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The next day in class
(Your pov)

1 November 2017

-Ayato, what the hell?! I screamed on him with my hands slammed down on his desk making my wrapped hand hurt.

-Hm, what is it~? He said teasingly with the biggest smile on his face.

-You can not do that! I screamed yet again on him.

-Nfufu~ What's Slut-chan so angry about? Laito said amusingly.

-I'm surprised you didn't wake up, Rose it would've been so much mo- I slapped him, right across the face and there was now a big red mark on it.

-Where is it? I said with tears in my eyes.

-Where's what? He said with a serious face.

-Where is the rose? he looked at me and smiled.

-In safe keeping, he then said.

-Amusing isn't it? Making a girl cry, hurting her. Do you know what happens when all the rose pedals have fallen off? I die. Hope you'll be happy when that happens, I said that with the straightest face I could at the moment.

-Now, now don't cry Slut-chan~ We won't let that happen anyway~ Laito whispered in my ear as he now was behind me holding onto my shoulders.

I hit his hands away.

-Don't touch me, I said coldly wiping away the tears in my eyes.

Ayato was quiet but he was still smiling, I didn't get it, why? So I went and sat down in my seat and I didn't give him another look for the whole day.

You see after I fell asleep on my bed Ayato had sneaked into the apartment. He literally sucked my blood when I was asleep, on my neck and on my arm. He also gave me a hickey. A god damn hickey on the side of my neck. I was really mad about it, but also hurt that he could do something like that. He also took the rose, that made me even more angry at him.

After school I went to the swimming pool. Nobody was there, only me, the water, and my thoughts. The water was clear, but I didn't know how deep it was. I put my bag on the side of the trampoline and walked out on it, looking down into the water. I'm scared of the water. When I was 10, I almost drowned in the sea and ever since then I have been unsure in my swimming making me a little scared of water. Don't get me wrong I can swim, I'm just really unsure and like panic sometimes.

My vision started to get blurry and I was losing my balance.

-No..not now..come on Rose get down..I couldn't move though, I was frozen in place and I knew I was going to fall. 

I had lost all my balance, and I fell sideways down into the water. I could hear the sound of me falling down, I could see the lights from the roof break in the water. I was sinking slowly, the surface was just getting further and further away. I needed air, inside I was panicking but on the outside I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. Help, I needed help. I opened my mouth for air but there was none. I didn't want to die of drowning. That was my worst fear. Come on don't give in Rose, come on let me move..Only seconds before I lost my consciousness, I started screaming under water, calling for help. I could move again, swim you idiot.

I got up to the surface, gasping for air and stretched my hand out grabbing onto the edge of the pool. I was breathing heavy and looked down on my other hand, I was shacking. Trembling with fear, I heard a little amused laugh.

-Nfufu~ Slut-chan that was fun to watch~ It was Laito.

I didnt say anything, instead I crawled out of the water and sat on my knees on the edge looking down.

-Did you do it on purpose? Another voice said, that was Shu.

-Leave me..alone, I said with fear in my voice noticing tears filling my eyes.

-So you didn't, another voice said and guess who it was no other then Ayato.

-I don't want to talk to any of.. you, I said and stood up walking unsteady to the trampoline where I had left my bag, picking it up I looked up and no one was in the room.

Walking out the school I was drained in water and my body felt heavy making me walk slower then usual. It was cold, making me shiver. There was a few people out, that I walked by and they stared at me but I didn't even give them a glance. There were also these small moments when everything was completely quiet. The town was back into it's normal dead condition.


Okok hi hope u liked this chapter I didn't lol but have a nice day

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