Marry Me

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Harley brought me a rosé and we sat at a table in the banquet hall. "So, how are you?" I asked. She was wearing a blue dress that looked like the night sky.

"I'm really great. I'm so glad I got to come out of the nut house for this!" She exclaimed and grabbed my hand. "So, Carlos, eh?"

"I'm still going to call him Chato sometimes."

"Hahaha, me too!" We began to laugh and he pulled me into a hug. "I'm gonna go find Jay." 

She whispered in my ear. She got up and I sat at the table for a few moments before leaving the banquet hall back to the ballroom. I looked around and saw my brother dancing with Zoie and Jay and Harley dancing. Carlos was talking to James Gordan and I walked over to them.

"The fire academy? Wow, that's a great career to go into." James stated towards Carlos. I linked my arm in Carlos's.

"James this is my girlfriend, Faith Lawton."

"Faith, hi. It's been a long time, since high school?" 

"It has. How is everything at the GCPD?" I asked.

"Good. It's all good. I'm the commissioner now and your boyfriend here told me he is joining the GCFD." 

"Really? Well, that is news to me!" I laughed and so did James. As we were laughing Bruce Wayne came over to us. 

"Commissioner Gordon, please, introduce me to your friends," Bruce stated.

"This here is Carlos Santana and Faith Lawton." Bruce shook Chato's hand and kissed mine.

"It is so nice to meet you both." 

"The pleasure is ours, thank you for throwing such an amazing party," I said with graciousness. 

"Of course, I love a good party!" We all gave a small laugh and a waiter brought by drinks. Bruce and I grabbed one and James and Carlos denied any. 

"I would love to stay and talk but I need to introduce this hunk to some more people from around here." I grabbed Chato and walked him over to where Hailey and Ian were standing. I tapped Hailey on the shoulder and she jumped but then turned to me and gave me a big hug. 

"Faith, Chato, it's so nice to see you! This is my husband, Ian."

"It's great to finally meet you, Ian. This is my boyfriend Carlos, but we call him Chato."

"I have heard so much about you Faith, and Carlos, it's nice to meet you." The two guys shook hands and Hailey and I walked around to talk.

"The boys are at home with the sitter, so you'll have to meet them another day while you're here. They were not having it tonight, and I really wanted them to come." 

"That's fine. Good news... I think we are moving here!" I exclaimed and Hailey got super excited.


"Yeppers!!" Hailey and I gushed for a few minutes before Chato and I's song, Love Me Now by John Legend started playing. I looked around for him and found him talking to Jay and Rick. I grabbed him and we began slow dancing even though the song was an upbeat song. Chato spun me out then pulled me back in. I was shocked. In his hands was the box. The box Hailey and I found in our closet. I looked him in his eyes and he smiled, getting on one knee. 

My hands rose to my face and tears began to sting my eyes. 

"Faith Carmin Lawton. I knew you were special that first time I met you. You were so alive when I wasn't. You were a ball of light and energy when I was in my darkest place. You made me burn brighter than I ever expected possible. I love the way you dance around the house while I make breakfast. I love the way you use your hairbrush as a microphone." My cheeks began to blush, all of our friends were in one this. "The way you smell after your morning surf. I love how you act as weird as you want without caring what people think. I love you. You have shown me what love is. Before you, I had no idea how to love. I didn't even know what love was. I have never been as happy as when I'm with you. I know this was very unexpected but will you do me the greatest pleasure and marry me?" 

Without even thinking twice I shook my head. "I would love to marry you!" He stood up and placed the ring on my finger, everyone around us started to clap and I could help but place a passionate kiss on Chato's lips. "I have never loved anyone like I love you." We hugged for a long time as people got back to their conversations. 


"How did you keep this a secret?" I asked Jay as he looked at the ring.

"I have many talents. Keeping secrets is one of them."

"I can't believe I'm engaged!!" I gushed showing Harley and June my ring. Rick walked up to us with Victor and Floyd. 

"That is a beautiful ring, Faith," Victor stated.

"I know. Thank you all for coming, Rick, I understand it must have been difficult to get clearance to let Harley, Floyd, and Victor out?"

"Only a little bit." Rick joked. He wrapped June in his arms and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Harley, will you be one of my bridesmaids?" 

"Is that a question?! I would love to!!" Harley hugged me and I couldn't believe in six short months I would be married. I would be agreeing to be Faith Carmin Lawton Santana or Mrs. Carlos Santana. And I could be happier.

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