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Harley and I walked into a cell that had two windows and two beds, an espresso machine, and a high tech padlock. I got my jumpsuit that was mandatory for all inmates, Harleys and I's wear black and white type dresses and pants that were a bright orange color. I ripped the dress making it into a top and put the skirt part of the dress under the bed. Harley grabbed something out of her bra after the guards left our area.

She grabbed what looked to be a self-made tattoo gun. She sat on my bed and started giving her self a tattoo on her arm. She held the painful sounds she wanted to make as the needle went in and out of her skin. Once she finished, her new tattoo read, MY LOVELY J in bright purple and green colors. She looked at me then down at my arm. She grabbed my arm and made me sit on the bed.

"What do you want it to say?" She asked, while apparently changing the colors of ink.

"I don't really care," I answered and looked out of one of the bared up windows. She took the tattoo gun and started pounding the needle into my skin. It was one of the worst pains I have ever felt. Once she was finished I looked at it and tears started to form in my eyes. The tattoo was a rose ingulfed in a flame, it was beautiful. Harley hid the tattoo gun under her pillow as a guard walked up to our cell. We both walked to the cell door waiting for him to open it.

"Back up," He said. Back up walked next to him and I walked back to my bed. He unlocked the door and walked over to me. I turned around and he put cuffs on me, the same with Harley. The guards walked us to the cafeteria. I found my brother, Boomerang, and Rick.

"Well, looky here. The cowboy is at the zoo," I said to Rick as the guard took the cuffs off of Harley and me.

"Faith, Harley, I see you made your own clothes?" 

"Nope, this isn't my style," I responded to Rick.

"You two look hot," Boomerang exclaimed.

"Sorry, I'm seeing somebody. Oh, wait she is right here," I joked putting my arms around Harley. She pecked me on my cheek and we both laughed.

"So, cowboy, why you here?" I asked Rick.

"You wanna take down a serial killing mob?"

"Sounds like fun, but if any of my old cohorts found out I work for the FEDS that could not end well." Rick gave me the funniest look I have ever seen from him and I just started laughing, "I will be back." I walked over to another table with a bald man sitting at it, I sat across from him.

"Faith, you're back! I didn't know what they were going to do with you," Zsasz said as he saw me.

"It wasn't bad. My brother is here now too," I pointed over to were my brother was sitting.

"May I go say hi to him?" He asked.

"Yeah, but there is a military man over there. I consider him and me friends though." We both got up and walked over to the table.

"Victor my man," Floyd said as he stood up and shook his hand. 

"Floyd, looking good buddy." Zsasz sat in between Harley and me.

"Rick, this is Victor Zsasz. He worked for the Falcone crime family and the Cobblepot crime family," I said, Rick was very confused as to why I just introduced him to a criminal, "Be nice, Rick he is my friend."

"The Cobblepot crime family is the mob I have to stop," Rick exclaimed.

"You work for the gov?" Victor asked me.

"It's good pay actually. You should join," I joked and Victor smiled.

"We could use some more recruits." Was Rick serious? 

"I will do it," Zsasz declared.

"I will too," I responded.

"Well, I can't let my baby sister go alone. I'm going too," Floyd then stated.

"If I can get more decor in our cell I will do it," Harley responded.

"What about K.C.?" Boomerang asked.

"He already agreed to it," Rick responded.

"Aight, I will do it. For El Diablo," As Boomerang said his name I got goosebumps.

"I will talk to Commissioner Gordan about letting you out with my supervision. In that case, we will have you out by Wednesday." 

We all had to go back to our cells. Harley and I played jokes and pranks on the guards as we waited to be let out again for our 'recess'.

" What is red and green and goes 100 miles an hour?" I asked one of the guards.

"A camero," She responded.

"No, what are you a lesbian? The answer is.... drum roll please." Harley started a drum roll on her bed, "A FROG IN A BLENDER!" 

"You guys are sick," The guard responded.

"I think I'm coming down with...with....bullshit." I walked away from the cell door and sat on my bed. I closed my eyes and images of El Diablo came into my mind, he was alive in these images. The images are bullshit.

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