10. Dream's come true, don't they?

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(your pov)

Saturday night, someone called me just like that, called me. I said hello and asked who it was. The person said hello and said her name was Juliette, apparently the school had talked to the police about the little thing I talked about in the classroom. She was a psychologist, and she offered me help with my depression. I hung up the phone and blocked the number. Is this what was going to happen now? Will I get calls from psychologists and therapists now? Well that's fantastic. 

I decided to eat something because I was REALLY hungry after being asleep for 7 months. I then remembered, my glasses and the necklace. Even though I didn't know who the necklace was from, it meant a lot to me as it was a gift for my birthday, and someone actually cared enough to give me something nice. Without my glasses I couldn't see to well either so that was a problem, lucky for me I did have an extra pair, but I needed that necklace. So I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, didn't care about my hair, put on the extra pair of glasses and then my shoes and a jacket. Got out of my apartment locked it and went down the staircase and out the door. It was darker now, as it was autumn, the lights on the streets were shining brightly and the people around me, they were happy. Most of them had someone to walk with, and those who didn't were talking to someone on the phone and I was alone staring up at the lights. I then went to the bus station, and went to my so called hometown because I had the necklace when I fell, so maybe it's still there in some corner, and I knew it had been 7 months but MAYBE it was there otherwise I'll have to go to the police and ask them. 

Looking out the window of the bus I felt like it was going faster then when I last was on one, but yeah I think last time I accidentally stayed on the bus for a little bit too long so I had been in my hometown once, but I was asleep so next time the bus got there someone woke me up. Anyways, it was nice just looking out the window thinking about stuff and just looking at all the people we went by. I had my phone with me this time, just in case I wanted to check something. No, I do not use my phone a lot if it's not for music because I don't have anyone to call or text, there's nothing fun to do or things like that so I don't take it with me everytime I go somewhere. 

We were now in my hometown and I went of the bus, making my way to the place I hit the ground. There was still blood, you could see it and I don't think it will disappear until atlas a few years. People gave me looks, I think they know who I am by now but I just stood there smiling looking up at the rooftop. I then looked quickly around me but no necklace here, so I walked over to the police station that wasn't too far away. I went through the door, and some of the people and polices there looked over at me.

-Hello, I said with a smile on my face. I think you know who I am, but if you don't I'm Rose Williams the girl who walked off a building and almost died, I am here because I'm looking for my necklace would you be so kind and go look if you have it? I said at the counter where a police officer stood.

-Yes ma'm, he said and then walked over somewhere and in about 5 minutes he was back. I'm sorry ma'm but we don't have it, he said and looked at me with a weird face. 

-Okay thanks anyway, I said smiled at him, and then walked out the door. 

I let out a big sigh and then I walked around the city some more until I was at the building where I fell down, and I walked up the staircase. I was now at the rooftop looking out over the view, it was pretty. I looked over the rooftop and I remembered how it felt falling down. I stood there for a few minutes, it was a little windy and my hair shined in the light of the stars above.  I closed my eyes, waiting for time to go by. They reminded me of my dream, the stars. The only thing that was missing was the roses and my blood. 

-Were you gonna try again? I heard a voice say, so I opened my eyes and turned around, behind me was Ayato, Laito and Shu. 

-I don't know really, you guys wouldn't let me die either way right? So maybe you would find a way to save me again, because I think it was you guys who kept me from dying that one time in the hospital, maybe when I fell too, I said and started playing with my hair. 

-Nfufu~ Slut-chan you are quite clever, but why are you even here hm~? Laito said and walked up to me looking me in the eye. 

-I was just looking for something, but I guess I'll just head home, I said and started walking but nono, Shu took my wrist and stopped me from walking. What? I said and he opened his eyes.

He put his hand half up in the air and when he did that, I saw it. He had my necklace.

-Give that to me, I said and reached for it with my other hand grabbing it and he let me go. 

-You know Rose, I heard Ayato say. We haven't tasted your blood in a while, he said and then he smirked at me.

-Oh how fun, I said and looked over at him smiling. I'm surprised you didn't do anything to me when I was in the hospital, helpless, I then said and looked down at the necklace. 

-Laito, are you going to take her home? I heard Shu say and I just looked at him with poison in my eyes. 

-Nfufu~Of course I will! He said and smirked at me widely and in that moment Ayato and Shu were gone and it was only me and Laito left. 

I started walking down the staircase, I wasn't done in this city yet I wanted to walk over to one place I hadn't been at for years. Laito followed me all the way, but he didn't say anything he just walked quietly beside me and for once, I didn't walk alone.  It felt kinda nice to not walk alone, to not be alone. 

We walked through the city and into a little park with lead to a bigger forest the longer you went in. So I went in and turned a few times, Laito was still following me though and when we were walking through there I put on my necklace so I wouldn't loose it, I had also taken of my jacket because I was feeling warm. When I took the last turn, the thing I saw was as beautiful as ever. Even more beautiful then the last time I saw it. It was a big field filled with white roses, not one other colour just white roses and they shined so beautifully because of the moonlight, I walked out on a small passage between the roses and there I slowly walked for a few minutes. When I looked around me, Laito wasn't there and I was kind of surprised that he wasn't behind me anymore. That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder, and my ocean blue eyes met with his green ones. 

-Slut-chan, I want to have some fun, he whispered as he came closer and was about a centimetre away from my face. He was smiling, and he was moving closer to my neck moving my hair away, and in that second when he was going to bite me, he pushed me down onto the roses who still had thorns with means I'm now bleeding on my legs and a little on my left arm. 

-What the hell..I said and as I was going to stand up nono he pushed me down again and now he was behind me, great. You're killing the roses..I said.

-The roses isn't what you should worry about, he then said and he sat down behind me and put his head on my shoulder moving away my hair and then he let his fangs sink deep down into my skin holding me still with his other arm with was around my waist.

He wasn't taking a lot of blood though, he..was trying to make it hurt, and don't get me wrong it was hurting, was he trying to make me scream or something? He let go for a few seconds but then he bit into my underarm, and that really hurt. There was a small half scream noise (yeah idk how to describe it XD) and that was what he was waiting for it seemed, because I could feel him smile in-between his bites.

-Are you..trying to make it..hurt or something?I said and flinched as he held me tighter.

-Of course Rose, that's how it's meant to feel..He said and looked up at me with his green eyes smiling. 

-Wow..you called me by..my first name..I said and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

-Seems fitting since we are sitting in a field of white roses, now stained red by your blood..he said and then he moved up to my neck again letting his fangs sink down into my skin. 

-Dream's come true...don't they? I whispered to myself laughing a little. 

Every second I felt my consciousness slipping away bit, by bit. In those seconds I had a lot of time to think, just looking up at the shining stars and the moon. I felt my body getting weaker then it already was and I then realised something was dripping down on my legs, I was crying. Laito had let go and put his head on top of mine still holding onto me, I then felt him picking me up and I fell unconscious.


Hi hello welcome I hope u liked this chapter~ ^^ I don have anything to say so uh bye Have a nice day~

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