Artemis Child Ch12

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The veins weren't noticed by them but my skin reacting to the veins did. Bruising rash was flaring up on top.
"Oh my gods, Cory! What in the underworld is that?" Serena asked as her eyes landed on my poisoned skin. She reached to touch it, but I backed up. "This is what I get for not leaving y'all behind." I said while looking down, avoiding eye contact.

I explained what happened after leaving when Gena swallowed the fire. I left out no details, and saw their expressions. "So what will happen on the eclipse?" Andrew asked with actual worry in his voice. "I have no idea, but I do know one thing. It has something to do with being a monster." I answered. "Wait, um. Did anyone else hear about the part with the two ton crate? You must be a young Hercules." Serena said trying to cheer me up.
"Hercules was loved by all, and was not born of a so called virgin goddess." I said and put quotations on virgin because I existed. "Besides, if anything. Andrew is more cut out for that position." I said and balled up a napkin that had the mustard I wiped off my face. "Him being better in everyway." I mumbled to myself, and got up from my chair.
"I got to use the bathroom." I said and made my way to the bathroom. My arm was hurting more and more.
Looking in the mirror my face was ghastly white. I splashed water on my face and looked closer into the reflection. The muscles around my jaw feel like my arms or legs after a months of work outs. They were tightening and the were becoming more defined. My normal slightly chubby face was basically now foreign.
'Why am I no longer being in control?' I thought, and pressed my hand to the glass. The cold surface made new images flash across my mind. No not across my mind, the displayed on the the mirror.
Something flying above with large flaming wings. The wings were of bones, and the tips were sharp jagged, fractured bones. I must have been pressing on the glass hard because a crack webbed across the image and brought my reflection back.
I pretended to wash my hands, and then I left. Turning off the light and not looking back as I left. "Act casual." I said to myself and met back with everyone.
After leaving Bud's Broilers, we made our way back to the train. "Man I hate the train." I complained out loud. "Do we really have to go back on there?" I asked like a child. "Its the only transportation we can afford, now that we are bringing four people back to camp. Sorry." Andrew answered, but apologized because of what happened last time. "Ok, but I get the bed this time." Gena said as she jumped up to poke Andrew.

I noticed that my teeth started to hurt, along with my tongue. I ignored it for now as we crept closer to the train station. Serena broke our silence: "Hey guys I noticed that a lot of things between you guys is black. Cory's weapon, Gena's fire, and the tattoo on Andrew's shower."

"Wait when did you see my tattoo?" Andrew asked lifting up his left sleeve to reveal a small tattoo. It was a bear on a shield, with cursive letters under it. "I saw it when you were stretching. My dad used to say that colors bind people together, in life and death. Me and him used to wear the same color leather jacket." She explained as she pulled on the jacket a bit. "Kind of weird." I said as I looked down at my arm.

We walked into the train station, only to get stopped. "You four stop." A large police officer said. He had black short hair, brown eyes, and no facial hair. "Recent video footage puts some of you as suspected runaways. We are going to have you come with us for questioning."
"Wait do I have to go too?" Serena asked confused. "Yes." The other officer answered firmly. And motioned for us to follow.

We rode in the squad car, watching the buildings go by in silence. Serena was piled up awkwardly against me. She had to turn sideways because Andrew took up a lot of room. Her chest was pushed roughly against my arm. I didn't know how a little movement made it worst.
When I tried to move my arm away from her, she let out a little soft sound and a pant. There was a pothole which made things exceeding through the barriers of WHAT THE HELL." She got launched from the pothole and her chest went higher.
I don't know if it was cold in the car, or if it was the constant accidental rubbing, but something poking through her shirt hit my face.
Another soft sound came out. "Can you put on the radio?" I asked the officers and tried to ignore the fact that one more pothole and my head will be lost in Serena's chest. "Yeah, hold up." was my answer. Our ears were pounded with with some old fashion country. The song was finished after only few verses, because it was turned on near the end. Which was enough to arrive to the station.

We got into the station, which was a pretty small building. We were walked through and brought into a room. We dipped our hands in the black ink cartridges that were held by other officers, then waited for our results. "Wait, do you think they are going to arrest me because my dad went missing?" Serena asked with the sound of worry. "No they think we are just run aways can't do anything if our prints don't show anything. They will most likely call people we know to pick us up or try to put us through a juvenile system." I answered, while I messed with my throbbing teeth.

The cops came back in, and motioned for us to put our hands on the wall. "Ok stand up and keep your hands on the wall." One of them checked us, but they never seemed to notice the weapons we had on us. They cuffed us and walked us into a small jail cell. We sat and watched the police as the did other things besides keep us company.

I was still messing with my teeth, until four fell out. All of them being my canines.

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