Keep Me in Your Heart

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We started walking up these steps and I told myself not to look down. I looked up to see Chato and Digger talking. 

"So, Faith you and SA, ey?" Harley asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act like nobody saw you two making out."

"Did Floyd see?" I asked looking around for my brother.

"Probably not, but Ra's isn't going to be happy."

"Well lucky for me, I don't care about what he says since he didn't get me out of Blackgate like he said he would," I said as she just stared at me. 

"He said he would help you out?"

"Yes, Harley what aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing to worry about just go up there. Diablo is staring at you, I think he wants you," She bluffed and sprinted up the steps. I looked over the rail to see we were very far up and got another flashback.


Darkness flooded the room and all I could smell was blood. I frantically moved around and felt I was tied to a chair. I opened the lock on my bracelet and used it to cut the ropes. Once I stood up I was tackled by a person wearing a ninja suit, I felt a piercing pain in my hip and then kicked them off of me. I jumped up and lights flooded in blinding me. The person who I could make out was a guy, kicked the back of my knees down and I fell on my stomach.

"Oh now you are dead," I threatened as I stood up. I  was ready to beat the batshit out of this person. I started punching them until I punched the ground, I heard every bone in my hand break. How did the guy disappear? I looked around for him then got a huge pain in my back, like I got hit by a huge pole, I looked back and I did. The man hit me in the back with a metal pole making me black out.


I woke up again but the time I was being held by more ninja people. I struggled to get out of their grip, it didn't work. This guy with a Chinese face and weird beard walked up to me,

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I asked.

"I am Ra's Al Ghul, and I will make you strong so you can help me take over Gotham City," He responded.

The flashback went to another one.

I punched the punching bag as Ra's followed his other students every move, but me. My eyes followed him around the room as he walked with his helper and scribe. I need to get out of here back to my brother, back to Harley and J, the only family I have.

"Faith, why aren't you working hard enough!" Ra's shouted.

"I'm sorry, sir, I have a question though."

"What is it?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"When can I go back to Gotham?"

"What to see the family you DON'T HAVE!?!?" He yelled making me step backward. We were in a building on a cliff with no walls only beams holding up the building. 

"I'm sorry for asking," I said turning back toward the punching bag. But than Ra's pulled my arm back, about pushing me off the building when I was balancing on the edge.

"If you get put in jail I will get you out," He said then blowing air and I fell at 125 miles per hour to the ground.


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