Coming Home

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(WORDS TO KNOW: cariña - sweetie/sweetheart mi amor - my love)

2 Months Later 

I woke up to the smell of something burning. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Chato was attempting to make toast with his powers, it wasn't working very well.

"How's it going hot stuff?" I asked sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen. 

"So great you can smell it," He said opening the trashcan. "How are you, cariña? Sleep well?¨

"I'm good, sleep and all." I got up and opened the fridge. "Sit down, I will make you breakfast."

"I can make it, don't worry. Where is the pancake mix?" 

"Up here," I stated standing on my tip toes to reach the cupboard. Chato grabbed my waist, picking me up and moving me out of the way. He opened the cupboard and grabbed the mix and I pouted. "I could have gotten it."

"By that time, I would have a full head of hair again," He said against my forehead before pecking me.

"You're going to grow your hair out for me?" I asked with my childish voice.

"We will see. Banana pancakes?" 

"I will cut up the nanas, you can mix up the mixy stuff." I grabbed eggs and milk and handed them to him, then I grabbed the bananas, a knife, and a cutting board. "Don't poach the eggs!!" I joked. 

"I can't make any promises," He stated. I set the cutting board next to Chato, who was cracking eggs into a bowl. I began cutting the bananas and looked over at Chato mixing the pancake mix. I admire how he bounced back so quickly, this man is a keeper. "Are you okay, mi amor?" I looked down to see a small puddle of blood next to the bananas.

"Oh, yeah. Let me go clean myself up." He handed me a paper towel, I kissed him on the cheek then went upstairs. I walked into the bathroom and looked for band-aids, all I found were pain meds. "Hey, babe?" I yelled down the stairs.


"You didn't tell me Dr. Kahele put you on pain meds," I studied the bottle, the date prescribed was a month and a half ago. 

"I guess I forgot, sorry cariña. Well, did you find the band-aids?" He asked.

"Yeah," I lied. I dumped out the pills and counted them. The bottle said they were for a thirty day period. I counted...thirty pills. He hasn't taken any. I put them back in the bottle, then back in the cabinet. I walked out of the bathroom and Chato was standing outside in the hallway.

"What were you doing?" He asked.

"I thought I found band-aids but they weren't band-aids. I think I will go see if Jay has any." I walked past him and he grabbed my wrist.

"Please, don't lie to me," He said.

"I'm not." He let go and I walked downstairs. I then walked to Jay's and he was asleep on the couch. I whispered, "Jay, hey Jay. Wake up." 

No response

"JAY!" I yelled. He jumped and fell off of the couch.

"What the hell woman! Are you crazy?" He stood up and noticed my hand. "What happened? Did he burn you?" 

"No, I cut myself while cutting bananas. Do you have any band-aids?" He told me to stay in the kitchen while he went to grab some band-aids from the bathroom. He came back with a first aid kit.

"Here, do you need help?" He asked. I nodded and he grabbed my hand and poured vodka on it.

"SHIT!! What was that for!" I yelled.

"To clean it, so there is no infection...Also payback for waking me." He wrapped my finger in gauze and I thanked him. 

"When you started selling drugs, how did you keep it from your ex-wife?" I asked.

"I actually wasn't planning on being a drug lord until I got in a horrible car accident. I had pain meds I didn't take and I sold them to the Mafias."

"Oh shit," I responded sitting down.

"What is 'Oh shit'?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Chato has painkillers from the doctor and he hasn't taken any. They were prescribed a month and a half ago." 

"Were there more than one bottles?" 

"Not that I could see, why?" 

"It sounds like he just doesn't do prescription drugs anymore. Don't worry, unless he is hiding something."

"He came upstairs suspiciously after I asked him about them. Do you think he thinks that I suspect a drug dealer out of him? Because I don't want to ruin my relationship with him I him a lot."

"How bought I take him and Frost out tonight and you can snoop around if you want to," Jay stated.

"No bars, somewhere safe and friendly. Like mini golfing, or..."I paused to think for a minute. "Go see a movie, I heard Dunkirk is good."

"He is not your five-year-old son, but we will take good care of him." 

"Want to come by for breakfast? You can talk to him then?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go." We walked out of Jay's place and walked back to mine. We walked in and it smelled good. 

"Cariña, I knew you would bring company. I finished making breakfast," Chato stood outside of the foyer to the kitchen.

"Awe, honey. You are the sweetest. Jay our home is yours make yourself comfortable." We walked into the kitchen, the table was set and ready for us to eat breakfast. We eat for about thirty minutes, making chit-chat.

"These are really good. Homemade or box made?" Jay asked.

"Actually, they are from a box but I fixed it up with my mother's recipe," Chato responded.

"Chato, you wouldn't want to have a guys weekend to Cancun, would you?" Jay asked.

"That sounds fun. Faith, are you okay if I go with them?" 

"Of course, just don't get too crazy. Jay, when are you leaving?" I asked.

"The private jet will be here in forty-five."

"Sounds like Chato and I should start packing his bags," I stated. Jay and Chato continued talking about this weekend on the outdoor patio while I cleaned up. Once Jay went back to his house, I went up to Chato and I's bedroom. Chato was sitting on the side of the bed on his phone, I walked in and he put it away.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"A man who is going to help me go back to school, so I can get a job," He responded standing up. He walked into his closet and got his clothes. I put them in the suitcase, then grabbed his toiletries from the bathroom. "Jay texted, he is ready for me. I will miss you, mi amor." 

We walked downstairs and I walked him to the door. "I will miss you too babe. Don't forget to have fun." He kissed me on the cheek and opened the door.

"I love you," C said as he walked out of the house.

"I love you too," I said so inaudible he couldn't hear me.

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