Artemis Child Ch6

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Laying down on a lumpy hotel bed was not my idea of an enjoyable night. Although, with very little options it would have to do. I laid there staring up at the ceiling, while my heart thumped in light tings of jealousy. The door that separated the two rooms of this part of the building, was cracked so some noise could come through. Barely audible voices passed through it, muffled by a second noise it became silent. 'What is going on? Why can't I stop caring? Why does she have to pull at my heart? Why me?' I thought to myself while I raised my right hand as if to grab the ceiling. I turned over to the hoodie that was given to me, which lay next to me.

'Might as well see if it fits' I thought, and sat up. The hoodie seemed to fit really snuggly, in fact it felt like I wasn't wearing anything. I laid back down and pulled my hood on. Looking around the room, my eyes kept drifting to the door. 'Think of something else Cory. Wow this comforter is really tacky.' I thought to myself, but when I looked down at my hoodie. It was gone, at least I thought it was. It took me a second to realise that the hoodie became the design of the comforter.

'Woah this hoodie is pretty cool. Although I wonder what else it can do.' I thought to my self as I got up and headed for the cracked door to show them my jacket.

Opening the door I walked into a view that I didn't want to see. Gena was asleep on Andrew's bed, and pressed against his arm. Without making a sound I left the hotel room, and climbed onto the roof.

The crescent moon's light comforted me, in my time of stress. Its washed over the roof in a slow and steady stride as clouds passed by. Holding up my hand, I reached up to grab the moon as I lay back on the roof. 'I wonder what it would be like to like on the moon. Complete solitude, no worry for lose. No one to hurt or get hurt by.' I wondered as I look up at my hand trying to grasp the moon. I noticed that my ring had a weird glow to it, I decided to examine it. I took off the ring and sat up to examine it.

In the moon's light I could make out a small white line that traced in the shape of the crescent moon before fading. I starred at it as it did this many times. I noticed that while the light was just a line it followed an indention in the ring, this indention seem unfamiliar. 'I don't remember this here, it kinda looks like the ring comes apart. Well I guess I never actually got a chance to look at this thing, I only cared about it when I needed protection.' I thought as I tried to figure it out. 'Maybe it's a twist thing.'

I pushed opposite directions and the ring made a terrible hissing sound, like putting a fire out with water. "So you are trying to figure out my gift." said a familiar voice that filled my lungs with hatred. "Oh. It's you. Why don't you show yourself? What are you afraid of?" I asked calmly but in an angry tone. "So childish, trying to make me seem weak or tempted by your skill. Don't think you are so strong, you are just a pawn. I have others, trained, stronger, just not as unique as you. You either die a warrior or become a champion. And you don't need to go to Georgia, Prometheus is in Tennessee use that information how you see fit." she said mocking and informing me. "Why tell me this? Why mock me, then help me? My quest is to kill you and I shall." I said back to her lingering presence. "Because you really only seek answers and acknowledgement from that friend of yours." Her voice said in an uncomfortably easy tone. My sense of her presence soon faded and I was back alone under the moon light.

"Others? Stronger?" I asked myself. I soon realized that I was still holding the ring that was in two pieces. 'I wonder if I get two spears now.' I thought as I willed my new rings to shift shape. Nothing happened, so I put the ring back together and slipped it onto my thumb. My mind didn't think about everything that bothered me under the moon light. So I laid there starring, until I fell asleep.

In my dream it was so real, and it scared me. "Cursed child." "He is a monster." "Demon, he shouldn't have been born." Voices said in my ears over the sound of my bones moving. "We should kill him and his kind." "Yeah." the voices continued. "No, I'm not. Please you got to believe me." I pleaded to the voices.

I woke up in a sweat, shuttering from my dream. The sun was coming up over the trees from the east. "Time to get up." I told myself as I was stretching out the stiffness of my body. 'I better tell them about Tennessee.' I thought but didnt want to trust her. Why would she help him. Maybe it was all apart of a mutual end. I didn't know what to do with the info.

I woke up Andrew and Gena, who were asleep in the same bed. Only Andrew laid across the foot of the bed, while Gena on the other hand spread out like a starfish.

"So Tennessee?" Andrew asked after I explain what happened last night. I left out the part about there being other people that want to kill me. "Ok, that's great because its closer, and there is a train station that has a ride that could take us just a mile into that state." He said trying to be helpful. "Oh, before we go can we get breakfast? I mean last night's freak of the fire dance kinda made us unable to stop at a store for dinner." Gena asked rubbing her tummy in complaint. "Yeah, we should get food." Andrew agreed. "Ok lets go find a store."

It took us an hour, but we hunted down a gas station. We bought honey buns and a small ice coffees. We sat outside and ate while listening to the trains in the distance. "That was delicious, but I would rather a Rockstar energy drink than a coffee." Gena said in a slightly faster than normal way. "No you seem amp-ed up enough from the coffee."

After the small meal, we followed the sound of trains to a train station.

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