16. Christmas Carnival

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Two days later

(Your pov)

-Excuse me, Rose-chan? I heard a voice say, with was clearly Yui's but I didn't answer.

I was lying in my bed and listening to music faced the opposite way of the door with closed eyes, I thought it would be a nice thing to do since I had nothing else going on.

-Rose-chan? She said again and I felt a tap on my shoulder, still didn't say anything. Rose...rose.Ro-,

-What? I said with a blank face looking down at her, I had flipped over which means I was now on top of her holding her down with my hands on her arms.

-Yo-you..uh..know it's Christ..Christmas today r-right? She said stuttering as she was in shock of what I had done.

-Yeah, what does that have to do with me? I said tilting my head coming a little bit closer.

-U-Uhm..We wanted y-you to come downstairs..She said and tried to smile at me.

-Oh, then why didn't you just say so, I said and whispered something into her ear before I got of and walked to the door. Are you coming? I said and started walking.

I sat in one of the couches and closed my eyes waiting for the others to join as they hadn't yet, listening to my music I started thinking about a story for each song I listened to. That's jut a habit I have, every time I listen to a song I try to think out what is happening but in some kind of story. That makes it more interesting for me, and in that process I take my mind of other things that I'd rather just go away. I suddenly felt this weight on my lap, but I didn't look to see who or what it was as I could guess it kind of easily.

-Get your head of my lap, nothing happened.

-Nfufu~ What's this? I heard a voice coming from behind saying.

I stood up and then opened my eyes, instead of sitting in the couch I sat down on the floor.

Still with my eyes opened so I could see who entered the room and finally everyone was there except one.

-Yui, where's Reiji? I said not caring at all actually but I was just curious.

-He's out on business, Shu said lying in the couch with open eyes.

-Did I ask you? I said with an ice cold stare but he didn't answer. Anyways why are we here? I said questionably looking over at Yui.

-Well it's Christmas and I thought we all could do something fun, she said with a bright smile holding carnival tickets in one of her hands.

-I'm not going, I said and that didn't have the best affection.

-What a great way to lighten up the mood Rose, Subaru said with an angry voice.

-If we're going you are too, isn't that right Teddy? Kanato said holding his teddy close to his chest.

-Last time I was at a carnival it didn't end up well, I said with an empty voice and a blank expression looking up at the roof.

-Too bad, you're going anyways, Ayato said with a smirk on his face.

-I'm surprised you of all people would even go at all, I said and looked at all of them one by one.

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