13. Halloween

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(Your pov)

31 October 2017 

Happy halloween boys and girls, happy halloween. Guess what? I'm going to get out of my apartment today and buy chocolate because I love chocolate. Isn't it a perfect day for the lovely vampires of this town to go out tonight? Indeed it is, so there will probably be some blood shed tonight. Lucky lucky, that's why I'm gonna buy that chocolate pretty quick. I don't want to get bitten tonight, so it will be run, buy, run, lock door stay in for tonight. Except there was one thing I wanted to see, there was a firework show and I REALLY wanted to see it but there was such a big risk of me getting more then half my blood sucked out so I mean yeah. I'll sneak out and watch the firework show and after that I will go home, okay. Yeah, it'll be fiiiine, I hope, probably not. Ha. Haha. Ha.. Yeah okay let's just hurry up before everything starts. I took my shoes on and a black hoodie as I alredy had a pair of ripped jeans on and a t-shirt. I also had my necklace around my neck because, I wasn't going to take it of. Probably never. Okay, I was ready so I walked out my door and checked the time before I closed it, 9.03pm(21.03) okay I'll probably make it in time I thought and then closed, and locked the door. On the way down the stairs I put my hair up in a ponytail because seriously having long hair was so annoying sometimes. 

When I walked out of the door, there were kids literally everywhere. I'm not kidding, like this dead town just became full of tiny monsters. And for that matter, there were also teenagers and other people from my school out "Trick or treating" or maybe they were going to a party I wasn't invited to. I wonder why, ha. Yeah nobody really likes me so what a surprise. Thought they would invite me to make fun of me, anyways today the moon shined as brightly as ever. Full moon, that probably wasn't good either. 

After a while of walking I started thinking back to the past, I always went out trick or treating with friends and we had lots of fun until I came home and my dad took the candy I had gotten, away from me. So basically, I never got to eat chocolate or candy when I was little, but now I eat it a lot. Too much maybe..Naaah. 

Walking, walking and walking..Why was the candy shop so far away from my apartment? It's annoying because I quickly just want to get my things there and then go to the firework show, watch it and go home. I walked around the corner and there it was, and it was FILLED with lots, and lots of candy and chocolate and other things in the windows. As I was about to open the door and walk in, the people at the cashier..no no no not now I'm just gonna slowly walk away and hide for a few minutes. Yeah let's just do that. I sat in a corner and waited for a few minutes, I think they're gone now..I peeked, and they were gone that made me panic a little, just a tiny bit. Totally, yeah. It was the Sakamakis. And I'm talking about all of them, that's a lovely reason to just go home but I need the chocolate and watch the fireworks. I'm going to get myself killed, like seriously. 

When I had walked out of the store and bought my chocolate the clock was already 10.20pm(22.20) and the fireworks would be starting at 12am, now I just have to wait. At home because no I'm not staying out here. I speed-walked home and I was lucky not to get bitten because, maybe they hadn't noticed me being out yet. 

Okay 11pm what to do what to do..I thought to myself not bothering to get of my shoes as I was going out again. Draw, yeah that's a good idea. So I sat and drew for about 40 minutes, then I went out again to find a good place to watch the fireworks. There was a really high apartment and I could go up to the top of that I just needed to walk a couple of streets down.

 So I went up there and I think that a would be a good place to watch, and I was right. You could almost see half of the city and I was sure I'd be able to see the fireworks as well. 

3. Minutes.

I went and sat on the edge, swinging my legs back and fourth waiting for it to start.

1. Minute.

Okay, lots of people down there and kids waiting for it to start. They were all so happy and exited for this, enjoy it while you can.

The first one goes of, and it was beautiful. Then there's a couple more, and a couple more in different colours, different sizes but all of them were beautiful. It was a wonderful show to be honest, I loved it. The rose now had another pedal. Things like these, I could watch every day, even if the fireworks had a really loud sound, I loved it. Simply, loved it. All the people were happy too, kids and their parents, teenagers, they were laughing and having fun pointing at the fireworks, smiling. It's the first time ever I saw a town this happy.

When the last firework went up in the air, there was a bang and the whole sky was covered. It was red, and beautiful. It shined in the moonlight, and all the stars. Looking down at the crowd, there were people walking home by now. I needed to get home, fast. I stood up and started running down the stairs, almost tripping over some steps but I still managed to get down and run out the door making my necklace jump to different directions. I just ran through people. 

Nothing happened, I was home safely, that made me happy. I threw of my shoes, put the chocolate on my desk and I threw myself into the bed. Sleep I wanted sleep. Just sleep. I fell asleep on my bed, not noticing something was missing.

The rose was gone.


Hi hello welcome I'm bad at writing help but yeh hope u liked this chapter anyways have a nice day

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