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Tyler's P.O.V

"This one goes out to my wife." I said as I started playing 'Tear In My Heart', written for Jenna. It was a very special song for me since it's the first love song I ever wrote.
The crowd was amazing, they knew all the lyrics and were so loud. I love loud crowds because they make me feel alive and give me that extra energy exactly when I need it the most. Even so, my fears and insecurities wouldn't stop.
Whenever I felt anxious or scared while performing I would look at Josh and immedietly calm down. I couldn't imagine doing this without him. He was always there for me, like a true friend.

During the last song of our set, I called Jenna to come out on stage and say hello to the fans. Red conffeti was flying everywhere and Jenna finally got up on stage. Everytime I saw her it felt like I was falling in love with her all over again.
"I was watching you the whole time, you were amazing." She said while I hugged her. "I'm so proud of you."
"I know. Thank you." I smiled. Her presence made everything seem better.

We said goodbye to the crowd, went backstage and were greeted by Zack and Tatum

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We said goodbye to the crowd, went backstage and were greeted by Zack and Tatum.
"You killed it. Incredible performance you two. Congrats!" Tatum said while hugging Josh and me.
"Thanks. We did our best." Josh replied.
"Should we all go out for drinks to celebrate the end of this epic tour?" Zack suggested.
"You go ahead but I feel really tired. I think I'll just go home and sleep." Jenna said.
"If you dont' feel well, I'm going with you." I said already worried for her.
"No way Ty. This is your night. Go out and celebrate with them. I'll be ok. Don't worry."
"Jenna, there's no way I'm leaving you alone if you're not feeling well. Sorry guys, we'll celebrate another time, ok?"
"No problem, you go home and get some rest Jen." Tatum said.
"Ok, bye guys. Have fun." I said while packing my things and heading out the venue with Jenna.

Jenna's P.O.V

As soon as we arrived home, Tyler made me a tea and told me to go to bed. He was always so kind and caring. I could see he was getting worried about me.
"Here you go Jen." He said while giving me a cup of tea and some Oreo cookies. His favorite. He was such a kid and got excited whenever I bought them for him.
"Thank you babe." I replied. "You didn't have to do this. I feel kind of bad making you miss going out with them."
"No problem. It's my pleasure." He smiled, making me want to wrap my arms around him and never let him go.
"Jen, I was thinking... maybe we should go back to Ohio tomorrow."
"What? But we're supposed to wait another week for your cousin to get back so we could give him the key and thank him for letting us stay here."
"Yeah but this is the second time you feel exhausted like this since we came. I really think you should go and see your doctor."
"Tyler, I'm fine. Just tired that's all. I don't want to leave Australia sooner than we planned. There's still a lot of stuff for us to see and do here and I don't want to miss that."
"We'll come again, but I would really like for you to go home, see a doctor and get some rest." He said. I saw the worry in his eyes so I decided to say yes and stop arguing. I soon fell asleep and woke up at 3am. Tyler wasn't next to me so I went to look for him. I walked to the kitchen and living room but he was nowhere to be seen. I was starting to get worried since I knew he often had panic attacks and trouble with sleeping. The front door opened and I saw him walk in.
"Why are you up? You should be sleeping." He said.
"I got up to go drink some water. Where have you been? What's going on? Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep that's all."
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm fine. Let's go back to sleep. We have to be at the airport at"
We headed back to our room and Tyler fell asleep right away while I stayed up a little bit more just to watch him sleep. He looked even more beautiful when he was asleep. I ran my hands through his short brown hair and kissed him on the cheek. The next thing I heard was the alarm clock going off at 5am and Tyler telling me we have to hurry up if we want to catch the plane to Ohio.

Hope you like this chapter.
Stay alive |-/

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