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Tyler's P.O.V

It was a cold winter day, everything outside was covered in snowflakes. Jenna was making Christmas dinner, with the help of Tatum and my mom. They loved spending time together while I loved being with Lisa. We were in her room playing with her stuffed animals aka her favorite toys. She slowly started getting her first tooths so Jenna and I were dealing with many sleepless nights. We were never this exhausted but we somehow managed to pull it off. My mom had told us that it only seems like it lasts forever but it really doesn't and that kids grow up too fast.

"Need any help?" I asked Jenna who was all caught up in cooking.
"No we're fine, thanks babe."

Since Lisa was sleepy I let her take a nap and then went to the living room and started playing "Heathens", a new song we were making for a movie.
I pressed the black and white keys, the perfectly arranged chords making me proud of myself for being so creative. Slowly singing the song I noticed my mom was watching me. She was always proud of me and loved my songs.
"It sounds amazing sweetheart." She smiled.
"You always say that." I tilted my head playfully.
"Beacause its true."
"Thanks mom."

We postponed the album relese since we were quite busy still finishing songs. Writers block wasn't an issue anymore so I was using most of it, writing songs almost every week. Josh and I were now on a holiday break so I didn't go to the studio so often.

I went to see what was going on in the kitchen to find a tired Jenna in a mood for a change.
"Lets go somewhere Ty."
We decided to go for a walk and clear our minds.

Jenna and I were walking down the street I used to live in, a nearby neighbourhood. Lots of memories coming back to me, my brother and I riding our bikes, running around with other kids. Soemtimes I miss living there.
It was already dark since it was December. I loved the sound of snow under my feet and felt like a little happy child again, enjoying the beauties of winter.

"You ok?" Jenna said looking at me.
"Yeah, just remembering how was it while I lived here."
"I get that, I miss my childhood home sometimes too. But I wouldn't change anything because I'm so happy with you and Lisa right now."
I saw sparks in her eyes as she was talking about our life together and remembered how she had that same look on our wedding day. She was so gorgeous I had to pinch myslef cause I couldn't get how an angel like that even exists, let alone is my wife.
"I'm beyond happy with you too." I kissed her, both our cheeks red from the cold.

We ended up walking a bit more and then going back since Jenna wanted to spent some time with Lisa before our families arrive for dinner.

"We're home." I said as we walking in, taking off our jackets.
"Hey, we finished everything and the others are coming soon." Tatum said.
"Thanks guys, appreciate it." Jenna smiled.

After everyone arrived we had dinner.
"This is amazing. Well done." I said enjoying the meal.
"Thank you." My mom said. Everybody talked, played with Lisa and the evening went by fast. We said goodbye to the guests and started cleaning up. Lisa was already asleep so it was just Jenna and me.
When we finished, we went to bed and soon fell asleep.

The next morning it was Christmas day, Jenna and me still in our PJs exchanging gifts, as well as giving them to Lisa and then making breakfast.
Josh said he'll stop by later and just hang out with us for a while. Lisa adorded him so Jenna and I were already making plans for him to be Lisa's babysitter.

"Hi, how's my favorite girl doing?" Josh asked as soon as he arrived. He hugged her and then went to sit with Jenna and me.
We talked for a while and then Josh and I started talking about our new album and what it should sound like. The songs we had so far were slower ones so we agreed on making some up tempo records for a change. After talking about it for a while, Josh headed back home, Jenna and me occupied with Lisa.

Time jump

Before we knew it, it was New Years day. We decided to spend it home with Lisa, so Jenna went to buy us some drinks and food for later tonight.
She got back with lots of bags full of groceries and said it was freezing outside. I turned on our fireplace and made her hot chocolate.
"Thanks babe. You're so sweet." She pecked my cheek.
Later, I helped her make dinner and checked on Lisa from time to time. We had dinner and went to our living room to watch a movie.

"Almost there." I said looking at the clock that read 11.50. "I'm never gonna forget this year." I smiled.
"Me too. It was life changing, with Lisa's birth and everything. But I'm also looking forward to see what the future holds."
"Future doesn't seem that scary when you're around." I smiled.
The fireworks and loud noises coming from the outside began and we knew it was 12 o'clock.
"Happy New Year honey."
"Haply New Year Jenna, love you." I said pulling her in for a long kiss and looking forward to spending many years ahead with her and Lisa.

Hope you like this frens :)
Love you and thanks for 700+ reads! Also check out my fren stayalive657's story 🙌
Stay alive💕

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