Fight Fire With Fire

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The Aliens saw us and attacked. I ran over to my brother and we covered each other. I put my back against his and vice verse, and we both started shooting. One of them tried to attack me but I kicked them in the face and shot them in the head. I saw Diablo move back to avoid all fighting. After all of them were killed I looked over to see Harley just hitting a dead one with her bat. We all stared at her.

"Harley," My brother scolded.

"What? I saw it flinch," She responded.

"You some help Princess?" Boomerang said to Diablo.

"It's better this way," He responded, "Trust me."

"Oh, yeah, you're the fire bloke, eh?" Boomerang taunted.

"Yeah, I was, yeah."

"Right, yeah, hey. Well looky here, it's fire. Ouhhhhh," He took out a lighter and teased 

"Boomerang at least he didn't try to steal a watch. Because things like money he doesn't care about, unlike your thieving ass," I said arguing with Boomerang.

"What are they?" Harley asked Rick.

"I don't know," Was his response.

"Bullshit," My brother added, "That thing has an over three thousand dollar watch. Was that a person?"

"It was, now it's not. We gotta job to do, keep moving!"

We started walking down a narrow alley and El Diablo and I were shoulders to shoulder,

"So SA, what's your real name?" I asked breaking the silence between us.

"Chato Santana," He replied.

"Chato Santana...... I like how that roles of the tip of my tongue." I looked and saw Rick and my brother having a conversation as we made it to the main street with buildings lite up everywhere. We walked behind Rick as he told us our mission,

"Our body is at the top of that building," He said pointing at a building straight ahead of us, "We get up there, pull them out of the vault they are hiding in, and Helos extract us off the roof. It's Miller Time."

"Who's up there?" Floyd asked.

"That's none of your concern," Rick responded.

"Do you know who is up there?" Floyd pushed.


"Is it the president?"

"It's not the president," Rick said. My brother kept asking who it was as I was looking at the buildings. Chato walked over to me and snapped me out of my daydream----


"Faith, how could you do this to me? To our child?" Kyle asked me as Floyd and I stood on the edge of a building.

"Faith, let's go," Floyd said.

"Kyle, when it comes to the heart everybody for themselves, right? You would rather get a job endorsement then love a criminal," I pulled my gun out on him, "My heart and mind don't mix, so I will go with my gut." I pulled the trigger and watched as the other man he with him call for an ambulance and check his pulse,

"It's no use. I got him right in the heart just like he got me."

Flashback over

"Faith.....Faith...." I was shaken from my flashback. I looked over to see it was Chato.

"Yeah, sorry."

"You okay?" He asked tilting my head up toward him. We were alone while the others were talking about getting in the building.

"To be honest, no. Have you ever wished to take back your whole life and go back and time and prevent yourself from being born?" I asked tears filling my eyes.

"No, this curse hasn't always been kind to me but I never wished it away," He said offering me his hand. I took it and we walked away from the building I was staring at. As we walked I tripped over something and it made a very loud noise. Chato caught me and the whole squad saw us.

"Ehum, no making out we gotta job to do," Rick said walking up to the building.

"Shut up, asshole," Chato said as I stood up normally.

"Wow if I didn't know any better I would think SA has a little crush," Boomerang said. I rolled my eyes and skipped over to Harley as we walked into the building. We went up the elevator and nobody noticed until they heard it ding,

"Goddammit. Harley, Faith. Go, go, go, go," Floyd said they all ran to the staircase. We stood in the elevator as Harley grabbed her phone,

"J is coming to get both of us," She said excited, "We can get back to our lives." Suddenly an alien jumped out of the ceiling and I kicked its head off. Another one broke through the glass and Harley and I beat the shit out of it. We then both got out of the elevator and the squad was staring at us,

"Hey, guys! Common let's go!" Harley said as she walked out of the elevator. We walked into an office and we stopped, as my brother said something,

"I don't like this, Flag."

"I don't like it either," He responded. Floyd put on his mask as Harley stared at him. She was totally judging,

"Pussy," She said and he got mad.

"I will knock your ass out, I don't care that you are a girl."

Suddenly the ceiling broke and aliens swarmed out from everywhere. I covered Chato since he was not going to protect himself. Guns going off from every inch of the room, I shot bullets into many of the aliens. Soon Rick was being attacked by them and we had to save him,

"They are after Flag again," Floyd yelled in the room.

"Son of a bitch, get off me," Rick said struggling to get away from the aliens, it didn't work. We all circled up around him except Chato. After all of the aliens were killed we moved out of the room, and walked into a hallway. More aliens were everywhere, one of them grabbed me and pulled me with them. I saw the fury in Chato's eyes as he roasted every single one, saving my life. Harley kissed his cheek,

"I knew you would come through!" She exclaimed.

"That shit crazy," Floyd said. Everybody left the hallway and went to the stairs as Chato and I were left in the hallway alone,

"Wow, I didn't realize you had it in you," I joked friendly punching him, "You really are a lifesaver." I moved closer to his body and he pulled my waist onto him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pushed me against the wall and started to kiss me. I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss, our tongue swirling against each other. Then I pulled back to tease him,

"Let's go SA. We got some hero-ing to do," I said grabbing his hand walking to where everybody was.



Yeah, I finish a chapter. Comment if you liked it and vote. I love all of my weird reader nerds, you guys are amazing. Love your author, Me!!

Biya XP

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