Future Looks Good

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Tyler's P.O.V

It's been 6 days since Lisa was born, both her and Jenna are doing great so the day to take them home has finally arrived. I was so excited to have them with me the entire time, because even though I've been going to the hospital to see them non stop, it's not the same.

Ever since Lisa was born I started feeling a sense of deep purpose. To always be there for her, to protect her and make her happy. It's a completely new emotion to me. It seems that you somehow forget all the bad stuff when something as amazing as this happens. It's like your whole life before that moment seems unimportant. My lyrics are slowly changing too. They're not as dark as they used to be.

On my way to the hospital I stopped by a big football field. It was the place where I first met Jenna. Her brother was a senior playing for his school team and she was cheering for him with some of her friends. I remember approaching her and for the first time ever noticing how blue her eyes are. It was a shade of blue I'd never seen before. I was immediately pulled into her universe. She smiled at me and I remember how truly honest that smile was. That's when I fell in love with her and ever since that moment I felt like a new chapter of my life was being written. Lost in my thoughts, I gazed up to the sky, not a single cloud on it.

A sound of my phone pulled me back from my daydreaming. It was Jenna saying how Lisa and her are ready and waiting for me. I went back to the car and started driving.

"Are my girls ready?" I smiled looking at Jenna holding Lisa, a sight I'll never get tired of.
"I think so." Jenna said kissing me. "Missed you babe. Can't wait to be home."
"Missed you more. How's daddy's little princess today?" I smiled taking Lisa. I was so relaxed and happy while holding her and wished to stay like that forever. I slowly put her in the car seat we had bought, still too big for her.
"She's so tiny." I whispered since she was falling asleep.
"I know." Jenna said. "But she's healthy and that's what matters most. Don't worry." She smiled.

The drive home was quiet, weather changing before our eyes and Jenna seemed distant.
"Are you ok babe?" I asked.
"Yes, just tired. Lisa was awake the entire night so I didn't sleep at all."
"Well, you can have some rest when we get home since I'm going to be taking care of her." I pecked her cheek making her smile.

When we arrived home, Jenna had a shower and then went to bed. She was exhausted but still asked if i could be on my own with Lisa. She was such a devoted mom, making me love her even more if that's even possible. I was so proud of her.

While Jenna was sleeping, I put Lisa in my arms, sat on our couch and started singing to her.

Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help
Falling in love with you...

Jenna's P.O.V

"Hey. Seems like you two are having fun." I looked at Tyler holding Lisa and singing to her. He was already the best dad ever.

"We are. Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"
"I took a nap so I'm good now. Any wishes for dinner?" I asked knowing if I didn't make one he's going to go to Taco Bell.

"Zack said we can come over to their place since Tatum is making something. If you want, I mean."
"Sure, that way we'll be able to catch up. I missed them. And I missed you. I'm used to having you with me all day and I honestly can't imagine my life without you, and Lisa of course."
"Well, it's a good thing you don't have too. I'm always gonna be here. No matter what."
"Yes, you say that and I know you're gonna be a great dad, you already are. But when you start touring again, everything's going to change. And I really don't want you to give up something you've worked so hard for. It was your dream and now that you've finally made it, having the best fans ever you shouldn't just throw all of that away."
"Jenna, our family is always going to be the most important thing. I love you for understanding everything about the craziness of my job, the fame, the touring but you really don't need to worry about that. You two are what matters to me the most, I'm never going to tour for 5 months without stopping and leave you completely alone with our kid. And anyway, we're on a break now, so don't worry." He hugged me as if to make sure I understood everything he had said to me.
"Got it." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. These were the moments I enjoyed the most. Being together, talking, making memories neither of us is ever going to forget.

"Today I stopped by that football field where we first met. I remembered how adorable you were." he said.
"Oh really, and I'm not adorable now?" I laughed.

"Of course you are but that was the first time I ever saw you and I just couldn't understand how one can be so perfect. I still don't."
"Thanks babe, but you're not so bad yourself. You just need a bit more self-confidence, that's all. When you get how amazing you really are, everything you doubt about yourself will go away. Trust me."
"If you say so." he said. "Should we start getting ready for dinner?"
"Yes, let me just get Lisa ready and then we'll go."

I dressed Lisa, then joined Tyler who was already in the car blasting some of their new songs, which, I must admit, sounded great.

"All set?" he asked before starting the car.
"Ready to go." I replied and we started our drive to Zack and Tatum's house.

Hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writting it.
Stay alive frens |-/
Love ya💓

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