Fight the Power

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Jay and I walked out of the hotel holding hands. He stopped right outside of the doors,

"Did you get your bracelet? He asked. I nodded. "You're not very talkative tonight, are you okay?" 

"I don't know, I just..." I stopped in the middle of my sentence and walked over to Jay and hugged him. 

"Is this reassuring? Knowing that this, me, Frost, Harley, and Mr. Santana will be your new family? We will care for you more than Ra's ever could, he doesn't know how to be a father. I once heard he threatened his own daughter to get Batman to join the Leagues of Assassins, Bats almost lost his lover." I laughed as Jay's words were very reassuring.

"Oh, Jay. If I didn't know better, I would think you have a little crush on B-man!" All of my shakiness was gone and I was ready to kick ass. Jay pushed me away at the joke and began laughing.

"You...." He paused. "Are the funniest person." We continued walking, almost for an hour. The Wayne Enterprise tower was very large, and the last time I was here I almost died. A block away, Jay and I looked up to one of the other buildings and saw Frost and Pandaman on separate ones. I looked over and saw Goatman selling flowers at a flower cart. "Ready?" Jay asked.

"As ready as I can be." We walked over to the entrance and two ninja looking women were standing guard.

"The great Ra's al Ghul has been waiting for Faith Lawton. Who are you, stranger?" The woman with black hair asked with her sword up to Jay's throat.

"This is the Joker," I responded, "He is a friend of mine, protection for the man I am trading myself for."

"Enough talking, I must scan you for weapons." The second lady with light brown hair starred at me for a moment. "They are all clear." 

A limo drove behind them and the doors opened. Four people came out of them. Ra's, Talia, a Ninja woman, and...and Chato. I never thought I would want to kill somebody as much as I did. Chato was covered in bruises and cuts, he also looked like he was is a water tank for too long.

"Faith, my dear. It is so great to see you again. And Mr. Joker, it's always a pleasure." 

"So, are we going to trade or not?" I asked impatiently.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Santana, it has been really fun but we no longer need you, scoot along," Ra's pushed Chato over to Jay and I and I hugged him. I missed the warmth of his body on mine, I looked into his gorgeous brown eyes and kissed him. "Faith, come on, we must go."

I walked over to Ra's and Talia. 

"Get rid of them," Talia said to the ninjas. I looked behind me the ninjas had Chato and Jay in their arms. Both Jay and Chato were fighting back.


"I said he would be under my protection as long as he was with me, now come along. We have a lot of work to do." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

"I think not." I grabbed my bracelet and pulled it off, it turned into a spear. I stabbed Ra's in the arm and he let go, screaming in pain. Talia pulled out her sword and held it out in front of her, ready to fight. "Bring it, bitch."

Talia ran at me with her sword and I countered her. I pushed her sword away and it flew over towards her dad.

"No weapons, to make it fair," I shouted. I made my bracelet go back onto my arm. Talia stood there waiting for me to charge, she knows my fighting strategy because her dad taught me. I started walking, making a circle around her, making my attack suspenseful. 

"You don't want to hurt me, do you? I was like your sister and now you want to punish me and my father for giving you a family and making you strong?" Talia taunted me and saw it was getting to me.

"You may have given me my first family, but you hurt my current one." I ran to her and gave her an uppercut and she fell back. She reached for my hair and backed away from her, then elbowed her in the nose. Blood started oozing from her nose and she was holding her face. I turned away thinking we were done but I was wrong. She rammed me into the ground, I heard a crunch in my shoulder. She turned me on my back and punched me in the stomach, I coughed blood.

"Why would you want to have a family with that man. He cheated on you, you know? With me!" She started to laugh. With all the might in me, I pushed her off of me and grabbed my bracelet. She laid there on the ground and I was about to stab her when I heard the worse thing imaginable, Chato screaming in pain. I looked back and saw Ra's held Chato at knifepoint. He had a stab wound in his thigh that was gushing blood and it was from Ra's.

"I'm sorry Chato, this has to be done," I said. before I could look back I closed my eyes and stabbed Talia in the heart with my spear. I heard a yell, not a yell of pain, but a charging yell. I looked back and saw Ra's with the knife running for me. I crouched into a ball with the spear facing his way and to my surprise, he ran into it. I killed Ra's al Ghul, once and for all.

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