Welcome to the Jungle

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"We need to get her out of the cell nice and calmly or Amanda will have our heads," Guards outside of Faith's cell said hoping she didn't hear, "Let's open it up quickly and tranq her." They opened the door to see Faith sitting on her bed, with her legs crossed. They all stormed in with guns pointed at her. One came up next to her to tranq her then she stood and bashed his head into the wall. 

"Whoever touches me will be next," she said brushing off her uniform, "But first answer some of my questions."

"Why would we answer criminals questions?" One of the alpha's asked.

"Well you wouldn't want your wife to know about the other women now, would you?"

"Fine, what do you want to know?"

"Where are you taking me, and why?" Faith asked.

"Let's just say there will be a little family reunion, but I have no idea why they are taking you to Belle Reve."

"Okay, so if I cooperate you won't tranq me, right?"

"Possibly, let us put on these cuffs," the alpha said reaching over to put handcuffs on her, "Now, walk." They said pushing her out of the cell door, they walked her down the cellblock as other inmates were hollering at her,

"Where are you taking her? Is she free? Take us with instead of her!" The inmates screamed. 

"You don't want to go where she is going. It's dark, scary, and will get you killed."

"Sounds fun," Mr. (Victor) Zsasz said reaching for Faith's hand.

"I will get you out Z, I promise," Faith answered.

"Shut up inmate 5368979" Faith stopped in her tracks as one of the guards said that. She turned around and looked him square in the eye,

"What did you just say to me?"

"I said Shut up you criminal," He squared his stance and she went after him. She tackled him to the ground and choked him with the handcuffs chains. She then grabbed a knife out from her jumpsuit, slitting his throat as the alpha tranquilized her.

Faith's POV

I woke up, on a cold metal bed standing upwards. I tried to move my hands but they were strapped to the sides of a stretcher. I looked to see I was in a military aircraft. I started moving my arms and tried to burn the straps. The alpha walked in,

"Hey Princess," he said sitting across from me.

"Don't call me Princess, you creep."

"Well, aren't we firey. I was considering loosening those straps," He said eyeing me up and down.

"I'm not falling for that you pervert."

"Wow, I'm hurt. I was going to lower your sentence with good behavior," He winked then walked up to me. When pressed his body against and tried to kiss me. I moved my head so he would miss my mouth, "Rest up princess, we will be landing soon." How dare he, I will tell Floyd and oh will he have a party?! 

30 minutes later

The nurse on the aircraft rolled the stretcher out, she then rolled me into a room with little guns that looked like they were tranquilizers. Another woman shot me with the gun and it stung so bad. I bit my lip to keep me from screaming.

"What the hell was that? Hey, listen to me, listen to me," I hollered as I got rolled away. A man and guards rolled me outside where there were other people. I noticed Harley and Killer Croc being rolled into a line they then moved me farther away from my brother as possible,

"In your necks, that injection you got was a nanite explosive, it's the size of a rice grain but it's as powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me you die. You try to escape you die, you otherwise irritate or vex me and guess what, you die." An army man said which was then interrupted by Harley.

"I'm known to be quite vexing, I'm just forewarning you!" Harley said.

"Lady shut up!" the army man yelled, "This is the deal, you're going somewhere very bad to do something that will get you killed, but until that happens you're my problem."

"So is that like a pep talk?" I heard my big brother say.

"Yeah, that was a pep talk. Here's your shit, grab what you need for a fight we're wheels up in 10."

"You might want to work on your team motivation thing. You heard of Phil Jackson?"


"He's like the gold standard. Triangle bitch, study," My brother said back to Rick. 

The guards let me go get my clothes and weapons. My crate had a Maroon FL on it with a grenade symbol. I open it and put on black leather lace-up pants, a maroon leather crop top, and maroon combat boots, then walked over to my brother. I tapped on his should, he turned around noticed it was me. He fell to his knees and hugged me holding back the tears. He looked up at me as I reached for his hands to pick him off the ground.

"I thought you were dead. How did you get caught?" He asked, standing back up, not letting go.

"The Bat caught me. I was just trying to help breakout Victor, and BAM I end up at Blackgate for 5 months until now," I replied.

"I'm sorry, I was supposed to be there for you but I wasn't."

"Don't be sorry. We are together and that's all that matters." We stopped hugging and just stood next to each other. I looked over to see this quiet guy with a lot of tattoos get his shirt on, he was kinda attractive.

"Looks like a whole lotta people are gonna die," Harley said holding her hammer.

"Yeah, it's us being lead to our deaths," the man with tattoos added.

"Speak for yourself, mate. What's that crap on your face does it wash off?" Captain Boomerang said teasing him.

"If you like a girl, can light her cigarette with your pinkie? Because that would be real classy,"  Harley added.

"Hey, Y'all might want to leave my boy alone. He could torch this whole joint. Ain't that right, ese?" Floyd then said.

"You ain't got nothing to worry about for me. I'm cool homie." After our conversation Rick had us get on a big army helicopter. I sat in between Harley and El Diablo. We waited for the helicopter to take off.


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