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"Shittt, your man has some deep pockets if he can afford a ring like that!" Hailey exclaims. I can't keep my eyes off of it. "When do you think he is going to.."

"Propose?" She nodded. "No idea. I don't think I'm ready to get married." 

"Oh, come on. You know you are deeply in love with him. What's the worst that can happen with the same man for the rest of your life? It's not like he is Kyle, right?" I nodded as Hailey tried to calm me down.

"What if he wants kids, biological kids. I can't do that, you what happened the last time." I stood up and began pacing the closet. 

"Hey!" Hailey snapped. "You are Faith Lawton. You are stronger than anybody I know. You do not freak out over an engagement ring. You take things day by day, remember? Like college?" She hugged me and then put the ring back. "Let's take a girls day. We can go to the spa, get pampered and relax. I will call my chauffeur." She walked downstairs and I took a moment. I went into the bathroom and threw the drugs into the toilet and flushed them. I walked to the sink and looked at my reflection, then I splashed water on my face. 

Hours later

We sat watching The Real Housewives of Gotham City when we heard the door open. Jay and Chato walked in quietly and I walked into the kitchen where they were talking.

"Hi, Mi Amor," Chato said kissing my cheek.

"Hey, Hon. I have a friend I would like you to meet, she has been my best friend since forever." Hailey walked into the kitchen. "Chato, this is Hailey. Hailey this is my boyfriend, Chato."

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" Hailey walked over to Chato and shook his hand. 

"So how did you find us?" Jay asked.

"I asked Frost where you guys were hiding out. The reason I'm here is to invite you three to a charity ball in Gotham. Are you interested?" 

"Oh, I can never pass down a party!" Jay exclaimed. "Where is it being held?"

"The Wayne Manor. Faith would like to come, and you Chato?" 

"I wouldn't let my girlfriend go without her date. I also would like to visit Blackgate, I have some business to take care of." Hailey looked at me,

"Good, I'm so happy now. Well, my private jet should be here soon so I should go." I walked Hailey to her car and hugged her goodbye. 

"I will meet you in at the Gotham Airport in a few days." After her car drove away I walked into the house and sat on the couch. Chato and Jay were in the kitchen drinking beers. Jay went to the bathroom and Chato walked over to me. I had Jersey Shore on and he sat next to me and muted the tv.

"How was your trip?" I asked grabbing the beer out of his hand and having a sip.

"It was pretty fun, I'm not used to having friends to do stuff with."

I smiled, "You consider Jay your friend?" 

"Umm, yeah. I also wanted to ask you if you are okay if I go to Gotham for a few days before you?"

"Of course! I have a few things to do around this house before I go to Gotham. When are you leaving?" 

"Tomorrow? Jay and I are going on another guys trip." I kissed Chato on the cheek and got off the couch. 

"I'm so proud of you for making friends. I'm going upstairs to pack your bags packed." I walked upstairs and heard Jay and Chato turn on football..

Sorry, it's such a short chapter. High school started and blah. I love you guys for reading <3

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