I Get To Love You

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Clink Clink Clink

"Hi everyone," I stated standing up looking at Chato and I's closest friends. "Carlos and I would like to thank you so much for allowing this wedding to happen tomorrow. We couldn't have had a greater group of people to help us out. I specifically want to shout out my maid of honor, Selena. Without your help, this wedding wouldn't have been possible. I would have been the worst bridezilla without you. And Rick, you made it possible for my brother and our friends to come to the wedding and help out, thank you so much for always being my right-hand man when I need things."

I handed the microphone to Carlos so he could give his little speech.

"Without all the help you guys have given us, this wedding would not be as great as it is going to be. I get to marry the love of my life and my best friend. Floyd, I want to thank you for not only giving me permission to marry your sister but also agreeing to be my best man. It was a hard being my best man because we honestly took nothing seriously and made jokes about literally everything. Jay, I want to thank you for allowing us to have our wedding on your beach and opening your homes for our guests. I love you all and I'm super grateful you were here for the process of making our wedding happen." 

After we gave our speeches, we got dinner ready and set it our buffet style. Since our wedding is going to be fancy seafood, we decided our rehearsal dinner would be nothing fancy. Jeans, t-shirts, and flip flops were the dress code. 

"Faith, your house is beautiful. You aren't planning on selling it are you?" Digger asked.

"No, Digger. This is going to be our vacation house, and if you ever get released from prison I'll allow you to stay here until you can afford your own place. You'll just have to pay rent." 

Digger gave his half-smile and laugh and walked away. Our dog Rosy ran over to me and jumped up on my leg. 

"Hi, cutie. Did your dad give you a hot dog?" I asked. In response, she licked my face and I couldn't help but laugh. Carlos walked over from the grill and sat next to me on the ground. 

"Hola, mi amor."

"Hello, handsome." I kissed his cheek. "Did you give Rosy a hot dog?" 

"Maybe..." I laughed at his mischievous smile. 

"I'm gonna miss you tonight," I responded with a sad face.

"Tomorrow night we will be in Paris, and we will have all of you and me time that you want." 

I kissed him and stood up. "I have to give my bride maids their gifts."  I walked into the house up to my bedroom. Selena and Hailey were in there helping me pack for Paris. 

"You're glowing." Hailey pointed out. 

"I'm getting married tomorrow!" I gushed and sat on my bed. "Then I'll finally be in Paris!" 

"Girl, you are gonna stun on that honeymoon. The French won't know what hit them." 

"Thanks, Hailey. I'm just finally ready to get the fairy tale ending I deserve, you know? With all of the Ra's drama then task force X. I need a vacation." 

We all began to laugh with my comment. 

"Selena, I'm glad you invite Bruce as I advised. He seems like a cool guy, how long have you two been.." 

"We aren't an item."

"You should be. You too are hot together," Hailey responded. We all got a good laugh out of Hailey's comment and went back down to the party. In the living room, June was sitting on the couch with one twin laying on her chest the other was being held by Rick.

"Hey, June." I greeted her. "Can I hold Ambrosia?" 

"Sure." She handed me the cute little babe. She was tiny, and her blue eyes were so big. 

"Awe, you are so cute." 

"It's funny, her and Isis are twins but Rick and I can already tell them apart. They already both have such personality." 

"She seems like the most chill baby ever," I said.

"She really is. Isis gets pretty crabby at times."

"I can't wait to have kids of my own. Especially if they look like Chato and me when we were babies, we were cuties."

"Let's go outside," June responded. "It's such a nice evening and Ambrosia will love it out there." 

We walked outside and June went to see Rick. I walked around with the sweet babe when Zoie walked up to me. 

"Hi, Aunt Faith." She started. "Awe, is this one Isis or Ambrosia?" 

"It's Ambrosia. You want to hold her?" I asked.

"Sure!" Zoie sat down in a chair and I gently handed her the baby. "She is so cute! I can't wait to pull them in the wagon tomorrow!"

"I'm so excited also, you get to witness me getting married. You get to witness a princess marry her prince."

"No, you're a queen." I smiled and gave a slight laugh.

"Thank you. I'm glad you see me for what I truly am." I sat next to Zoie and Rick grabbed the microphone on the mini stage. 

"Hello. I just want to thank the bride and groom for allowing me to pay them back for being a dick when we first meet. Officiating your marriage tomorrow will be the best thing, other than being a father, that I could do in my life. My girls are so lucky to be able to grow up with such a strong picture of love and how a man and women should treat on another in a relationship. Now, June, Isis, and Ambrosia, and I have to get going so we can help in every way possible, tomorrow." 

Rick placed the microphone back and I gently took Ambrosia back to him and June. 

"That was a sweet speech." 

"It was the best thing I could come up with on the spot. We will a beautiful bride tomorrow." Rick hugged me and I gave Ambrosia back to June. After they left, others began to leave. The gentlemen were about to leave but I grabbed Carlos before they went back to Jay's manor. 

"I love you," I said before I kissed him. "Meet me by the bar tomorrow morning. We can have our last kiss as fiance's then." 

He smiled and kissed my cheek, then caught up with the rest of the guys. 

"No strippers, please!" I yelled and Jay just smiled and began laughing. "Jay, I mean it! Harley and I will kill you." 

"I'll count on it." I rolled my eyes and the ladies and I went into the house. Selena gave me a romper and robe that said #wifey and made me change into it. I sat on the couch after changing into it and she then blindfolded me. 

"We have a surprise for you," Selena said in a giddy tone. "Okay, now!" 

I was unblindfolded and Crystal and Jade were standing right in front of me.

"Ohmygod! What are you guys doing here?!" 

"We are giving you a prewedding spa night," Crystal responded. I couldn't help but smile and cry, I was so damn emotional. 

"Thank you," was all I could say and Selena turned on my favorite movie, Sex in The City. The other bride maids sat on the couch with me and we ate ice cream and other junk food, as well as drank wine and champagne. I'm getting married tomorrow.



The Impressive Clergyman: Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam... And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva... So tweasure your wuv.
Prince Humperdinck: Skip to the end.
The Impressive Clergyman: Have you the wing?

Okay, I just had to do that... It's the Princess Bride, duh!

There is just one more chapter, yo!

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