Bang Bang Bang

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I sat on the edge of Jay's purple couch as he made a few phone calls. Johnny brought me a mug of peppermint tea then sat next to me.

"How are you holding up?" He asked handing me a blanket. "I know Ra's was like a father to you, and now you want to kill him?"

"Men change, Ra's changed and is trying to take Gotham over. It's already corrupted enough with the mobs and a man dressed as a bat. I'm not going to help him make innocent people, children, pay for what they have done to us. He hurt me by hurting Chato and Harley and that cannot be forgiven." I looked over my shoulder at Jay writing something down than talking to the opposite person on the phone. "Who is Jay calling?"

"Goatman and Pandaman, he is trying to get together a small army for us to kill Ra's.." Frost said before I interrupted him.

"But I get to actually kill him, right? Are they just back up?" I asked getting anxious.

"Goatman and Pandaman are planning on being back up. Faith, hun, I got you something," Jay walked into the room and handed me a small box I opened it and there was a looped cuff bracelet.

"What is it?" I asked holding it in my hand.

"If you wipe it out, it turns into any weapon you think about. Much like Izzy's bracelet from that show you watch." I stood up and hugged him.

"Thank you. Was it..." I was cut off by Jay.

"Made from the metal that can kill him and his daughter."

"You read my mind. Well, we have half of tomorrow to prepare and we all should probably get some sleep. Sorry for waking you both, I will see you in a few hours. When will Pandaman and Goatman be here?" 

"They will meet us at the hotel in Gotham, we will leave tomorrow," Frost answered. I waved them goodnight and walked back to my villa. I was finally going to get rid of the man that ruined my families life, for once and for all. I walked into my villa and ran upstairs, it was four in the morning so I crashed on the couch.

"She looks like she is dead," I heard Oswald say. I opened my eye and he jumped. "Don't scare a man like that!"

"Sorry, what time is it?" I asked sitting up and looking around.

"Nine, Jay wanted me to wake up. Meet him in his villa for brunch he told me," Oswald responded then he walked out to the pool. I stood up and ran up to the bathroom to shower and to brush my teeth. After my shower, I got dressed in a pair of black leggings, a red crop top, and a pair of maroon ADIDAS shoes. I walked to Jay's villa and saw Jay and Frost sitting outside, I walked over to them.

"We should talk over the plan," I stated as I sat down. Some of Jay's workers brought out food fit for a king. I began to nibble on a bagel when Jay began to talk.

"We will talk about it on the plane, we are leaving in an hour. Get everything you need for the fight." The phrase, 'Get everything you need for the fight' was nostalgic. This time last year I was with Rick and the Squad fighting for the government, now I'm fighting for happiness and love.

"Thanks for telling me sooner rather than later," I said sarcastically.

"Sorry about the short notice, Harley's sister is using the private jet later so we had to make a compromise. We get to use it earlier than she needs it. I need to take care of my woman's family and get along with her sister, so a compromise is a little thing in our brother/sister-in-law situation."

"Wait, you and Harls are married?!" I asked very surprisedly.

"Not yet, I plan on proposing when I get her out of Blackgate." We talked for an hour while I ate, then I walked back to my place to get my weapons and some clothes. Once I was ready, I locked up the house and walked to the launch pad near the entrance of our island. I boarded the private jet and saw Frost in the cockpit with Jay.

"Hey, guys, ready?" I asked.

"Choose a seat, we will take off soon," Frost said and I took a seat. We took off fifteen minutes after he told me to sit and we made it to Gotham in less than five hours. Gotham went to hell, it was dark and smokey. It looked like they were re-building it from the cyborg attack, the only building standing high was none other than Wayne Enterprise. We were dropped off on top of the hotel and a woman with many tattoos was waiting for us on the roof. She took us to our rooms and Goatman and Pandaman were waiting in Jay's room.

"The plan?" Pandaman asked.

"Faith, go ahead," Jay spoke to me.

"I will walk up to the entrance of Wayne Enterprise and wait for them with Jay." I looked over to Jay to see him nod his head. "Then once we do the trade, be ready to see any backup. They are most likely his demon hosts, we can kill them with these laser guns. Aim at their chests or heads." I handed each person their guns. "I will attack Ra's and Talia as soon as I see El Diablo is safe and secured by Jay and Goatman. Frost and Pandaman, one of you can wait on the roof of the hotel and the other one, probably Frost, can go undercover. Any questions?" 

"No, sounds like you have got it all handled," Goatman exclaimed.

"Oh, I do! I can't wait to stop the terrorization of Ra's and Talia al Ghul for once and for all," I smirked, they won't know what hit them.

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