Don't Walk Away

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The helicopter took off and a weird ass Japanese chick got on.

"You're late," Rick said. 

"I was busy," The woman said in Japanese which I understood.

"This is Katana. She's got my back. She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims." Rick added.

"Harley Quinn, Nice to meetcha. I love your perfume what is that? The stench of death?" Harley asked.

"Should I kill them?" I understood Katana again as Rick said,

"Woah, easy there cowgirl, it ain't that kind of mission. Have a seat." She sat next to Rick as Harley said,

"She seems nice."

"Anata ga kono kazoku o kizutsukerunara, watashi wa anata o korosudeshou," I said to her and she almost pulled out her sword, but Rick stopped her.

"What did you just say?" Boomerang asked.

"I told her if she hurts any of my new family she is dead," I responded as Rick looked at me and said,

"You have a death wish, don't you?"

"It's better than going back to jail," I replied. KC was making choking sounds and we all looked over at him.

"Is he supposed to be green like that?" Boomerang asked then he suddenly threw up.

"Ohhh, party foul," Harley said then plugged her nose, "Not cool." After a few minutes, Harley and I looked out the window and saw a large swirling thing of lights in the sky,

"Look at the pretty lights...... You guys seeing this?"

"You mean the swirling pile of trash in the sky," I said.

"What happened?" My brother asked Rick.

"Terror attack. Dirty bombs, bad guys shooting up the place with AKs, you know usual shit," He responded.

"Right, you're a bad liar. I don't know if they told you but I'm a hit man, not a fireman. I don't save people."

"Anything for a dollar right?"

"You know the dark places too, don't act like you don't," My brother said smiling.

"I'm a soldier and you're a serial killer who takes credit cards. And when the shooting starts, and it will, you'll cut and run," Rick said pointing at my brother.

"Hey, soldier boy what do you know about cutting and running?" I asked and he ignored it, "That's what I thought asshole." After a while, the helicopter suddenly got shot down and spiraled a few times. El Diablo grabbed my waist and made sure I didn't fall out of the helicopter. Once the helicopter landed he let go of my waist, we stared at each other awkwardly for a minute. Soldiers started swarming out of the other helicopters and we got out with them,

"That was the most fun thing I have ever done!" I exclaimed jumping out of the helicopter.

"What a ride!" Harley exclaimed. I walked next to Boomerang as he walked over to Slipknot,

"Mind games."

"What's that?" Slipknot asked.

"All this bomb in the neck crap, they aren't real mate. See they're trying to trap us in our own minds, right. We look around and we're free mate," Boomerang said.

"How do you know this?"

"Just trust me I know. Alright, it's a cover. Now I'm gone 'cause I got a life to live the question is are you coming?" Boomerang said staring at Slipknot, "Yeah, Smart." Then suddenly boomerang punched a soldier in the face while Slipknot kicked one in the knee, then Boomerang took out his boomerang knife and threw it at Katana but it missed. He ran but she then held him up against a wall with her sword to his neck. Slipknot shot one of his grapples and flew onto a roof then to another one when Rick clicked a button and Slipknots head exploded.

"Now that's killer app," Harley said then giggled. 

"Okay, you wanna keep playing the Hollywoods Square version of I will blow your fricken head off. Are you next?" He asked El Diablo.

"You're trippin' homie," Diablo responded.

"You next Deadshot?" Rick threatened my brother.

"Did you just threaten me?"

"Yeah," Rick said.

"He just threatened me," Floyd said pointed at Ricks' head, "I'm going to kill him."

We all followed behind Rick and his men and hid behind a car while we watched weird looking alien things. I looked over and saw Diablo walking away from everybody else and walked over to him and stood next to him.

"You okay, SA?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm not raising my fist I would rather die than use these powers," He said lifting up his hand.

"They aren't all that bad."

"I killed my wife and children with these powers, now do you think they are bad?" 

"Wow, I didn't realize they were that bad. What happened?"

El Diablo's Flashback

"That's awful, I'm so sorry," I said as he looked at me with tears in his eyes saying,

"What about you? Anything dramatic happened to you?"

"I... Um... I killed my fiance and our unborn child. It was maybe November of 6 years ago, I was 19 and this cop who didn't know who my brother and I were, fell in love with me. I got pregnant and well one day he and his squad was supposed to chase down my brother and me, and well he held me at gunpoint and realized it was me. I ended up shooting him then shooting my stomach killing the baby," I said with a blank stare. Diable grabbed my shaking hands and kissed one,

"You don't need to worry about that. You got us now. Your new family."

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