Lily's P.O.V
One week later
'Lily c'mon we're gonna miss the train!' Mary called out to me as we passed the barrier between platforms 9 and 10.
I had literally spent the last week thinking about the short encounter in Flourish and Blotts I had with Potter, Black and Remus. I wasn't going to lie to myself I knew that I had smiled briefly when Potter winked at me but it happened so fast how could I be sure it was even because he winked at me? It could have been anything I just hadn't remembered because of the embarrassment that Potter had noticed. I knew he'd noticed because as he turned around I saw his face forming a smirk.
Worse though, even my friends thought I was interested in him. Honestly my friends have known me for six whole years now how could they think such a thing? How could they think I'd think about his messy black hair, hazel coloured eyes, muscular arms and pink, full li-- no Lily! Don't even go there!
'Lily! Hello, can you hear me?' Mary called out to me again. Her voice however was distant as though she was calling me from the other side of the platform, it surprised me to find her standing about three feet away from me.
'Lily, c'mon I already told you we're about to miss the train.' she said pointing the clock hanging on the brick wall on the same side of the platform. It was 10:58.
'Shoot, your right. Here help me with my trunk please.' I said after carefully placing hers on the train.
The train started to move just as we stepped on and we made our way across the row of compartments until we found the one with Marlene and Alice inside.
'There you are,' said Alice 'we were about to come make sure you hadn't been left behind' Marlene added.
'We almost were, because a certain someone who shall remain nameless was too busy day dreaming.' Mary sat down next to Alice and I sat down next to Marlene. It wasn't until I looked up that I noticed Mary, Alice and Marlene giving each other subtle but knowing glances with slight smiles sketched upon their faces.
'What?' I snapped after a while.
'Nothing. Really it's nothing.' Marlene said her smile growing wider.
I looked at my watch absent mindedly an realised I was supposed to be making my way to the prefects compartment now to find out who the new Head Boy was and prep for the prefects meeting.
'Sorry guys I've got to go.' they all looked up and said in unison 'Why?'
'Well,' I said sitting down once more 'I got the letter about two weeks ago... I'm Head Girl and I wanted it to be a surprise.' I said smiling timidly.
The girls all have excited squeals, 'Oh Lily that's wonderful we're so proud of you!' Alice said smiling wider than me, I blushed.
'Yeah, I mean haven't you been planning your mission to become Head Girl since like first year.' Marlene said sarcastically but playfully.
'Oh ha ha.' I also retorted sarcastically
'Well we can't really have you being late to your first meeting, you are supposed to be setting an example after all Lily.' Mary commented with a tone of mock disappointment.
'Your all hilarious, anyway gotta go be back in about an hour.' I said cheerfully and walked out.
I can't wait to see who the new Head Boy is. It will probably be Remus. This year is going to be so good.
James P.O.V
I'd seen Lily day dreaming on the platform earlier today and she seemed quite cheerful, maybe she won't be too mad that she has to spend the whole year with me in a common room and doing rounds at night. Even though she was say dreaming and looked a bit disoriented she still looked beautiful as the think strands of thin hair were sweeping across her face. She looked like one of those beautiful people in, what do the muggles call them? Mivies?

Emerald and Hazel
ФанфикIt's their seventh and final year at Hogwarts, which means it's James Potter's last year to try and win over Lily Evans. Through a chaotic whirlwind of emotions, plots, hexes and the rising threat of Voldemort, can James convince Lily Evans he's cha...