15. A year later.

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(your pov)

Nothing really interesting happened in November to be honest, I got bitten a few times but nothing more then that. But on the 1st of December, there was snow falling. The streets were covered, roofs and cars too. People had began going out looking and buying, presents for christmas. Witch was something I wasn't going to do, because I had nobody to give a present to. Christmas lights had also appeared in the city, like everywhere. And there were decorations everywhere, and when I say that I mean it. People were crazy about this holiday, but there was also more chocolate witch made me happy since I love chocolate. Streets covered in colours, lights and decorations, our dead town was now kind of filled with joy. And I do enjoy snow for the most part, so that made me kind of happy.

When it was the day of Christmas, I didn't notice it at first. Then a package arrived at the door, a present. Someone sent me a present. I got excited to be honest, had someone really cared enough to get me a present? That was kind of surprising to me but it also made me happy. I opened the present in my bed I was seriously jumping out of excitment like how desperate am I? A bracelet, and a pair of earrings. They were so beautiful like holy, I almost started crying. Who bought it for me though? It could literally be anyone anywhere, and there was no note either. Was it the same person that gave me the necklace? Come to think of it, all of them were made of gold, but the earrings and the bracelet had tiny diamonds instead of a key. I wore them either way, always.

We were going to graduate inbetween Christmas and New Years, which I thought was kind of weird since you most of the time quit school in the middle of spring and summer. Apart from that, I wouldn't have to deal with the brothers and I'm happy about it, I'm not going to get my blood sucked anymore! Unfortunate for them, my blood was apparently special to them seeing as they would not let me die. Anyways, they can't stop me from doing anything now. Lucky lucky. That said, you who read this diary hope you had fun because this is the end of my high school diary. I'll probably write in another one later on, but not for now. Goodbye and hope you enjoyed, -Rose'


(Still your pov hue hue)


There was a tap on my shoulder, so I looked back and who I saw behind me it gave me a shock.

-Found you..the person said.

-Don't touch me, I said and backed a few steps bumping into someone else.

-Now, now Slut-Chan no need fight it, you're coming with us~

-And why the hell would I do that?

-Oi, It wasn't a request, you have no choice. After that everything went black.

Slightly opening my eyes I saw moonlight shining down on the floor, where the hell was I? The rooms walls were dark blue-greyish, and I was lying in a comfortable bed making me not want to get up but I had to as  I didn't know where I was. I sat up looking around, pretty big room, there was a balcony, a desk, a small bookshelf and a wardrobe, plus the bed that I was sitting in. Okay, adventure time Rose, I opened the door and there was a hallway. I went to the right, and there were a lot of rooms. The walls, were greyish and almost all of the doors were dark brown. There were some paintings here and there but not a lot. There was this cold atmosphere in the house seeing as there were no lights. One of the doors were open so I peeked in and it was almost the same as my room but instead, everything was pink. Extremely pink, like my eyes were hurting. I had to look away and walk past that and soon I'd be reaching stairs, I went down them and eventually I reached the dinning room. I was meet by 7 faces, which was some girl that probably had that pink room, and then the people I thought I'd never see again. The Sakamaki brothers. They were sitting at the table and eating breakfast, me just standing at the door with mixed feelings I walked in and stood by one of the empty chairs.

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