7. A second away, Wilted Rose.

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(your pov)

I was sitting at my desk and eating breakfast, the time was 10.35pm. I was home from school today and I thought I would have some time to eat something. It was nice, being home and being away from school not having to deal with teachers and other students. But I didn't know what to do, so it was kind off boring just sitting and not doing anything. Then a thought came up, could I go meet my parents? I mean, I know I didn't want too, but still I could just go see them for a day or two. So I did, I packed a bag with clothes for a day and a half, took my toothbrush and checked for when the bus came. 12.15am, okay that was fine in about 45 minutes. I put away my glass and my plate, and then I got dressed. I found a pair of sweatpants and a black sweater that I put on and my hair I put up in a bun, but I did cover the bite marks that wasn't completely healed yet with some make up I never used. After that, I put on my glasses and went out of my apartment, waiting for the bus down the street. 

3 minutes.

The bus came, eventually and I went on and gave my ticket to the bus driver and then went to a seat in the front. When the bus started moving, I was thinking to myself, 'Is this a good idea?' 'I haven't talked to them for a LONG time, and I can barely stand them fighting..'. But it was already too late, the bus had almost drove through the city and it had been 15 minutes when I finally stopped thinking about that. It then hit me. The eyes. I was feeling stared at yet again. It gave me chills, as I felt watched 24/7 by something, or someone who I didn't know. But I tried to ignore it, and just closed my eyes to get some rest. And I actually fell asleep. 

I woke up to somebody tapping my shoulder, and I opened my eyes slowly, realising I was there already and I saw my parents house down the street, so I went out the bus and walked over there. Just when I was about to knock on the door, my mother opened it and greeted me with a hug. Even if it was now almost 3pm (15.00), I was surprised she saw me coming.

-Oh Rose, I've missed you so much! She like screamed in my ear, I'm probably deaf by now. 

-Hi mom..I just said awkwardly not hugging her back. She then finally let go, I can now breathe. 

-Come in, come in. She said smiling widely, and I saw my father in the door staring at me as blankly as ever. 

So I went in, took of my shoes, and put my bag by the door. My mom then gestured me to come and sit down in the couch, so I did. She then brought me tea and some BISCUITS ;D I really love biscuits, they are sooo good and just amazing to eat! My mother then asked me a bunch of questions, about what I've been doing over the time I was gone, and I asked her too. 

Four hours later.

We had talked a lot by now, and that's when I started mentioning that I had problems, and my dad asked me something-

-How are your grades? He said looking at me blankly.

-They are fine. I said looking at him the same way.

-I want them better then 'fine'. He said annoyed at me, almost getting angry.

-I'm doing the best I can, dad. I said with disgust in my words.

-Do not speak to me that way, Rose. He said raising his voice.

I made a mistake coming here. 

-Rose, why do you always keep making more problems and cause drama? My mother said looking down at me disappointed. 

-What? I just said, kind of quietly.

-You always come with your problems, and drama! Making it more troublesome for us! My dad raised his voice even more.

-What the hell..I just said standing up, and started walking to the door, that's when my dad grabbed my wrist. Roughly. 

-Dad, let go! I screamed at him, but he just held me tighter. Dad, you're hurting me! I screamed again, but this time holding my tears in as I tried to break free but he wouldn't listen. He pushed me against the wall making me fall down to my knees, and I almost screamed in pain. 

-Worthless child, you're staying with us! He screamed right at me and I saw my mom shaking in the back, not even saying or doing anything as she was too scared. 

-I'm not..staying here..I said standing up, but my legs almost gave in as I tried to walk to the door, and successfully I opened it before my dad got me again and I started to half-run as I had hurt my ankle.

'It was a mistake..I should've never gone here..' That was the only thought in my head. I hadn't noticed, but I was crying, and I was running through the people in the streets until I turned left into a small dark alley. And there, I sat down, banging my head into the wall a few times as I thought I was SO stupid to go here. 

It was all my fault. Everything was my fault. I don't deserve to be alive, I'm a waste of space. No one will miss me anyway, right?

I was walking and I didn't know why, or where I was going. I was walking up a staircase, and now I was on the edge of a rooftop. It was a long way down, no one could survive that. Numb. I was numb. I didn't feel anything at all. All my feelings were gone, wasted on things that wouldn't matter in the end, and I was looking down. Thinking about falling. One step away, only one step away.

A second away. 

I took the step.

I was falling, I felt it. The rooftop feeling further away, my hair falling out of the bun making it shine in the stars up in the sky. Beautiful, I thought. Absolutely beautiful. When you're falling, time is so much slower. A second felt like a million years. And I could hear people underneath me, gasping and trying to call 911. 'Somebody needs to save her!' 'She's gonna die!' 'Did she jump!?' 'Was she pushed!?' Voices. Questions. People worried about someone they don't know. Pathetic. 

5 seconds. 

I'm now dying.

4 seconds. 

I'm now smiling.

3 seconds.

Is it going to hurt?

2 seconds.

I'm terrified.

1 second.

Goodbye, world. 

0 seconds. 

Blood splatter. Screams. Terrified people. People calling 911. 'Hey, girl wake up!' 'Come on!'. Voices. Pain. Lights. Darkness. Fading. Closing eyes. Blood everywhere.



What's gonna happppppeeeeen is she gon die or is she gon survive ;;;DDD I will try to post another chapter today okok bc this is one of the best chapters here like omg yes. Anyways I hope YOU liked it and want to read more ^^^^^ I'm trying my best ok I know it's a bad story.

rawr meow bark Have a nice day~

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