwined.

After about half an hour later, the pain became unbearable and the last thing I remember is Tyler screaming for help and then fainting.

Tyler's P.O.V

They had to take Jenna to the E.R since she fainted and they haven't told me anything about her ever since. I was pacing back and forth through the hallways, trying to calm myself down but it was impossible. Just the thought of her being all alone put me in such a state where I couldn't control myself. I've never felt like this. The need to be by her side, to protect her and to hold her hand was now stronger than ever.

The voices in my head were so loud it was hard to ignore them. Fear, doubt, anxiety. It was all right there. Everything was dark. I tried thinking about something else, but of course it didn't work.

 I tried thinking about something else, but of course it didn't work

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Suddenly I saw a doctor coming my way. The way they walked always made me feel even more worried about the whole situation. It's like they waited for the last moment to tell you what was going on, the look in their eyes so cold and inhuman, at times it seemed like people were just patients for them. Like they weren't somebody's everything.

"Mr. Joseph?"
"Yes, it's me. How's my wife? What's going on?" I asked.
"The labour started earlier than we expected, she's ok but we had to do a Caesaren section. It's going well so far, I'll keep you updated as much as I can."
"Why hasn't anybody come sooner to tell me that? Do you know what it's like to wait here for 2 hours not knowing what's going on?"
"I'm very sorry nobody came sooner, it's just we're very busy and there are a lot of patients in more critical conditions than your wife. I really have to go now." The doctor said.

I was even more nervous now, knowing I'm not there beside her, holding her hand and supporting her. I was so mad at myself for letting them take her and not coming with her, but at the same time I was so excited that in a few hours I'm going to meet my daughter.

A teenage girl aged about 15 started asking if she could get an autograph. I wasn't in the mood for anything considering the situation with Jenna, the fact it was very early in the morning and I didn't get any sleep. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Please. It would mean so much to me." She said.
"Oh fine. What's your name?"
"Ok Ruby, here you go." I said handing her the piece of paper with my name on it and giving her back the pen she gave me.

"Sorry if I was rude earlier, it's just a person very close to me is in surgery right now."
"It's alright." She smiled. "If it makes you feel better, I just want you to know you're the reason I wake up every morning. I was diagnosed with brain cancer two years ago and it was the worst part of my life. I had to come to the hospital every week, always feeling exhausted from the treatments, the doctors didn't seem to care about me although I was only 12 at the time. Most of the time I was also depressed and didn't feel like leaving my room. I even tried taking my own life at one point. Anyway, your music helped me get through those scary times. Every time I listened to your songs my problems seemed to disappear and I could be a happy, healthy girl again. Fortunately, I'm healthy now, although they said the cancer might come back someday. I come twice a year for a basic check up, and I'm glad I found you here today. So, I just want to thank you for everything."

"Wow... I'm really sorry you had to go through all of that. Glad to hear you're doing well now." I said giving her a hug and saying goodbye to her. It was things like this that made love my job.

For a moment, that girls story helped me get my mind off of things. I was so grateful that something I create can impact people that much.

"Tyler Joseph?" Somebody was calling my name.
"Yes?" I asked looking at a young nurse.
"I'm very glad to tell you your wife is alright and you have a baby girl. Congratulations." She smiled.
"Can I see them?"
"Of course."
I followed her into the room where Jenna was, my minds still buzzing from the fact that this nightmare is finally over and that we're parents.

There you go frens, hope you like this chapter.
Love ya💕

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