Artemis Child Ch9

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  Serena pulled the blade closer and closer to the chimera's dragon head eye. "Why did you take my father?" She asked firmly. "Because I was ordered to. If it was up to me I would have killed him sooner." He replied with a snicker.

"What do you mean? Ordered to, by who and what do you mean by sooner?" She asked in a confused tone. This time the creature laughed. "Hahaha. Didn't you notice your father not freaking out about the spiders or even moving to breathe?" The words cut deep into her. "Fine then. You should join him." She raised her sword and sunk it deep into his eye.

The creature bellowed in pain. Although it only got worse. Serena changed her weapon into a shield while it was in the creature's eye. The wound expanded, but she wasn't done. She repeated this process many times, making sure not to kill the creature. "Now who ordered you?" She shouted over the creature's roars of pain. "I. Said. Who." She said each word after she stabbed him.

"Mother of earth. Mother of all. She wishes of it and I did it." He said just before she delivered the final blow. She starred at the monster and didn't move even as it turned into dust slowly like a melting ice pop. "Come on Serena we have nothing left here. Lets go." I said and stepped closer.

Out of rage and nothing to hit, she swung at me. I reached up and caught the blade before it hit me with my gauntlet. "Come on there is a camp for people like us. There are a lot of people in the Athena cabin. They could be family to you." I said while pushing her sword down. "No, I want to kill the woman who speaks in my ear. The woman who gave me this weapon and calls me a pawn." She said as she put her weapon away.

"Wait is it a voice that makes your skin crawl? And makes you look around even though she isn't near you?" I asked in a worried voice. "How did you know that?" She asked just as worried. "Long story. Come on I'll explain on the way back up." I said as I climbed off the pile of shiny dust underneath us and headed for the stairs that were on the far corner.

On our way up, we exchanged our experiences with the voice and what we believed. It felt weird being able to relate to someone who I had no interest in. Yeah she is cute, but the girl I had my eyes on was being difficult.

"So you like that Gena girl huh?" She asked as if reading my mind, which took me by surprise. "What I. It's not. But we." I tried to make an excuse. "It's ok, I won't say anything." She assured me as we made our way to the window that we climbed through. We climbed out the window and regrouped with Gena and Andrew. Although when we got there, another person was there besides our two companions.

A middle aged man, wearing a button up cotton shirt and cargo pants. stood next to them. "You!" Was all I heard before I got punched across the face by him. "Your mother's name is soiled by your birth. You ruin her name, more and more with every breath you take." He tried to punch me again, but I caught his fist.
This was Prometheus, from the act of rage showed something more. Then I looked into his eyes. It was something new.
"You loved her didn't you? You weren't punished for giving man fire. You were punished for loving Zues' s daughter." I said reading his eyes. He then backed up, and took a breath. "Why are you looking for me anyway? Your friends here filled me on what the oracle said." He asked changing the subject.
"Well if they filled you in then you should know that we need the soul of a giver. And you sir are a giver." I said in a irritated voice because I was still pissed about getting punched. "Well you already have it." He said pointing to Gena. "She has a part of my soul. I can feel it, that's what drew me to this building. She is what you need." His words made me question him more.
"What do you mean? Is she 4/5 of a god?" I asked confused. "No but she can control something her father and I can control." He said as he turned to her and offered his hand. "Take this gift, for it is the last time I can give this gift." He said with a fake smile to hide his pain and fear.
She took his hand in hers curiously, but there was no sudden alarm. "I'm sorry child, but this is goodbye." Were the last words he said as his body started to disintegrate. We watched as his body vanished in a ember of light that flickered like a flame, and left no trace as if it was ever there.
The air seemed emptier. Colder than before. If this was the beginning of the end, We wouldn't know.
  "Soul of a giver.." she mumbled looking at her hand.

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