11. White Rose

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(your pov)

23 September 2017

'Dear diary

You know, the rain is beautiful. It reminds you that the world has sad days too. It's normal to cry, everyone has at least cried once in their life, if not consider yourself lucky. When you're crying it often starts with one thing, but then another thing comes up so you cry more, and then another and another..For me at least that's what happens. Nobody will ever  know what you felt, why you felt it, why you cried because of it, why you were mad about it or why you were happy about it. Because no one can truly know how you feel, even if they say they do, they don't. Maybe about some small things, but they can never experience the pain or happiness you went through.

A lot of people hide the fact that they are sad, or maybe depressed. I don't, I show it in a lot of ways but people don't want to notice those signs, so they ignore it. They let it slip by. I wonder why people do that, shouldn't they care about the people that are around them, even if they don't know them? Oh well, guess people don't care that much.

Anyways I was  sitting by a tree in the park writing in my diary, watching the rain     and seeing the lit up streets. There wasn't a lot of people walking because of the fact that it was raining but I myself found it calming. I did have an umbrella so the pages wouldn't get wet, but there are a few drops still landing on them. I couldn't see the stars, probably because of the clouds covering the whole sky, but it would be nice if I could see them.

It's nice sitting in the rain, because then you can drown in something else then your thoughts, and if you cry in the rain nobody can hear the pain.

I'm not writing a story, I'm writing about my life because I want to remember every moment that someone or something hurt me, and then read back at it again and be relived that it's over, if that ever happens. I need to go to class now, bye -Rose'

It was the last class before lunch and it was math the most boring class of all. Today it was a test to see how well we have understood what we have been talking about since after summer vacation ended. Problems for me, I hadn't been here, so I'll probably fail. Good luck Rose, I told myself as the test started.

Surprisingly, the test was really easy and I was the first one to turn mine in and go to lunch, and no I didn't eat instead I went to the music room as I got to go early from class. We had 90 minutes to finish the test and I got done a half hour before the others, so I took an hour on me. I was shocked that Shu wasn't there as he usually was here every time I got here. It was kind of nice because now I could train a song on the piano. Heal by Tom Odell. I could sing, but I wasn't very open with it if you prefer to say that. I don't like when other people notice me or hear me singing or playing something, I feel uncomfortable and I don't really like attention that much. But here I could be alone, as I had closed the door. So I played and I sang. It was actually fun, doing something that I liked and wasn't asked to do.


Something fun.

Something to live for.

Was it enough?


I stopped playing and laid down on the floor, looking up at the roof that was plain white with no details or anything weird about it. But there was something, a shadow of someone so I sat up and looked around, but nobody was in the room. It was weird since the shadow was still there. Purple. Something purple. For a split second something purple was there, was it hair? I ignored it and stood up shaking my head and told myself I was just hallucinating. I still had about 40 minutes on my before the next class so I took my bag and walked out of the music room making my way to the roof.

I threw my bag at the stone floor and made my way up on the railing and there I stood looking up at the stars with my arms out holding the balance. I closed my eyes and I spun around.

-You sing nice, a familiar voice said from behind.

-So you heard me sing Shu, isn't that spying? I said without turning around.

-It isn't spying if I was a room away, he said and sighed.

-Good point, I said and turned around smiling and he opened his eyes.

-Tell me Shu, have you ever fallen in love? I said and walked around on the railing.

-No, why are you asking? He said and started walking over to me leaning onto the railing.

-Simple, I'm curious. Doesn't seem like any of you could ever fall in love with anyone but yourselves, saying that he stared me down making my smile disappear and I sat down on the railing facing the other side of the roof looking at Shu. Did I hurt your feelings? I said and jumped down and took my bag.

-Sorry, but that's what you deserve, and if you ever did fall in love and she loved you too, did it lead to her death? I looked back and he wasn't there.

I felt pain from my neck.

-Seems like..I hit a.. nerve, I said and laughed a little.

He seriously almost killed me, I could feel it but no he wouldn't let me die so he just left me there on the ground after he was done. So that's cool. So that's nice, I woke up from the sun rising meaning, I had to walk home through the sun feeling like a zombie, yeah lucky me.

When I opened the door to my apartment it was dark, and the only thing I could see when I tried to find my way to my room, on the table by my beed, was a white rose that I found when I woke up after the incident with Laito. It was like a light through the darkness and there was also a letter. That said,

'Dear Rose, every time you get hurt in any way, a pedal of this white rose will fall. When almost all the pedals have fallen, the rose will be wilted and you too. With you probably know, means dead. See the rose represents you, and your feelings with also means, every time you feel any kind of "Happiness" a pedal will bloom. Have a great life Rose, as long as it lasts. -???'

Now I know this wasn't from Laito, because he could never write or do something like that so it only made it weirder. Anyways I made it to my bed and I just laid down. Making weird grunting noises because I was so tired. I also wanted to like scream, but there were other people living here too so I couldn't do that. Instead I took my phone and listened to music, resting in my bed.


Hi hello welcome I hope u liked this chapter :P I don have much to say so byeeee

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