17. Burning skin

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A week laterz

Nobody had talked about the day when I was drunk, I don't know why because of course I had no memories of that. And whenever I asked Yui about it she wouldn't tell me and just changed the subject, the same was whit the brothers. And I was curious because it sounded like I said something important, but I didn't know what. I was getting impatient and as my luck had struck me, I found Laito, Shu and Yui in the living room.

-Tell me what I said when I was drunk, I'm getting really impatient and I need to know what I said. I said that really serious and Yui looked at me.

-Rose-san..Are you sure? She said and looked kind of worried at me.

-Yes, it can't be that bad? Right? I said carelessly and looked at her smiling.

-Slut-chan you said that you killed someone nfu~ That struck me like lightning, damn it.

-Oh..Well, I was just drunk so it doesn't mean anything, I said and laughed it off.

-Really, because it doesn't look that based of your face expression, Shu said looking at me with a small smile.

-Did..you really kill someone Rose-san? Yui said looking down at her feet.

-As I said, I was drunk I could've said anything or done anything, I said that and smiled.

Smiling at them, and they were staring me in the eyes trying to find something. Trying to find out if I was lying but I was avoiding their eyes so they couldn't find anything. It hurt. How much did it hurt? Like getting hit by à truck. And it hurt even more not showing any sign of pain. Holding it in before turning around and walking away. My whole face expression changed, at the point of crying. I wanted rain, but it wasn't raining so the only option was to shower.

As there wasn't a bathroom in my room, I decided to go to Yui's and borrow hers. Her door was already open so I could just walk in and head for the bathroom. Closing and locking the door behind me, I put down the change of clothes that I had gotten from my room.I then took of my clothes and put on the water waiting for it to become the temperature I wanted and then I sat down in the bathtub. Feeling the hot water hitting my skin was nice, water always made my thoughts go away. I sat there for a while until the warm water felt cold, so I turned up the heat even more and I could see fog/smoke forming around the edges of the bathtub. It was burning my skin without me even noticing, my arms were getting red and my legs too.

-Rose-San? Are you okay? You have been in there for quite a while.., I heard a slight voice say and I just responded with a low voice.

-I'm fine Yui, you don't have to worry.

-O-Okay! Tell me if you need anything.., she said and then she walked out hearing that her small footsteps faded.

I turned of the water and stood up, drying myself with a towel and then putting on the change of clothes which was an old black t-shirt and a pair of grey shorts. I stood and looked myself in the mirror. My skin was burning and my hair that I hadn't dried, was making my back and my shirt for that part completely soaked. Because of the water that was so hot, my face was also red reveling a few scars on the right side of my face.

I had fallen with my bike when I was younger, and I had no helmet so my face was kind of dragged on the stone path and therefore I had scars there.

Unlocking the door and walking out I saw something weird, Yui was laying in her bed sleeping and Ayato was beside her holding onto her with one of his arms. What?? I guess I'll just sneak out?? I'm really confused now?? Ignore it Rose, just walk out and forget it. Tip-toeing out I calmly and quietly opened the door and closed it behind me. I then walked down the hall to go to the first floor, I was thirsty so I wanted to go to the kitchen and get some water. It seemed like everyone was asleep so I wondered how long I was actually in the shower, but anyhow I quietly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I opened a cabin and took a glass, put on the sink and filled it with water.

Drinking up, I had turned of the water and started walking to the stairs as I was going to sleep. Half way up I had this weird feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. I stood frozen, couldn't move or do anything. My vision was getting blurry and I was losing my balance. No, not now, why is this happening again? And when I'm standing in the stairs not holding onto something? Why here?

I could feel myself losing all my balance making me fall backwards, and the last thing I saw from a distance up the stairs, was Yui. Whit a terrified look in her eyes, her calling out something but I couldn't hear it. I hit my head, but I didn't black out I could just feel myself kind of rolling down the rest of the steps until I hit the actual floor.

After a bit of just laying there, I got my hearing and vision back. I could also move again so I sat up and looked up to the stairs. Yui was standing there shocked and scared.

-Yui..you okay up there? I said.

-Rose-San.., She just said quietly staring down at me.

-You should go back to bed.., I'm fine, I stood up and started walking up the stairs again. Yui forget about it and go to sleep..,I said as I had reached the top and started walking to my room.

My head was aching, no doubt about that. Laying in my bed now, thoughts came rolling in. I shouldn't have gotten drunk, why did I say that? What if I have to explain what happened? Stop thinking you dumbass, go to sleep. Go to sleep, go to sleep. Just go to sleep, GO TO SLEEP. I was crying, I could feel tears going down my cheeks. I was sniffling, crying into my pillow until I fell asleep.

Uhm hi hope u liked this chapter I didnt as usal anyway byee.

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