8. Dying voices

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I saw lights. White lights. A white room. And on my hand was some strange thing. Then I heard a faded voice, but it was like my hearing got better and better by the second and my sight too. 

-Doc..she..waki...up! A voice, calling out for someone, was it for help?

There was somebody hovering over me, trying to get my attention maybe? Or were they checking something? Everything was blurry, trying to look around there was somebody trying to come in but was stopped by one or two of the nurses. Something was beeping, like a monitor of some sort and then suddenly there was a strong light in my eyes. Voices. 'Do you remember who  you are?' 'Can you hear me?' 'Can you see me?' Then my hearing started to disappear, and my sight got all more blurry. 

-Her heartbeat is dropping! Was the last thing I heard before I couldn't hear anything. 

My heart stopped. I felt it. Everything froze. No emotions, no feeling anywhere, I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything and in that moment I was terrified. 

I wasn't fighting to be alive, because I didn't want to. And at this point, I thought they couldn't save me because I didn't want to be saved. 

Black, everything was black after that. I was gone. 

I woke up. There was no light, it was dark and nobody was there. Except moonlight , coming through a window. I was alive. How long was I asleep? I looked over at the window, there was a tree and in the moonlight you could see brown, red and orange leafs. It was autumn? With month was it? Year, or date?

-You're still in the same year...It's the 18th of September, you have been in a coma for about 7 months..A familiar voice said, so I sat up and in front of me was Shu. 

-Couldn't I just have died..I said and flinched in pain as my body hurt. 

-You should rest..He said opening one of his eyes.

-I just rested for like 7 months, and if I wouldn't have been taken to the hospital  I could've died. Or when I woke up the first time, if they didn't do everything they could I could've died there too, am I right? So no thank you, I won't rest anymore if I'm not going to die. I said wanting to stand up but I couldn't as my legs were shaking.

-Nfufu~ Slut-chan, you look like a wreck~ Laito was my first thought.

He was standing by the window, with a hand on his fedora, almost fully blocking the window making the moonlight shine straight in my face. 

-What are you people even doing here? I said pretty mad at the fact that I was alive.

-Now now Rose, shouldn't you be thankful atleast someone is here for you, and watching over you, hm? Ayato I thought. 

-Oh, so you're here too, I said with a sigh and with a poisonous voice. Again, why are you people here? I said getting more annoyed by the fact that they were there. 

-Slut-chan do you really think we would let you die, on our watch? Laito said and looking up at me with a playful look in his eyes. 

-So, you're basically saying, that you won't ever let me die or something? I said looking down at the bed I was on.

-You sound like you want to die Rose. Shu said opening his other eye.

-Are you people that blind? I said laughing a little. It's so obvious, I've showed it all the time, I cut myself and you saw it, I've talked about it, I told you to kill me didn't I? I said smiling at them, but in a second it disappeared.  Why do you think I walked of that building? I said staring right through them, like they weren't there. It was like something disappeared in them and then I laid down, closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. There was a hand on my shoulder and then I actually fell asleep.

Stars, there were stars everywhere. And their light, was making the red coloured liquid shine on the roses that were in front of me. They were white, and stained with blood, some were even full red by now. I was sitting in them and realised whose blood it was. It was mine, I had been bleeding making the things around me stained red. You know it was funny, I knew it was a dream but in some weird way, it was real. It felt real. I then was pulled away from it, like someone was dragging me out. 

I was sitting up in my bed, drained in sweat for some reason, like the dream wasn't that bad? Surprisingly there was no one in my apartment, but how did I get here? Did one of the brothers take me home or something? Atleast, I was still in my hospital clothes and it wasn't changed. But now the hospital will probably wonder where their 7 months coma girl went. Right it was September with means I would have to go to school, but I didn't know what day it was I only knew that it was September and I was hoping I had only slept for a day with means it would be the 19th of September today. So, I went to take a bath. I hadn't taken a shower or bath in over 7 months so it would be nice to just sink down into a hot and nice bath.

 I looked like a train wreck. I was paler then a ghost, my nails had grown making them actually look kind of nice, I always bit them down before, and my hair had grown much longer, which was also nice because I liked it long. But my eyes were dull, and I had black bags under them making me look like a zombie. 

I turned on the water in the bathtub, and filled it with bubbles. I then took my clothes of, then I just let my body sink down into the hot water, just relaxing.

I let my head sink down in the water, closing my eyes and my feet were reaching a little bit over the water. I knew I could hold my breath for a little while, about 3 minutes I think. And that's what I did, I held it for 3 minutes just thinking, and I held it for a little more. A little more, a little more.. Then someone pulled me up. 

-Oi, you shouldn't be drowning yourself. A familiar voice said, Ayato. 

-Get out. Now. I said covering myself, as I was still in the bath, naked. 

-You don't have to cover yourself I was enjoying the show. He said smirking at me. 

-I told you to get out. I said and slapped him, making him stand up and letting my  arm go. 

-It's Thursday by the way, he said and walked out. 

And after that I finished my bath, took on some comfy clothes and went to bed. But I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to, I wanted to be tired. 

So I stayed up, making myself tired. Be more exhausted, falling apart slowly. Then all of the voices in my head disappeared for a second. It felt empty without them.

I'm a wilted Rose, and they will never let me die. 


Hi hello welcome dear little reader, if you don't know it already I hate my writing skills but I'm still writing ^^ I think the last chapter was the best though. But oh well I will try to upload one or two chapters tomorrow so yeeea ;D 

rawr meow bark Have a nice day~

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