2. Spilled blood

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(Your pov)

'As I touched the last key I just stared, with tears running down my face.

I felt EMPTY.

It was like I just let out all my emotions playing the piano, and when I was, the feeling of more people joining the room suddenly stopped. And as I looked up I saw 6 people sitting in chairs staring at me. The two red headed people from before, and four other people i hadn't seen before. at the moment I didn't care and just grabbed my bag that I had thrown on the floor beside me and I walked out. Stared at the whole time until I got out of the door. I ran. I just ran home, through the snow and all the people on the streets. I came to my apartment and took up my keys, my hands were shaking almost so much that I couldn't get the key into the door to unlock it. When I finally did, I sat down against the door crying holding my hands on my head almost screaming in pain. It was too much for me. I was having a panic attack and there was only one way that worked for me to stop it.

So I went into the bathroom looking myself in the mirror. I took a razor blade that was lying on the counter and I did it. It went so fast. I couldn't even feel it, or noticed that I did it. Three times. I cut myself. Three times on the wrist and I just watched the blood find it's way down my hand and onto the floor and counter as my breathing got calmer and I finally stopped crying and just looked at my wrist.

A few hours later I had changed clothes and wrapped my wrist whit some bandages so nobody could see it, and even if they did I could just come up whit an excuse. I had also cleaned up the bathroom and myself for that part.

This had happened multiple times before in my other school but I had hoped that it wouldn't happen on the first day of a new school. Either way, now lying in my bed like a ball, I started thinking about those people who were in the music room with me. Why were they staring at me? that was one question that echoed in my head. And there was something about their eyes, almost like they were hypnotising anyone they looked at. It was different from other peoples eyes, and I just couldn't help to not notice it.

My head was faced away from the window, just looking at my hands when I felt it. The stare, like somebody was watching me from afar. So I turned my head and smiled, that one fake smile so if somebody actually was staring at me they could see it. I then felt my eyes getting more heavy and my smile soon disappears, that's when my eyes fell shut.

When I then later woke up, my alarm clock was beeping. As annoying as ever, I thought to myself. I then started my normal routine before school, brushed my hair and teeth, taking half of the uniform on as I changed some stuff. I didn't care for breakfast, as always. Took my glasses, put them on, looked myself in the mirror and smiled a fake smile. Then I ran out the door down the street, making my may to school.

I came into the classroom and there was already three other people there, the two read heads from yesterday and a boy with purple hair and a teddy that he hugged tight. I went to the seat I had yesterday and sat down looking out the window. I didn't bother putting my hair up as I was to lazy and I forgot my hairband at home.

-Oi you there, the red headed boy in front of me said looking at me with his green eyes, almost piercing through my soul.

-What do you want? I said turning my face against him with a blank look.

-What was that show yesterday Slut-chan~? The red head beside me said smirking like an idiot.

-It was quite lovely, right Teddy? The purple haired boy said, hugging his teddy tighter and looking down at him.

-Oh you mean me playing piano? It is called music, and Laito I think your name was? How can you be a slut when you're a virgin? I asked tilting my head to the side staring at him with my clear blue eyes.

-What happened to your wrist? The boy in front of me said smirking and taking my wrist pulling himself closer to me. I didn't even show a bit of it hurting, as it didn't hurt anymore.

-Nfufuf~ Your blood smells so nice~ Laito said coming up closer to me.

-Ever heard of self hurting? I said and smiled a little, the teacher then came into the room with a few other students sitting down in their seat. The boy in front of me let go of my wrist but he was still watching me.

The teacher then started to talk about how we were gonna work in pairs, the purple haired boy that apparently was named Kanato was with Laito and I got with Ayato the red head in front of me. I started writing as Ayato was trying to talk to me, but I just ignored him and continued writing until the bell rang.

I was on my may out when somebody grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the wall, it was Ayato and I could feel his breathing on my neck.

-Let me go, I said with a blank expression on my face but I really didn't care what he was going to do to me.

-Ayato, not on school grounds, a sudden voice appeared and Ayato let go, surprisingly.

-Damn it Reiji.. He said with an annoyed voice and a sigh. Him letting go gave me a chance to walk away, and I did with a fake smile on my face and they just staring at me until I disappeared from their sight.

On my way to my other class, I bumped in to a white haired boy with red eyes I just said sorry and continued walking with him staring at me. A few classes then went by and it was lunch again, I didn't eat today either and instead I went to the music room and sat down on a chair with my phone and ear plugs out.

I then fell asleep listening to my music.'


Hi hello welcome again, hope u liked this chapter. Next chapter will be coming out soon, babayee.

1172 words.

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