Goodbye Until Tomorrow

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"Goodbye, love," I kissed Chato on the cheek and handed him his bags. He and Jay were heading to Gotham a few days before me for official "friend" business. He has finally made a friend so I'm not going to question it. 

"I love you, Faith," He kissed me passionately on the mouth, then ran to get on the private jet. I walked into the house and turned on the radio to Valery by Amy Winehouse. I grabbed my brush out of the bathroom and began singing into it. 

"Did you have to go to jail? Put your house up for sale?" I threw the brush and picked up our dog and began dancing with him.

"I missed your ginger hair...." I trailed off singing. "VALERY!" 

I tripped over a shoe on the ground and fell on the couch laughing. I have never been this girly since Bobby Gordon asked me to hold his hand in first grade. I got off the couch and ran upstairs to get some clothes on. I grabbed my black high waisted jean shorts, a white off the shoulder top, and a pair of red converse. I put my hair in a top bun and did my mascara. I went out to the garage and weaved through all of the range rovers, Jay had a purple one, and Frost had a blue one, mine was maroon and I loved it. It was detailed with black leather and silver trim.

I pulled out of the driveway and began driving toward Honolulu, to the Ala Moana Shopping Center. Once parked, I went into the first store, Emporio Armani. 

"Welcome to Emporio Armani, how can I assist you today?" A lady with white hair and neat clothing asked.

"Hi. I'm going on a vacation and need a whole new wardrobe." I responded smiling with the biggest grin I could possess on my face.

"Is this a special vacation? A honeymoon perhaps?" 

"Actually, I'm getting engaged on this trip!" I gloated.

"Congratulations! Come with me." She walked me back to a bunch of racks with pantsuits. I ended up walking out of there with four new outfits; two pantsuits and two dresses. As I looked around in Nordstrom, my phone began to ring.

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" I picked up.

"We just landed in Gotham and are on our way to the hotel. What are you doing?" His voice got sweeter every time I heard it. 

"Just some shopping. What are you guys going to do until I get to Gotham?" I asked in my perk up voice.

"We are gonna go site seeing." I heard Jay begin to laugh.

"Why did Jay just laugh?" I interrogated.

"You know him, he's always cracking a joke. Welp, I have to go. I love you," He said in a sincere voice and hung up before I even thought to say it in return.

"Faith Lawton?!" I turned to see Lena Luthor, one of my good friends standing behind me. 

"Lena, oh my god! It's been too long, what are you doing here?" 

"I'm just shopping before heading to Gotham for a charity event, and you? Everyone thought you died."

"I'm staying here with Jay Napier but I'm also heading to Gotham for a charity event, I leave tomorrow." 

"Then you should take my jet with me. I have to get going but text me where you live and I will pick you up tomorrow morning." Lena hugged me then walked towards three men in black towards the exit. I continued shopping and spent more than I should have, it was 5:30 pm when I left the mall to go home and pack for tomorrow. 

I had three big suitcases full of clothing and two small ones full of shoes, makeup, and jewelry.  After packing, I ordered some Chinese takeout and turned on Funny Girl, a movie I used to watch with my mother before her death. I slowly fell asleep hoping for it to be tomorrow already.

Chato's POV

"Do I have your permission to marry your sister?" I sat across from Floyd as his eyes were filled with tears. I just announced to him that Faith was alive and the love of my life.

"Is that a damn question? I would freaking love for you to become my brother in law. May I see the ring?" I nodded and pulled the box out of my pocket and showed it to her. "Cartier! Damn, where did you get money for it?"

"Tax refunds," I joked and Floyd and I started laughing. 

"I'm being released for that charity event, the whole squad is. Are you two going to be there?" 

"Yeah, we are. Including Jay and Frost, please don't mention to Harley that Jay isn't dead. Faith's friend is the one who is throwing it and she personally invited us. I hope to propose to her there if not in a more romantic place."

"I couldn't ask for a better man to have in my sister's life. Have you met my daughter yet?"

"I don't believe I have, but Faith mentioned we would be visiting her while we are in Gotham," I responded. Two men came in and asked Floyd if he was done talking, we said our goodbyes and I left the prison. Nobody recognized me in the grey suit I was wearing and my tattoos covered for the most part. I got into the limo and Jay was sitting with a map of the prison writing all over it. "She is being let out for the charity event, Floyd told me." Jay's face went whiter than it already was.

"Does she know I'm here?" 

"No, I told Floyd not to mention it to her." 


"Boss, we are here." Frost opened the partition and stated. I looked out the window and saw an apartment building. 

"Do you want to come in with me? I'm looking for a loft penthouse for Faith and you." Jay asked me. 

"Sure, why not," I responded. We got out of the limo and Jay hit the roof of the car two times and Frost drove to the parking deck. Walking into the building was a breath of fresh air because nobody ran in fear of seeing me.

"We are here to view a penthouse that is selling," Jay stated to the lady at the front desk. She looked up at us and grabbed a key that was next to her computer. 

"Floor 50, the button in the elevator is P50." Jay thanked the lady and we went into the elevator. 

"You're not afraid of heights are you?" Jay asked.

"Hell Naw, are you?" 


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