Chapter 7 - Bad Aim

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Lily's P.O.V

'Marls! Can you believe it?!' I dragged her into my common room and slammed the painting shut in anger.

'Wow! Lily no need to take it out on the painting' she half laughed and I grabbed her wrist pulled her onto the couch to sit next to me.

'Marls I need to tell you something' I was now very red and wondering whether i should tell Marlene or not.

'Oh! Gossip! Sorry, go on' she tried to say in a casual tone.

'It's not... really gossip. I just need advice' I really hope I wasn't sounding like a pathetic little girl.

'Okay, go on then'

I exhaled sharply 'I think I might like James' I winced, anticipating her reaction and her jaw dropped.

'Oh my god! Lily! Finally, I've been telling Sirius you have all al--' she blurted out the words and my brain instantly registered what she had said. My ears probably turning as red as my hair I started shouting.

'What!' She had an immensely guilty look on her face as I screamed.

'I'm sorry, I just saw how upset you were at breakfast and I've been spending a lot of time with Sirius and I just wanted to help'

'Well you haven't! Do you realise all Sirius is going to do is run to James screaming 'bloody-murder' that I like him and now James likes someone else it'll make things even more awkward!' I was embarrassed more than furious. Sirius' first thought would have obviously just been to tell James that Lily Evans finally liked him! And, James is now interested in Jennifer so, how is that going to end well?

'Hey I'm sorry, I was just trying to help' she stood up and started to raise her voice. Did she honestly have the nerve to shout at me right now?

'Well you haven't! You've just made this situation worse' I retorted, standing up.

'I'm sorry, I didn't think that--' I cut her off before she finished

'No! Obviously you weren't thinking. Because you never think that sometimes a situation might not need you meddling with it!' The common room now echoing our voices.

'Well, maybe I just felt bad for you.' I looked at her with a mixture of anger and confusion 'I mean, you've never kissed anyone, you've never even had a boyfriend and I felt bad for you and wanted to help the process along. But who knows maybe even James has finally seen your not worth the effort.'

Even though we were having an argument her words hurt a lot and I was completely speechless. Her face was cold and unforgiving and after a few seconds she turned on her heel and stormed out.

'Oh hey, Marlene are you--' a familiar voice suddenly reached my ears as I watched Marlene storm out of the common room.

'Move Potter' she pushed him with her arm and he stumbled into the common room and turned to look at me. His eyes were so warm and brown and his hair was so messy I just wish I could--

'Lily are you okay?' I realised there were tears blurring my vision and I quickly blinked them away.

'I'm fine' I say in a flat tone and walk past him.

'Lily. If your upset you can talk to me' he grabbed my arm gently and spun me around to face him. His eyes filled with genuine concern.

'Just leave me alone' I pulled my arm out of his grip and started to walk very quickly out of the common room out into the corridor.

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