20. Creature hiding in the shadows

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I'm stuck in something that seems to be nowhere. I'm stuck in my old room as I can't get out of here in any way. It won't work anymore, everything is falling apart day after day. I just sat in the middle of a dusty torn up room, and it was getting darker everyday. My feet and my other hand had started to blur out now too. And for everyday that went by, it got more faded away. Nobody ever came in here, so I was all alone now more then ever. I couldn't hear them, or anything. There was no such thing as sound in the place I was at, just an empty space. It was hurting, when a bit of me faded away. Why was it hurting? I was screaming every time something did fade away, that was the pain.
I could hear my own thoughts, and even if they screamed, whispered or talked normally it was all in the same tone all the time. It didn't get higher, nor lower. The same volume all the time. Strange wasn't it?

Things were breaking in the room, like the night table and the wardrobe, they were broken in some odd way. And the walls were tearing down bit for bit too, it looked so old. Suddenly there came a horrible pain up my arm, it was fading again. I screamed, because that pain was unbearable. It hurt so much I'd rather disappear at once. The screams echoed in the room, and I was laying on the floor waiting for it to stop just looking at the door. And it opened, which gave me a shock and I stopped screaming. Standing in the doorway, Laito stood. Looking around in the room and then down at the floor where I was laying, staring right through me. Right through me. Why was he here? Did he hear me? He walked inside, and stood there for a few seconds. He then looked around the room and it seemed like nothing looked out of place to him. Couldn't he see it? The broken down walls, and the broken things? Was it just an illusion? He turned around and walked out closing the door behind him. Don't leave, I don't want to be alone. Please, don't leave. 

I sat up, looked around and what the hell was that? In the corner a little weird creature sat, not bigger then my hand. It was kind of faded too, just whit two big white eyes. What was that?

-Hello? I said and sat quietly for a couple of seconds watching the creature who did nothing and didn't make a noise. 

-I'm Rose..Who are y- I got cut of by the sound of a scream, it jumped at me. 

The sharp pain was all that I remembered, it scratched my arm and everything went black. Everything was black, I couldn't see anything except myself. Did I just..disappear? No..I thought I wouldn't be able to think anymore..Just not exist at all anymore. I don't understand, why did that happen? How long had I been here for now? I didn't know..Im all alone again, what am I supposed to do? Sit here, until I completely loose my mind? Forever? That can't be it..Can it? 

There was this ringing sound that first was just a small noise, but it grew louder and louder until that was everything I could hear, I couldn't hear my thoughts anymore. It was so loud I felt a warm liquid searching it's path down my ears. I didn't know how long it had been like this, minutes, days, weeks, months, years? I didn't know but I couldn't bare the sound anymore, falling down on my knees, crying holding my head begging for it to stop. It didn't stop, and when the sound got too loud for me my head fell down and I passed out. 

I woke up in a dark room of some sort, I couldn't see anything except an open door where there came light from so I got off the thing I was on and made my way out of there. Walking down the hallway I knew where I was, I was in the brothers mansion. I walked further and further down the hallway touching the wall with my hand because I was a little unsteady. I eventually reached the stairs and carefully made my way down. I reached the dining room and there Shu and Ayato sat, glaring at each other. I went over to the table and sighed. They instantly turned their looks at me and sat in shock. I was confused until I realised, 

-You..can see me? I whispered.


Hi again, hope you had a lovely day or will have a lovely day. Well hope you enjoyed this chapter babaye

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