Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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"How did I happen to mess up the room already?" I asked myself putting my hands on my hips, looking around. I had clothes thrown everywhere, and shoes in places where they shouldn't be. I grabbed a navy blue dress that had a mesh top with lace that went down to the bottom, which was mid-thigh length. I walked into the bathroom and took my hair out of the messy braid it was in and rebraided the top into two and gave myself two braided space buns. I removed all make-up and started with a fresh pallet; I added foundation, gave myself smokey eyes, high lighter, and bold maroon lipstick. As I looked for shoes, I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of lacey navy blue stilettos. I looked at the clock and I still had fifteen minutes. I walked back into the bathroom and put on a silver Cartier watch, silver hoop earrings and a diamond choker. I added some perfume to make sure I didn't smell like a suitcase. 


"You look absolutely stunning, mia carina." I met Chato's lips as I greeted him in the lounge of the hotel. 

"You cleaned up well, babe." All of his tattoos were covered and he was wearing a grey suit with a maroon tie... My color.

What if he plans to propose tonight?

The thought ran through my mind but quickly diminished. I knew I was ready to take that commitment with him. 

"Where do you plan to take me?" I asked with a mischievous smile.

"Wherever you want to go," He responded grabbing my hand as we walked out of the hotel. 

"I know a place." I led the way and he followed, his hand in mine. We walked in silence for a while, enjoying each other's presence. We arrived outside of the restaurant,

"Bamonte's Restaurant. Let me guess, Italian?" Chato asked. I laughed and he opened the door for me. 

"How can I help you?" A young girl with curly brown hair asked. 

"Can we get an outdoor table for two please?" I asked and she grabbed two menus.

"Follow me please." 

She sat us at a beautiful table, in a roofed in area that used to be a greenhouse. 

"I have a question," I said before the waitress walked away. "Is the owner here?" 

"Oh yeah, he is in the kitchen. Would you like me to ask him to come out?"

"Yes please, you can tell him Faith Lawton is here." The waitress walked away and Chato and I began looking at the menu.

"You know the owner?" Chato asked.

"Yeah, this was actually my first job at age 14. I was a waitress until he asked me to be in his gang." Chato nodded and I smiled. "Ooh, there is Italian red wine!" 

"Let's get it." He responded and I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. As we looked at the menu a little longer the waitress came back and said the owner would be thirty minutes or so and she would take our orders now. 

"Okay, so you both want our handmade Italian red wine, Faith you want the linguine con l'aragosta, and you want the spaghetti con le vongole, sir?" Chato and I both nodded in agreement. "Okay, I will put this in for you guys and it should be out in less than an hour." 

We nibbled on our mozzarella sticks and talked. 

"What did you do today?" I asked

"I went shopping with Jay. He got me some suits then I got myself some other things. By the way, I got you something." He grabbed a bag that he slipped in my purse and handed it to me. I opened it to see the most beautiful jewelry I have ever seen. 

"You didn't," I exclaimed with a look of excitement on my face

"They are for you to wear to the charity event." He responded with a smile that I have never seen before.

"I love them... And you." We both leaned in and kissed one another. 

"So cute," A deep voice greeted us. Salvator Maroni. 

"Sal, it is so good to see you!" I stood up and hugged him. 

"Oh dear, we all thought you died after the attack a while back. Someone saw you with Ra's al Ghul like two months ago and thought it was a ghost or something." 

"Nope, I'm right here in the flesh. This is my boyfriend Chato Santana, babe this is Salvator Maroni. He practically raised me after my dad died and my mom got a job from him." The two shook hands and we all sat down. The waitress brought him whiskey and refilled our wine glasses and we caught up. 

"So that is how you two met. It's funny how the government can really have an impact on our lives." Maroni saw that our food was coming out and stood up. "I will leave you guys to your romantic evening. Your meal is on the house, you two beautiful people." 


"PLEASE!" I begged him. 

"You didn't even eat all of your dinner." 

"I really want it though." 

"Just because I love you." Chato walked up to the counter and ordered my ice cream for me. He came back with a huge sundae filled with chocolate and handed it to me. I took a huge bite and Chato's jacket almost fell off of my shoulders as I danced. 

"Thank you, baby." I kissed his cheek as he ate his tiny ice cream cone. I took my good time eating the ice cream and Chato just sat there and stared at me. 

"How did you manage to eat all of that ice cream?" He asked.

"I'm a woman, that's how!" I joked and just kept laughing. We got up and headed back to the hotel. I looked at my watch and it was going on midnight.

"You, my dear, are a nut job." The 24-hour ice cream shops lights seemed to go out as we left. As we walked, Chato wrapped his big, strong, arms around me to keep me warm against the breezy Gotham air. In his arms, I felt safer than I have felt in a long time.

A/N: Hey guyyyyysyssysysy

Sorry, I just got excited. Please comment and vote if that's what you like to do


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