12. Dark with a shine of light

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(Your pov)
26 September 2017

It was dark, too dark. I couldn't see anything or anyone, I only heard screams that were dying by the second. I was breathing heavy and I was trying to run but I couldn't, I was frozen in place. I heard footsteps closing in, and a faded voice calling out to me.

-Miss. Williams? Miss. Williams are you feeling alright? That's when I got pulled back to reality, realizing I was in class and people were staring the crap out of me.

-Yeah, no no I'm fine.. perfectly fine, I said and stared down at my hands.
Blood. There was blood. I think I was panicking but I didn't know why. My sight was getting blurry and my hearing was starting to fade away as well.

-I think..I'm going to check in with the nurse..I said and stood up with a hand on the table and reaching to grab my bag.

I fell down I don't know if I was on the floor or on someone which would have been worse then being on the floor but I passed out, right in front of everyone. Cool Rose now you're going to be asked questions when you wake up. Cool.

I was in a dream again, but this time I was somewhere else. In the Rose field to be exact, and it was light instead of darkness. I was walking in the field holding my hands out so I could touch the tips of the roses. Until I came to the place where Laito bit me, and all of it came back. It was like I was in front and watching myself and him, and everything went dark. I didn't know what was happening to me. The Rose. Was the pedals falling of? Or was it just my mind playing tricks on me?

I watched the scene over and over again, like it was replaying in my mind so I could find something strange. Search around you Rose what do you see? There. Someone was there. Behind the trees watching, but who was it? One of the other brothers or someone else? Was it the person that gave me the rose?

It was fading the dream, it was fading it got blurry and all messed up, then it was all dark again. I was alone. I didn't want to be alone. I wanted at least someone to be there I didn't care who, I just didn't want to be alone. Ever. 

I finally woke up, I think I was in my room not really sure as I couldn't see anything. So I turned to my left side and the rose was there, with about 4 pedals gone. I tried to get up, and I could walk I was just unsteady so I had to hold onto something where ever I went wich now was the bathroom. The things in there were à little dusty, as Im too lazy to clean. There was à crack in the mirror for some reason too. Why? That I didn't know. I looked awful. I was pale, I had bags under my eyes and my hair was messed up. Showering would be nice right now. So yeah that's what I did, for 40 minutes. I usually do take long showers because it takes my mind of things and I don't think too much. My vision was getting blurry again and my balance was weakening so as of instinct I grabbed on to the counter and sat down in the bathtub. As I was going to let go of the counter, I did and put my hand over my legs, something fell down on the floor. I couldn't exactly make out what it was but I had a guess, it was a razor blade. Realizing that, my hand was aching. Apparently when I took my hand away I managed to get a cut on my hand and now there was blood dripping down on my legs blending with the water making it light red.

-Damn  it Rose..You're to clumsy..I said and my vision came back, as did my balance.

I turned of the water and sat there for a few minutes. Just watching the blood, for some reason it was the only thing I could look at. Until I snapped out of it and I got out of the bathroom after I had took on some clothes and dried my hair. What was the time? How long was I unconscious for? And who took me home? Questions that came flooding. It was dark outside so it either had to be an early morning or night. Phone, where's my phone.. I looked in my bed first, in my bag and almost everywhere. I looked in my jacket and there it was, what's the time.. 7.30 pm (19.30). School would be starting in about one and a half hour.  So I did have time to do some stuff like laying in my bed, and I needed to change clothes. So I played in bed for about half an hour and then for 20 minutes I listened to music and drew I also wrapped my hand, after that I changed clothes and that took 10 minutes. I then went to school, it was cold and there were leaves falling of the trees I went by. Not a lot of people, like this town was dead or something. In my opinion there should be more then just 5 other people walking around at this hour. 

It was weekend after this with made me happy, because I was going to sleep. All weekend I was just going to sleep, doing nothing else just sleep. That would feel really nice. 

The day went okay to be honest, people did ask what happened to me, but nothing major. Now I could go home and sleep.

The next three and a half weeks also went quite okay, nothing happened I didn't even get bit once. Halloween is also closing in, wonder if anything is going to happen.


Hi hello welcome I'm really mad at myself bc I broke my glasses and now I can't see for life so lucky me I will not be able to see for a few days anyways hope u liked this chapter and as always have a nice day~

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