Just a Dream

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I woke in a garden of beautiful roses and carnations. The smell was almost like when Floyd and I would go to our grandmothers when we were children. I looked around and only saw a large farmhouse, like the house I wanted when I was a young girl. I stood up and looked down to see I was wearing a blue polka dot dress with a huge diamond ring on my wedding finger. As I made my way to the door of the house I noticed a pool on the other side of the house and in the front, were three vehicles. A red Mustang, a blue Ferrari, and a purple G-Wagon.

"Mi amore, how was your walk in the garden?" Chato asked me only it didn't look like Chato. He didn't have any visible tattoos, he had hair, and was wearing a creme colored suit.

"Papa!" Two little girls ran in from behind me and hugged Chato. One of the girls smiled at me then grabbed my hand. "Mama let us play in the woods behind the house.

"Did she now? That is very bold of her, well, girls your mother and I have a visitor, so can you go upstairs to your rooms with the maid?"

"Yes, papa! Will you call us down when it is time for supper?" The tallest girl asked.

"Of course," I responded, trying to sound like I belonged here. The girls ran up the stairs as Chato grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house. The room we were in was larger than the whole courtyard at Blackgate.

"Darling, you have been acting very different since your walk. Is everything alright?" He asked sitting down in a chair next to a large dining table.

"I'm fine honey, I promise." I looked around the room, it felt familiar but very strange. 

"We haven't kept secrets from each other since 2008 when we met at that convention, where I lied about my job of being an accountant." I laughed as the final word came out of his mouth.

"You, an accountant?!" I couldn't stop laughing. 

"See, if you knew that then, maybe we wouldn't be married now. What is the matter?" He asked standing up, then walking towards me and held my hands. I must come up with a reasonable explanation that won't ruin anything... I got one.

"I...I am..." I was cut off by somebody knocking on the front door.

"That is our guest." Chato continued holding my hand as we walked to the front door. He opened the door and my smile turned into a sickening face. I let go of Chato's hand and ran to the bathroom and just started to vomit. How can this be happening, Ra's al Ghul is in my imaginary life and how did I know where the bathroom was? Before I knew it Chato was behind me holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

"Mi amore, are you okay?" He asked in a kind-hearted voice.

"Yes, just food poisoning, I suppose." I stood up and looked in the mirror, I looked a mess and Chato could tell.

"I will give you a few moments to freshen up, love. I will go host our guests." He pecked my cheek then left the bathroom. I fixed up my makeup and hair then told myself to make it believable that this is my real life. I walked out to the living room were my husband, and two strangers sat. 

"Honey, you remember Mr. Raise from work don't you?" He asked embracing me in a hug.

"Yes, dear. Mr. Raise, how are you?" I asked keeping a smile on my face.

"Please, call me Al. This is my daughter, Talia." He responded pointing to a young woman in a navy blue pantsuit.

"Faith, my father, and your husband have talked a lot about you. It is so good to finally meet you," She said extending her hand out to shake mine, I returned my hand and we shook hands.

"It is great to meet you as well." I looked around and felt like a bad hostess. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?" 

"Oh, yes! Dear, can you go get the good wine and cheese with crackers?" Chato asked.

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