James POV:
Walking out into Diagon Alley my face was stuck in between and smile and a smirk. I winked at Lily before walking out of the shop and for a fleeting moment she smiled and blushed, it happened so quickly I don't even know if she'd noticed it but I'm sure it happened.
'Are you happy now?' Sirius said walking between Remus and I, 'Now that you got to talk to Evans?' I quickly responded to this.
'What are you talking about you wanted to go in there just as much as I did. Or did you not want to flirt with Marlene?' my face no longer stuck as I smirked at Sirius as he scowled
'Hey c'mon Prongs, Marlene is pretty and what's the harm in a little flirting and getting a head start on my weekly conquest once we get to school.' Sirius had never had a long term relationship. His relationships usually consisted of snogging and breaking up a week later. But I couldn't get rid of the feeling that Marlene and Sirius were going to become something more than just another of Sirius' weekly conquests if he could ever convince her to go out with him, which he would have a quite a job doing.
'Where in Merlin's name is Peter?' Remus, Sirius and I started to look through the very cramped street until we saw a small head with mousy brown bobbing up and down within the people trying to make his way to us.
'Sorry... guys. I. Just. Turned around and,' Peter began to try and speak while breathing heavily, 'you were. Gone'
'They just went to pretend bump into Lily, Marlene, Mary and Alice.' he emphasised the word pretend and I felt my face get hot and was no doubtably going red as Sirius' was.
This morning
'Hey James, Sirius are you ready to go?' Remus' voice echoed around the house and although faint could still be heard through the pillow I put over my head
'Ugh. For what?' I mumbled dazed and confused.
'To go to Diagon Alley. Remember you wanted to because I let slip that Lily mentioned it to me that she was going today?' Remus said appearing at the do- Wait. Oh Godric! How could I forget?! Lily and Remus had been next door neighbours for years so over the holidays I tried to spend as much time at his house as I could hoping to see her.
'How could you forget you haven't shut up about it since you found out?' Remus scoffed, I glared at him while shoving my glasses on and pulling on my clothes hastily.
'Padfoot c'mon get up.' he groaned as I shoved his shoulder trying to wake him up
'Fine, you asked for it. Aguamenti.' water soaked his pyjamas as Remus burst out laughing while Sirius fell out of bed looking severely annoyed.
'Okay! Okay! I'm up, no need drown me!' Smiling shortly I pulled on my black cloak as Remus had and walked out of the room
'We're meeting Peter in Honeydukes,' I rolled my eyes 'of course we are where else would he be?' I was about to say when Sirius cut me off
'Don't worry though, you'll get to see your precious Lilyflower soon enough.' I shot him a quick glare and continued walking down the hall while thinking about Lily. Six years I had tried to get Lily to go out with me and all six years I had failed. I feared that if I didn't this year that I would never see her again after we graduated and the thought sent a searing pain through my chest. I had liked Lily since third year and whenever I see her I can't help stare at her beautiful emerald eyes and silky red hair. Unfortunately whenever she sees me her hair is always flicked in my face as she quickly turns away from me or her green eyes are always giving me death stares. But this year that was going to change. And even if I can't get her to fall in love with me I atleast want us to be friends.
'Prongsie,' Sirius said in a sing-song voice 'you ready to go?' I nodded and we apparated to Diagon Alley
*End of flashback*
'It doesn't matter if it was coincidence or not,' I said desperately looking for a response, 'anyway Moony don't act so innocent we know you have a thing for Mary Macdonald.' Remus now suddenly serious, retorted quickly.
'Even if I do it's not like we could ever go out. I would never put Mary in that sort of danger you know I wouldn't because of my-' I cut Remus off as he looked around to see if anyone was listening.
'Furry little problem?' I finished and raised my eyebrows.
'You know Mary wouldn't care. She's cool and she obviously likes you.' Sirius said trying to change his mind.
'No. I'm not talking about it anymore.' he said firmly, ending that topic of conversation.
'What about you Wormtail? What's happening in your love life?'
'Erm well. There is this, one girl... in Ravenclaw.' Peter said quietly bowing his head and smiling awkwardly.
'Oh do tell Wormtail who's the lucky girl?' Sirius said as we continued to walk down the street.
'Bridget Williams.' Peter mumbled I instantly remembered the name. I had my first kiss with her.
'She's a good kisser that girl.' I added casually and everyone stared at me.
'Erm. What?' Remus stopped walking as Sirius and Peter did.
'Erm, yeah,' I said awkwardly put a hand on the back of my neck, 'you know third year when we had Hogsmeade trips?' everyone nodded eagerly 'well I heard Lily was going with someone so I took Bridget to make her jealous and started snogging her in the three broomsticks.'
Sirius burst out laughing and Remus shook his head with his eyebrows raised, almost laughing while Peter just looked shocked and we continued walking again.
'Don't worry though Wormtail we're just friends now, we hardly even speak so if you like her go for it, I'll even put a word in for you.' I said reassuring him
' Really? Thank you.' Peter replied now slightly more cheerful.
We walked into several different shops to pick up our school books and as the others spoke I let my mind wander to Lily again. I hadn't mentioned it to any of the marauders that I'd received the letter saying I'd been made Head Boy. That meant I would get to spend more and more time with Lily and we'd get to share a common room but I was also a bit nervous about her reaction, maybe she'll take it easy on me and only jinx me into next week or transfigure my face or hit me with a Bat-Bogey hex.
Still I'm definitely going to be friends with her by the time we get to Hogwarts. I'll make sure of that.
A/N That's chapter 2. I know there's probably not even one person reading this but oh well I love to write and have wanted to write a Jily fanfic for ages so if anyone actually does read this please review so I can know if what I'm writing is actually good or if it's rubbish cus that would really help, thanks.

Emerald and Hazel
FanfictionIt's their seventh and final year at Hogwarts, which means it's James Potter's last year to try and win over Lily Evans. Through a chaotic whirlwind of emotions, plots, hexes and the rising threat of Voldemort, can James convince Lily Evans he's cha...