One Last Time

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Jenna's P.O.V.

"Ok, I know you told me you're fearless and love adventures so I thought that today we could climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge." Tyler said.
"Wow that's such a great idea. I love it. Thanks babe!" I hugged him and smiled.

"That's not everything. We'll have company. Guess who came to visit us." Tyler said and I suddenly saw Zack, Tylers brother, with Tatum, his wife, coming our way. Tatum and I were very good friends and I missed having her around while touring with Tyler and Josh.

"Tatum! I missed you so much, how are you?" I asked while hugging her.
"I'm great, what about you? How is  touring with twenty one pilots?"
"Exhausting and brilliant at the same time. I'm having so much fun with them." I replied.

We all said hello to each other and waited for Josh to join us.
"So, are we going up?" Zack asked.
"As soon as we get our equipment and Josh comes." Tyler said while texting Josh to hurry up.
"This is gonna be awsome!" Tatum said already excited even though we didn't even start getting ready.
Josh came in a few minutes, we all got ready and went to climb the bridge. We went up and walked accross the bridge. The view was simply breathtaking, you could see the whole Sydney. It was a little windy but none of us seemed to be bothered. We were all so happy to be together enjoying this amazing day.
"Can you take a picture of us Josh?" I asked.
"Yeah sure."

"This was amazing

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"This was amazing. Thank you so much Ty." I whispered to Tyler after the picture was taken.
"You're welcome Jen. I'm so glad you liked it." He smiled and his whole face lit up of joy.

After we got down, we decided to take a walk before going to lunch. We met some cute animals along the way and of course I had to take pictures with each one of them. I was always an animal lover. I grew up with two dogs in a big house and always loved having animals around.

It was lunchtime and we decided to head to this amazing restaurant Josh's friend worked in

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It was lunchtime and we decided to head to this amazing restaurant Josh's friend worked in.
After we ordered drinks we started chatting. I mentioned to Zack and Tatum that I'm going to Tyler and Josh's concert tonight and asked them to join me.
"Sure, we'll come." Zack said. "It's the last show of the tour after all."

When we finished eating, Tyler said he and Josh have to go to soundcheck and they left. Zack, Tatum and me walked for a little while and then they went to their hotel and I got back to the house Ty and me were staying in while in Sydney. It was the house of Tyler's cousin who was away at the moment. I started picking out clothes for tonights show. I was already excited and couldn't wait to see the boys perform. It was going to be their last show in a while so I was sure it was going to be awsome.

When I came to the venue I said hi to Tyler and Josh and stayed for a while to watch them get ready.
Seeing Tyler perform was always one of my favorite things because I knew how much effort he put into it. I was attracted to everything about his performance. The way he moved, how he was brave enough to go into the crowd and how he got so emotional during some songs.
"I'm going to go outside for a while." Tyler suddenly announced.
"Ok babe, take as much time as you need."

Sometimes I felt bad because I knew how anxious he got before shows. He always played it cool but deep down he almost always had panic attacks. Being quite shy myself, I got how frustrating it is to be thrown into such a massive show. The lights, the stage, the screaming crowd... Even so, Tyler was an amazing performer. He engaged with his fans so much and they were the most loyal fandom I've ever met. Their relationship was something special. Words aren't enough to describe how much Tyler and Josh meant to them and how much the fans meant to Tyler and Josh.

"Time to go on stage guys." A tall guy announced to Josh and me.
"Where's Tyler?" Josh asked.
"He said he went out to get some air before the show. I dont know what's taking him so long." I replied.
"You have 10 more minutes and then you really have to be on stage." The guy said.
"I'm sure he'll be back soon." Josh said.

Tyler's P.O.V

"You're fine. Everything's going to be ok." I repeated to myself quietly freaking out and my anxiety getting the better of me. "You're gonna mess it up because you suck at everything. You'te worthless." The voices in my head wouldn't stop. Sometimes they just couldn't go away no matter how hard I tried to ignore them. It only got worse when I was nervous like tonight. No matter how many fans I have or how good people always say I am, I still feel insecure. Not around Jenna though. When she's around all my problems seem to disappear. I love her so much. She's blonde with the most beautiful bright blue eyes I've ever seen. They were blue like the clearest ocean but also reminded me of bright blue sky on a sunny day. She was everything. Smart, kind, loving and I still couldn't believe she was my wife. I often felt like I didn't deserve her because she was so perfect and me.... well, I was just a bunch of flaws.
Before Jenna came I was completely lost. I even tried ending my life at one point but thankfully didn't succssed. My brother Zack found me and took me to hospital. That was the darkest period of my life and I never told Jenna about it. She doesn't need to be burdened with my problems. What helped me get through those dark times was music. I always felt a sense of worth while writing. It was what kept me alive and I couldn't imagine my life without it.

"Oh crap!" I said looking at my phone seeing it was almost time for the concert to start. I quickly ran towards the enterance, opening the door and taking a deep breath.
"Alright, this is it. You can do this."

Longer chapter than I planned it to be but I like how it turned out. Hope you do too.
Love you, stay alive

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