Chapter 27 - The Second Step

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Lily's P.O.V

Last and only lesson of the day. Defence against the dark arts.

Marlene and I drag our boyfriends out of the Great Hall away from their food, which they're still not very happy about, to our class.

'Why are we here? This is dumb.' Sirius says sulking.

'Oh don't be so moody, is it your time of the month?' Marlene asks him in mock pity while I laugh at Sirius who shoots Marlene a quick glare.

'Come on! This will be fun we're practicing our Patronus!' I say smiling excitedly.

'Woo.' Sirius says leaning against the wall almost falling asleep.

'Do you reckon he's got PMS?' James says leaning over to me.

I stifle my laughter with my hand and Sirius opens his eyes looking at James warningly.

'Oh and Lilykins I forgot to thank you,' Sirius begins and I look at him, confused, 'now that you're finally going out with James I won't have to stand his constant crying and whining about why you won't love him.' Sirius smirks.

'That was ONE time and you promised Padfoot!' James says shocked.

Marlene and I burst into a fit of giggles over the childishness.

Soon enough Remus appeared with Mary, Alice and Frank.

'Settle down everyone, settle down!' Professor Levish stepped to the front of the class with a look of great worry on his face.

'Students I'm very sorry but I'm afraid lessons have been cancelled today, and you are all instructed to go to your common rooms straight away without any detours. Class dismissed.' He finishes and everyone gave each other confused looks.

I stuck my hand up before he walked away.

'Yes, Miss Evans?'

'Why has class been cancelled?' I ask politely.

'I'm sorry Miss Evans I'm not at liberty to say.' He says with sorry eyes. I reply with a half smile and everyone exits the classroom.

'Do you want to come back to our common room?' James asks the group and looks at me for approval and I nod my head.

Everyone agreed so we made our way up the moving staircase until it gave a jolt.

'Great. Now we need to go the long way round.' Marlene says and I agree it takes about five minutes the long way round.

The corridor was vacant and dark as there was only two windows that shed light into it.

I halted as soon as I heard several voices and everyone behind me copied my movements as I listened closely.

Who could it be? Lost first years? Peeves? The house ghosts?

Quite as a mouse, I made my way to the corner and poked my head around it as far as I dared until I gasped. My hand shot up to my mouth until James was at my side.

'What is it?' He whispered as everyone looked at me urgently. I shake my head frantically not being able to suck in breath at the fear that was running through me.

'Teachers - McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, Slughorn, Dumbledore, they're all there.' I stuttered trying to form a coherent sentence.

'What? Lily was is it?' Remus says.

I shake my head not finding the words to describe I just gesture my head towards the teachers who all have they're backs turned.

Some how the silence seems more chilling than any gasp or scream anyone of us could raise.

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