Evil Woman

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As we sat on a car, it started to rain. Then I heard a door open, it was the squad. They walked over to us,

"Hey, guys! I missed you so much!" Harley said wiping away her tears as did I. 

"Glad you could join us," my brother said handing Harley her baseball bat, helping her off the car. I just jumped off of the car and walked over to Digger.

"Crazy stunt you pulled back there," Digger said, "You are one crazy chick, El Diablo better keep you in check." I just stopped and stood there and stared at Chato then Digger.

"SA, a word?" I asked pulling him aside, "Did you tell Boomerang about me kissing you?"

"Yeah man, why?" He asked. Remember don't let the heart get in the way, forget how you feel about him.

"You really think that meant something? Well it didn't you and I are never going to happen," I said walking away. I grabbed my guns from Floyd and walked next to Rick. We walked over to Amanda's helo to see if she was anywhere to be found.

"So let me guess, we are going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky. You know 'cause why wouldn't we?" My brother said. There was a short pause, "When does this end, Flag?"

"Load up, we are in for a fight," Rick responded. I stayed behind with my brother as we scavenged in the helo. We found this huge case file, and read it. It had a file on each and every one of us, including Rick. After we finished reading we ran to catch up with the Squad. Floyd threw the binder at a car and Rick turned and stared at us.

"You tell everybody everything. Or me and you gonna go right now," Floyd demanded.

"Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station. So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea. And that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know." Rick finished.

"You can just kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink," Floyd said following me into a bar.

"Hey, Faith, Deadshot, I need your help."

"No, You need a miracle," I said. The whole squad but Rick walked in the bar. Harley and I helped fix drinks.

"Watcha having K.C.?" Harley asked.

"Bloody Mary, right?" My brother taunted.

"Drink dulls the mind," KC growled.

"Oh come on, have some fun!" I exclaimed. 

"It's the end of the world, have a drink with us," Harley added.


"There he is. Give the man a beer," Boomerang said.

"How about you, hot stuff?" Harley asked Chato.

"Water," He said giving me a slight death glare.

"That's a good idea, honey," Harls said passing him water.

"Ninja? You want some sake?" I asked.


"What am I 12?" My brother asked as I refilled his shot glass, "Here's to honor among thieves."

"I'm not a thief," Katana said walking away.

"Oh. She's not a thief," Floyd said. I came out from behind the bar and grabbed Chato's arm.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked in a soft voice. He got up and I walked into an empty room and closed the door, 

"I'm so sorry I was being such a grade A bitch earlier it's just..... Joker was like my family and every time I get family, I lose them. And I really care about you. I don't know what would happen if I lost you." Before I could say anything else, his lips were on mine as he pushed me up against a wall picking me up. He slipped off my gun holster as I took off his shirt, my hand went down his chest, as I admired his tattoos.

"If that was your way of saying you love me, I love you too," he said. We began kissing again but was interrupted by Harley,

"We are back on, let's go!" We fixed our clothes and walked back out to the empty bar. I kissed his cheek before we walked out to the others. We all walked together to get the job done. We stopped behind a building as Boomerang threw a camera boomerang to spy on the non-human entity. 

"We have to take out the big one," Floyd said.

"I left a big ass demo charge down there in that subway," Rick said, "There's a flooded tunnel, leads right underneath that building. SEALs, they can recover the charge, swim in underneath that thing's feet. We get in its face and distract the hell out of that son of a bitch so the swimmers can blow the bomb. That's how we take it out." Rick got his men to the subway with oxygen tanks to take the big guy out as we all prepared ourselves.

"Let's do this," Rick said as Chato and I stood up ready to go. We walked in the subway that was covered with black gunk everywhere. 

"You must really love this girl," My brother said to Rick.

"Man, I thought love was bullshit. Dead serious. Desire, mutual benefit, whatever. I mean, I get that, but actual love? I rated that with UFOs. Lot of believers, no proof. Then I met June."

"Do what you gotta do. I got your back." We walked to an opening in the subway as Floyd asked Chato, "You gonna fight with us?"

"What if I lose control?"

"Then we might have a chance," I said shooting him a wink. We were so close to the Enchantress we hid behind columns so she didn't notice us.

"Duck in," Rick said. I watched her do her magic stuff when Harley asked,

"Hey, everyone can see this trippy magic stuff, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Floyd asked.

"I'm off my meds!"

"So that's your old lady, huh?" Floyd asked.


"Well, you need to handle this shit, all right? Get up there, smack on her ass, tell her,"Knock this shit off."

"I don't think that'd be wise. I'm gonna draw out the big one. My boys will detonate the bomb underneath him." Suddenly the Enchantress started talking then gave us trippy but real visions.


"Kyle, Faith, I'm happy to say your twins are healthy and happy. You will be able to have them at your wedding!" The nurse said smiling holding one of my children as Kyle held the other. 

"Do you have names you would like to name them?" The doctor asked.

"Floyd Jr and Alexandria," I said holding my beautiful daughter in my arms.....

Wait this isn't real...... I killed him and them...... I lost my family...

End of Vision

"I killed my family, and there is nothing you can do to change that!" I yelled at the Enchantress.

"How long have you been able to see my child?" She asked.

"Since I fell in love, the first and second time." We all walked out in front of the Enchantress to show her we are a team and won't change that ever.

"You can't have them, these are my people right here," Chato said.

"But it is our time. The sun is setting, and the magic rises. The metahumans are a sign of change." The Enchantress said.

"Lady You are EVIL!" My brother yelled. Then the Enchantress called to her brother to make us bow to her. He started shooting things out of his hands, and Katana cut one off it re-grew. Chato stepped in front of him and used his fire to distract him. He then turned into a huge fire monster.

"Diablo drive him into the corner!" Rick shouted. He started burning through the 'Gods' chest, but he overpowered him.

"Diablo, get clear! Get outta there!" Rick shouted again.

"Blow it!" He yelled. I looked at Rick than at Floyd with a heartbroken face.

"Blow it," Floyd demanded.

"NO!" I yelled.

"Everybody down!" Rick yelled, instead I sprinted toward Chato trying to save him. The blast blew me back and almost made me go unconscious. I stood up and ran to the hole. I looked down to see if he was still there.

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