Artemis Child Ch39

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The enemy was standing ready, trying to understand its current opponent. The black weapon made his appearance gruesome, and unbearable for someone of his heritage. Cory swung first from a diagonal position. Andrew backed him up when he was blocked, forcing the enemy back. I tried to summon my flames, but they would not ignite. 'What the hell? Did I break it already?' I thought to myself. Instead of dwelling on the problem I brought out my axe. This felt heavier than before, in fact it was starting to sulk to the cavern floor. Kaylyn and Toni tried to fire from a distance, although the staffs seemed to warp gravity. The projectiles flew on a steep path to the floor. Not only that they glowed every time the mysterious pink eyed guy was attacked.

I wanted to help. My legs wouldn't move. Why was my body fighting me? 'You have no strength with out accepting what you are.' My voice echoed in my head. "I don't want this. I don't want this." I said in a whisper. Kaylyn closed the distance with the enemy. "Max. Please. Stop." She said to him, but he just shouted back. "You will forget about me!" He shook his head and wobbled a little as if that took a lot of energy out of him. Kaylyn stared at him blankly and confused.

She then did something unexpected. She poked her finger tips with an arrow. Then taped her two front finger on each hand and tapped them together. Then she slammed knuckles together and drew the blood onto her wrist. With one swift motion, she got behind him and she forced her palms into his back. The blood boiled and exploded on his back like a video game punch.

"Your charm speech doesn't work on me." She said, no longer holding back. He blocked her second attack, then picked up one of the staffs. He used it to counter everything that came at him. My chest was heavy, and my forehead held beads of sweat. I was barely able to stand anymore. 'The staffs draw in power.' My voiced echoed at me. I wanted to talk, but my tongue felt like it was tied. Cory kept fighting:

The staff hit my head with a rang.

I should have ducked, now my vision was blurry. My spear was hard to swing without hitting my friends, who were close in combat. 'You have to break his will.' My father had said to me. 'Gena felt alone when she saw him. Maybe he is giving off his actual emotions.' I thought to myself, and dodged a low swing. "Kaylyn, you have to break up with him." I called to her.

She gave me a harsh look. She tried to continue fighting even after I said that. I then got clipped in the leg with the sword. Andrew got caught in the chin with the other weapon. We were both on the ground now, at the enemy's mercy. "Kaylyn. You..." she cut me off. "I know."

"Max, I don't love you anymore!" She said in a loud whisper. Even though Maximus was pale, color seemed to still drain from his face. His sword disappeared, and the staffs crumbled into powder. He fell forward, but Kaylyn ran to catch him. He hung loosely in her arms. "Kaylyn." Was all he said before my father appeared. He was in a easier form. His face no longer shifting in a gruesome manner. He looked like he did on my birthday.

"Dad you are kind of ruining the moment." I said, but deep down I was happy to see him again. "Giants have been raised. Your time here has passed." He said, the expression on his face was rigid. "You have fixed the soul connection, but not for the gods. You must find a way to reunited the..." his voice cut off and a wall of bloody dirt, blocked him from us. The ceiling crumbled around us, and we were suddenly outside.

Gena dropped to the ground, Kaylyn and Maximus were gone, along with my father. I picked up Gena. " You okay?" I asked her. "No I feel weak, I can't summon fire. I can't even talk straight." She said her voice breaking between words. "No this can't be happening, I did all this to fix you." I said, not understanding.

"It is happening." A voice said behind us all. On top of the lake water, was the teen who called himself Damocles. He was on a small row boat, and in armor. I drew my bow, and notched an arrow. "Not this time you keep your distance." Andrew said with an angry tone. I his hand was a small key, just like the one Gaia was holding. "My mother is finally letting me use this." He said with a snicker. "Nemesis, mother. I will make you proud." He seemed to say to himself.

"Wait, this is all Nemesis's doing?" I asked confused. "Yep. All to get back at your mother. Something she did, centuries ago." This made me pissed. My canine teeth started to ache. "All for some stupid grudge?" I asked another question. "Yup." He replied. "Killing your family, poisoning you, hurting that Hermes's girl's boyfriend, and even having the prophet tell a false prophecy. Prometheus just wanted death, and he was given it."

The row boat was now close enough that he hopped out onto the bank, ready to fight. I fired the arrow.

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