The House That Built Me

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QUICK A/N: Songs is the song they dance to at the endish of the chapter


"Are you sure you want to show me where you grew up, mi amor?" Chato asked as we sat at a table at the dinner. 

"Yep!" I answered ready to show him my past and to get rid of it. I nibble on my french fries as he kept staring at me like I was crazy. "What?" My inner city accent slipped a bit.

"I just have never met anybody like us who wants to go back and face their past." 

"Floyd, Edward, and I have tons of good memories there."


"My oldest brother... Floyd accidentally killed him after my mother tried to get them to kill my father. That woman was truly evil, Edward, brainwashed, just paralyzed my father."

"Oh wow, I didn't know there was more than just you and Floyd."

"Yeah. When I was ten, Floyd, Edward and I ran away to this inner city building in the Narrows and lived until my parents had the cops find us and bring us back to her. Ever since then, I have disrespected law enforcement."

"I understand completely." We sat in comfortable silence while we finished eating our food. 

"We have approximately twenty-seven hours until the gala tomorrow!!" I exclaimed looking at my watch.

"How excited are you?" Chato asked as the waitress dropped off our check.

"Oh my god! You have no idea how long it has been since I've been to a nice party where I can wear jewels and a fancy dress!!!"

"I'm super happy about this gala also, I can't wait for you to take my breath away." After paying we got up and walked out to catch a cab. We got one and I told it the address, my parent's old house in the nicer parts of town. 


"Thank you." I paid the cab driver and he drove off, leaving Chato and me in front of my first childhood home.

"It's a beautiful house," Chato commented as we walked up to the door. "Do people live here?" 

"There's only one way to find out." I rang the doorbell and heard a small ruckus inside. A white, frail lady opened the door.

"Hello?" The lady looked straight passed us and asked. 

"Hi, I.. Uh.. used to live here and wondered if I could take a look around?" 

"Of course, dearie." The old lady grabbed my arm and walked me into the house. The house smelled like mothballs and mildew. "There are cookies in the oven if you and your husband would like some."

I didn't correct her. We sat on the couch and she grabbed a box labeled "OLD OWNERS". 

"I thought one day you would be back for your belongings. Here in this box is a bunch of photo albums and little trinkets you would find around a family home." She pushed the box towards me and I grabbed out a photo album that said "Faith's First Year". I opened it to see a picture of me in my mothers's arms and my brothers and father.

"You are the young girl all grown up aren't you?" The lady asked still staring straight passed us.

"I am. May I ask when you lost your vision?" I asked and the lady smiled.

"When I was in my 30's, I got into a terrible accident that caused my blindness. Now, tell me about your family that lived and why they left so abruptly."

"I lived here with my mother, father, and two older brothers. Once my father passed away, my mother disappeared and my brother and I moved into an apartment in the Narrows."

"And your other brother?"

"Excuse me?"

"You said you had two brothers... What happened to the other one?" She asked with a gentle smile.

"He moved to Starlight City and got married to a beautiful and smart blond." I lied, covering that my brother died and was buried somewhere in the backyard. 

"Why did you all leave here so suddenly without taking all of your stuff?" 

"My father's death was so unexpected that we had no idea we were leaving here. Thank you for not just throwing away this stuff." 

"Have a look around the house if you would like." The lady stood up and walked into the kitchen. I walked around and saw the painting on the dining room wall I did when I was twelve, her blindness must have made her not want to repaint or anything. Everything looked almost the same as when I lived here in this beautiful house. 

"Do you have any close family?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"My daughter and son, but I haven't heard from them in years. My son only got me this house and didn't offer to fix it up for me. But the painting in the dining room is quite beautiful, are you responsible for that?"

"I am but how did know?"

"I could sense its aura. It's truly a stunning little landscape, a happy place. Some times I spend my whole days in there."

"You see, my boyfriend and I will be and town for a few weeks if you would like us to help renovate the house. We can make it more modern so you can have your family come over."

"That my dear sounds lovely. My name is Beverly by the way." She wrote a number on a piece of paper.

"I am Faith, and this is Chato. We will call you with more details after tomorrow. Thank you so much for allowing us into your house." 


Chato and I got back to the hotel went through the three boxes of stuff Beverly gave us. "She was such a sweet lady," I stated.

"She really was... This was you?" Chato asked staring at a picture of me in high heels and one of my mom's slutty dresses as an eight-year-old. 

"Hahahahahah, yeah... My mom was honestly, probably a hooker when I was little. That's probably why she tried to kill my dad." 

"You're such a ball of light nowadays, I would never take you to have a terrible past."

"I mean don't all criminals have some sort of bad past?" I asked, more asking myself than him. He brushed off my question with a shrug and a good song came one and I stood up and held my hand out for him. "Dance with me."

27 by Machine Gun Kelly was playing through the speakers in my suite and I just wanted to dance with the man I loved more than anything in the world. He got up and we stood there and danced to that, and all of the songs after until we were both too tired to stand. 

"Goodnight, mi amor." Chato kissed my cheek and I hugged him as he "tucked me in" to bed. He turned out the lights in the bedroom and almost shut the door. 

"Wait." He stopped and looked at me. "Since I won't see you until tomorrow night, I want to tell you something."

"What's that?" 

"I. Love. You."

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