Let's Stay Together

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I stood up and looked at what I just did, Ra's and Talia looked like they have been dead for months. I turned around and dropped the spear, I ran to Chato and hugged him, wrapping my legs around his waist. I grabbed the back of his head then kissed him, it was the best kiss I have ever had in my life. I could feel the sparks flying. I pulled away from the kiss,

"Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again!" I said playfully. Chato chuckled and pulled me closer to him.

"Ehem..." Jay tried to get our attention but I didn't want to. Chato put me back on the ground, I ripped some fabric from my dress to patch up his wound, then I turned to Jay.

"Jay this is Chato Santana. Chato this is Jay, he is better known as the Joker." I introduced them. Frost, Pandaman, and Goatman walked over to us. "And these, Chato, are my friends Johnny Frost, Goatman, and Pandaman."

"I have heard so much about you, Mr. Santana," Frost said offering his hand out to Chato, and he took it. They shook hands as Jay started talking.

"How dead do they look?" He asked.

"LIke they have been dead for months," I replied.

"What will we do with the bodies?" Goatman asked.

"Can we burn them?" I asked with my childish voice. Jay shook his head, I looked over to Chato, "El Diablo, will you do the honors?!" He and I walked over to the bodies and he looked at me.

"Are you sure this is what you want me to do this?" He asked. I nodded.

"I know you want to, they hurt us. They deserve this." I grabbed his other hand while he burned them. "Ready to start your new life?"

"I have been waiting for this since I met you, mi amore," Chato looked down at me and took my hands, "I dreamt about you every night they held me captive." He kissed me on my forehead.

"Let's go home," I said to everyone. Chato and I walked hand and hand back to the hotel. We walked up to our room and I opened the door. "This is home until we get the private jet."

"Cosy," He said looking around, "It's bigger than any place I've stayed at before."

"Wait until you see our... my house in Hawaii!" I exclaimed sitting on the bed. "Come here. Put these shorts and tank top on so I can clean up your wound." 

He grabbed the shorts from me and walked into the bathroom, cracking the door. I laid on the bed, playing with Snapchat filters. I looked over and saw Chato putting the tank top on, the dimple at the end of his spine was so cute. He turned to put open the bathroom door and caught me staring at him. Shit!! Is what I thought to myself.

"You like what you saw?" He asked giving me a smirk. He walked over to the bed and I was about to get up. "Stay." He demanded. Chato sat next to me and placed his lips on mine, then pulled me closer to him. I placed my hand on his leg and he winced.

"Sorry, let me clean that." I got up and grabbed a first aid kit from the bathroom. I sat back down next to Chato. "This might hurt." I placed the antibacterial wipe on the cut and he winced again. Once I bandaged his wound we sat there staring into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity. A perfect eternity. I got him back, and that's all that matters.

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