Don't Stop Me Now

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I woke to the beautiful sounds of cars and construction outside out of my hotel window. I walked into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and grabbed a yogurt parfait out of the fridge. My phone began to ring and I picked it up. 

"Buenos dias amor de mi vida," Chato spoke through the phone. 

Good morning, love of my life 

"Good morning to you too." I opened the doors to the balcony and stepped out. 

"Can I come up to see you?" He asked, his Hispanic accent was strong in the morning.

"Of course." I set my coffee and yogurt parfait on the table on the patio. I sat and read a book on my phone until I heard a knock on the door. I set my phone down and ran to the door. I opened it and Chato stood with a bouquet of flowers.

"Flores para mi bella dama."

Flowers for my beautiful lady

"Chato, you are such a lady killer." I grabbed the bouquet and kissed his cheek, he chuckled. "Come on in." I watched his face change from a grin to a What the hell is this place look. 

"Oh Dios mío." I chuckled at these remarks.

"I'm sorry it's such a mess... I kinda had an accident once I unpacked last night." He looked around then found my eyes. 

"I will clean, you go relax." He finally said, practically pushed me out to the balcony. 

"Aw, I liked it when you were speaking Spanish!" I giggled as he kissed my forehead. He then shut the glass door and began cleaning up my mess... What a man?! I sat back on the reclining chair and grabbed my phone to read some more. 


"¿De donde viene esto?" Chato asked holding a thong out of the door. I jumped up and grabbed it from him. 

"Are you just going through my things now?" I asked jokingly. "Because that was definitely put away." I put it back in the drawer and Chato was standing behind me.

"I have an idea."

"What?" I asked giving him a suspicious look.

"You get dressed and meet me in the lobby in an hour." 

I agreed to the terms. Chato kissed me on the cheek and rushed out of my suite. Something was happening, and I had no idea what it was. I grabbed a pair of ripped jeans, a Guns'n'Roses t-shirt, a black and white flannel, and black converse to wear. I braided my hair sloppy and put a beanie on, to top it off; I only put mascara and a tiny bit of eye shadow on. While I waited for another 15 minutes, I grabbed my leather bookbag purse and filled it with the necessities: my wallet, my polaroid, my phone, keys to the rental car, pepper spray, and a gun... Well, maybe I should take the gun out... Naw, rather be safe than sorry. After I was all ready and put together, I headed toward the elevator. I stepped in it and hit the "L" for the lobby. As I stood in the elevator all alone, I played with my keys, a sign of anxiousness. Why am I so nervous? It's not like he is going to propose today, of all days. He will probably propose on like the last day. I thought to myself over and over again. 

The elevator doors opened and Chato stood outside of it wearing skinny jeans, a light grey t-shirt, and a denim jacket; a whole new look them his usual "wife beater" tank top, baggy jeans, and blue bomber jacket. 

"Hello handsome," I greeted him as he took my hand. He leaned in close to my ear,

"Eres tan Hermosa." The words made me feel all warm inside.

You are so beautiful.

"What is the plan, Stan?" I asked in a playful manner as we walked out of the hotel. 

"Where do you want to go, mi Amor?" 

"It is eleven, so... An amusement park!" I jumped up and down like a little girl. "The closest one is Amusement Mile." 

Chato looked at me and smiled. 

"You, are the cutest thing. I think that is a great idea, car or walk?" He asked in a hushed tone. 

"We can walk until the traffic dies down," I said, a slight blush coming across my face, due to his comments. We continued talking while walked down the sidewalk until the traffic seemed to stop. I hailed a cab, and six stopped. We got in the first one and told them where we needed to go.


"This place is wild," I said as we got off of one of the fastest rollercoasters in the tristate area. "I haven't been here since I was twelve!"

"I have to admit, I haven't had this much fun in a long while." Chato stating as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it lovingly. "Want to get some food?" 

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed lighting up with excitement. We walked over to a food cart and smelled the good fried food. 

"What do you want, Coco?" He asked me as I read the menu. 

"I want a thick hot dog, with fries, and..." I looked over the food menu once more. "Popcorn! Do you want to get lemonade to share?"

"Sure. You find us a spot and I will order for you." I went to grab out my wallet but Chato stopped me. "My treat." 

I shook my head and walked over to a picnic spot. I found a table for two and sat and pulled out my phone, and looked through the pictures we took together. My favorite of our couple photos was one I took while in line for a ride: I was hugging Chato, he kissed my forehead and we had the dog Snapchat filter on us. I kept scrolling and found one he took of me: I was sitting on a brick wall, while a bunch of birds were sitting next to me. I looked through some more, but before I could save anymore to my favorites list, Chato came back with our food. 

"Thank you so much, I was starving!" I grabbed my hot dog, fries, and popcorn from the tray he was carrying and took a huge bite out of the hot dog. I moaned with delight as the loaded hot dog pleased my taste buds.

"Is it good?" Chato asked sarcastically. I shoved his arm and we both began to laugh.

"Shut up, it has been forever since I have eaten fake meat." I continued shoving it in my face until it was all gone. Chato stared at me intensely before wiping the ketchup off of my cheek with his thumb.

"You, Coco, are amazingly beautiful." I blushed and kissed his cheek. We talked about our plans for the rest of the day as we finished our food. I looked at Chato's watch and it read 2 pm. 

"Let's go on the old Ski Lift," I pointed to lift and grabbed his hand to lead him to the ski lift. He followed and we got on. We rode in silence as I took in the beautiful sights of Gotham. Together on the lift, I felt surprisingly safe and comforted.

"This feels like home," I said quietly. 

"Then let us make this our home." Chato retorted and I nuzzled into his chest. I looked up at him and kissed him, it was a long passionate kiss that felt better than anything my lips could experience. I knew my answer to the question he was going to soon be asking me.


Two chapters in one week!! I'm so proud of myself

Love y'all, vote & comment

WARNING: The next chapter won't be as long

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